614 research outputs found

    Estimation of Continental-Basin-Scale Sublimation in the Lena River Basin, Siberia

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    The Lena River basin in Siberia produces one of the largest river inflows into the Arctic Ocean. One of the most important sources of runoff to the river is spring snowmelt and therefore snow ablation processes have great importance for this basin. In this study, we simulated these processes with fine resolution at basin scale using MicroMet/SnowModel and SnowAssim. To assimilate snow water equivalent (SWE) data in SnowAssim, we used routine daily snow depth data and Sturm’s method. Following the verification of this method for SWE estimation in the basin, we evaluated the impact of snow data assimilation on basin-scale snow ablation. Through validation against MODIS snow coverage data and in situ snow survey observations, we found that SnowAssim could not improve on the original simulation by MicroMet/SnowModel because of estimation errors within the SWE data. Vegetation and accumulated snowfall control the spatial distribution of sublimation and we established that sublimation has an important effect on snow ablation. We found that the ratio of sublimation to snowfall in forests was around 26% and that interannual variation of sublimation modulated spring river runoff

    Velocity measurements and flow structure visualizations of a self-sustained oscillating jet

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    The purpose of this study is the experimental investigation on self-sustained oscillating jet characteristics. Main aim was to describe vertical structures of turbulent air jet issuing from the nozzle of special configuration modified by the controlled oscillations in free jet setup. In the present experiments was used so-called "whistler nozzle", a simple-structured device capable to induce self-sustained excitations with controllable frequencies depending on the nozzle geometrical configuration. The frequency of the excitation measured with a far-field condenser microphone probe was around 1-2 kHz. The jet Reynolds number was in the range 48,000-95,000 in all experimental conditions presented in this paper. Flow field velocity measurements were provided in the free jet setup, with and without self-sustained excitations. The images of both free and impinging jets were taken with a high-speed digital video camera. The flow field and structure of the jet were found to be extremely sensitive to the excitation and dependent on the excitation conditions. This fact can lead to the conclusion that the local heat transfer characteristics of jet impingement are also remarkably dependent on the jet excitation

    Coupled data assimilation in climate research: A brief review of applications in ocean and land

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    Regions of the cryosphere, including the poles, that are currently unmonitored are expanding, therefore increasing the importance of satellite observations for such regions. With the increasing availability of satellite data in recent years, data assimilation research that combines forecasting models with observational data has begun to flourish. Coupled land/ice-atmosphere/ocean models generally improve the forecasting ability of models. Data assimilation plays an important role in such coupled models, by providing initial conditions and/or empirical parameter estimation. Coupled data assimilation can generally be divided into three types: uncoupled, weakly coupled, or strongly coupled. This review provides an overview of coupled data assimilation, introduces examples of its use in research on sea ice-ocean interactions and the land, and discusses its future outlook. Assimilation of coupled data constitutes an effective method for monitoring cold regions for which observational data are scarce and should prove useful for climate change research and the design of efficient monitoring networks in the future

    Nonsegmental Vitiligo and Autoimmune Mechanism

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    Nonsegmental vitiligo is a depigmented skin disorder showing acquired, progressive, and depigmented lesions of the skin, mucosa, and hair. It is believed to be caused mainly by the autoimmune loss of melanocytes from the involved areas. It is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases, particularly autoimmune thyroid diseases including Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, psoriasis, pernicious anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, Addison's disease, and alopecia areata. This indicates the presence of genetically determined susceptibility to not only vitiligo but also to other autoimmune disorders. Here, we summarize current understanding of autoimmune pathogenesis in non-segmental vitiligo

    Coupled data assimilation in climate research: A brief review of applications in ocean and land

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    Regions of the cryosphere, including the poles, that are currently unmonitored are expanding, therefore increasing the importance of satellite observations for such regions. With the increasing availability of satellite data in recent years, data assimilation research that combines forecasting models with observational data has begun to flourish. Coupled land/ice-atmosphere/ocean models generally improve the forecasting ability of models. Data assimilation plays an important role in such coupled models, by providing initial conditions and/or empirical parameter estimation. Coupled data assimilation can generally be divided into three types: uncoupled, weakly coupled, or strongly coupled. This review provides an overview of coupled data assimilation, introduces examples of its use in research on sea ice-ocean interactions and the land, and discusses its future outlook. Assimilation of coupled data constitutes an effective method for monitoring cold regions for which observational data are scarce and should prove useful for climate change research and the design of efficient monitoring networks in the future

    Continuous Video Surveillance(Ⅳ)

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    application/pdf監視のためのヴィデオカメラは、犯罪と戦い、人々と財産を損害から守るための貴重なトゥールと考えられるに至っている。他方で、ヴィデオカメラによる監視は、公共空間その他における対象者の行動を、対象者が画像などを取得されていることを気付かない儘に捕捉・追跡出来るので、人々の思想・表現の自由はこれによって制約される方向に傾くであろうし、監視されているという感覚を常に有することで人々の行動が変容し、そのことによって自由権に影響を及ぼすことがないとは言えまい。プライヴァシーを擁護する観点からは、ヴィデオ監視は犯罪者でない者のプライヴァシーに対する脅威となる。しかし、かかる点については、自由の保護と安全の維持とをゼロ・サムで捉えない方向を模索すべきと考える。  本稿では、このような問題意識の基に、電柱の上とか壁などに監視カメラを設置するような形態、及びそれに類似すると言い得る、ヴィデオカメラによる対象者を継続的に撮影する形態を主対象とし、監視カメラに対する手続的制約について検討を行いたい。本(四)では、写真撮影・ヴィデオ撮影に関わる裁判例について、時系列的に紹介し、検討を行う。departmental bulletin pape

    Continuous Video Surveillance(Ⅴ)

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    application/pdf監視のためのヴィデオカメラは、犯罪と戦い、人々と財産を損害から守るための貴重なトゥールと考えられるに至っている。他方で、ヴィデオカメラによる監視は、公共空間その他における対象者の行動を、対象者が画像などを取得されていることを気付かない儘に捕捉・追跡出来るので、人々の思想・表現の自由はこれによって制約される方向に傾くであろうし、監視されているという感覚を常に有することで人々の行動が変容し、そのことによって自由権に影響を及ぼすことがないとは言えまい。プライヴァシーを擁護する観点からは、ヴィデオ監視は犯罪者でない者のプライヴァシーに対する脅威となる。しかし、かかる点については、自由の保護と安全の維持とをゼロ・サムで捉えない方向を模索すべきと考える。  本稿では、このような問題意識の基に、電柱の上とか壁などに監視カメラを設置するような形態、及びそれに類似すると言い得る、ヴィデオカメラによる対象者を継続的に撮影する形態を主対象とし、かかるカメラに対する手続的制約について検討を行いたい。本(五)では、(四)に続き、写真撮影・ヴィデオ撮影に関わる裁判例について、時系列的に紹介し、若干の検討を行う。departmental bulletin pape

    Continuous Video Surveillance(Ⅲ)

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    application/pdf監視のためのヴィデオカメラは、犯罪と戦い、人々と財産を損害から守るための貴重なトゥールと考えられるに至っている。他方で、ヴィデオカメラによる監視は、公共空間その他における対象者の行動 を、対象者が画像などを取得されていることを気付かない儘に捕捉・追跡出来るので、人々の思想・表現の自由はこれによって制約される方向に傾くであろうし、監視されているという感覚を常に有するこ とで人々の行動が変容し、そのことによって自由権に影響を及ぼすことがないとは言えまい。プライヴァシーを擁護する観点からは、ヴィデオ監視は対象者のプライヴァシーに対する脅威となる。しか し、かかる点については、自由の保護と安全の維持とをゼロ・サムで捉えない方向を模索すべきと考える。  本稿では、このような問題意識の基に、電柱の上とか壁などに監視カメラを設置するような形態、及びそれに類似すると言い得る、ヴィデオカメラによる対象者を継続的に撮影する形態を主対象とし、監視カメラに対する手続的制約について検討を行いたい。本(三)では、写真撮影や監視カメラの活用動向を概観すると共に、写真撮影・ヴィデオ撮影の法的性質を巡る学説の情況について検討する。departmental bulletin pape

    Sclerite formation in the hydrothermal-vent “scaly-foot” gastropod — possible control of iron sulfide biomineralization by the animal

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    A gastropod from a deep-sea hydrothermal field at the Rodriguez triple junction, Indian Ocean, has scale-shaped structures, called sclerites, mineralized with iron sulfides on its foot. No other organisms are known to produce a skeleton consisting of iron sulfides. To investigate whether iron sulfide mineralization is mediated by the gastropod for the function of the sclerites, we performed a detailed physical and chemical characterization. Nanostructural characterization of the iron sulfide sclerites reveals that the iron sulfide minerals pyrite (FeS2) and greigite (Fe3S4) form with unique crystal habits inside and outside of the organic matrix, respectively. The magnetic properties of the sclerites, which are mostly consistent with those predicted from their nanostructual features, are not optimized for magnetoreception and instead support use of the magnetic minerals as structural elements. The mechanical performance of the sclerites is superior to that of other biominerals used in the vent environment for predation as well as protection from predation. These characteristics, as well as the co-occurrence of brachyuran crabs, support the inference that the mineralization of iron sulfides might be controlled by the gastropod to harden the sclerites for protection from predators. Sulfur and iron isotopic analyses indicate that sulfur and iron in the sclerites originate from hydrothermal fluids rather than from bacterial metabolites, and that iron supply is unlikely to be regulated by the gastropod for iron sulfide mineralization. We propose that the gastropod may control iron sulfide mineralization by modulating the internal concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds