39 research outputs found

    A Constraint on the Amount of Hydrogen from the CO Chemistry in Debris Disks

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    The faint CO gases in debris disks are easily dissolved into C by UV irradiation, while CO can be reformed via reactions with hydrogen. The abundance ratio of C/CO could thus be a probe of the amount of hydrogen in the debris disks. We conduct radiative transfer calculations with chemical reactions for debris disks. For a typical dust-to-gas mass ratio of debris disks, CO formation proceeds without the involvement of H2_2 because a small amount of dust grains makes H2_2 formation inefficient. We find that the CO to C number density ratio depends on a combination of nHZ0.4χ1.1n_\mathrm{H}Z^{0.4}\chi^{-1.1}, where nHn_\mathrm{H} is the hydrogen nucleus number density, ZZ is the metallicity, and χ\chi is the FUV flux normalized by the Habing flux. Using an analytic formula for the CO number density, we give constraints on the amount of hydrogen and metallicity for debris disks. CO formation is accelerated by excited H2_2 either when the dust-to-gas mass ratio is increased or the energy barrier of chemisorption of hydrogen on the dust surface is decreased. This acceleration of CO formation occurs only when the shielding effects of CO are insignificant. In shielded regions, the CO fractions are almost independent of the parameters of dust grains.Comment: 29pages, 13figures, accepted for Ap

    Tortuosity of the brachiocephalic artery complicated with arterial injury after tracheotomy: a case report

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    Tracheotomy is an operation of the airway performed even on critical care patients. Surgical complications of tracheotomies are fatal. In this study, tortuosity of the brachiocephalic artery complicated with arterial injury was observed in a patient after tracheotomy. A 95-year-old woman in coma was admitted to our medical center. The patient needed airway management, and tracheal intubation was performed. The cause of the coma was extensive cerebral infarction of the right middle cerebral artery. It was expected that the coma would be prolonged, and a tracheotomy was performed after 7 days. Tortuosity of the brachiocephalic artery was confirmed with cervical computed tomography before surgery. The patient bled through the tracheostomy after 30 days. To arrest bleeding from the right common carotid artery, a vascular repair surgery was performed. There was no recurrent bleeding after surgery. After 37 days, the patient died of deteriorating primary disease. Although tracheotomy is a common operation, attention should be paid to abnormalities of blood vessels including tortuosity of the brachiocephalic artery

    Primordial or Secondary? Testing models of debris disk gas with ALMA

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    The origin and evolution of gas in debris disks is still not well understood. Secondary gas production from cometary material or a primordial origin have been proposed. So far, observations have mostly concentrated on CO, with only few C observations available. We create an overview of the C and CO content of debris disk gas and use it test state-of-the-art models. We use new and archival ALMA observations of CO and CI emission, complemented by CII data from Herschel, for a sample of 14 debris disks. This expands the number of disks with ALMA measurements of both CO and CI by ten disks. We present new detections of CI emission towards three disks: HD 21997, HD 121191 and HD 121617. We use a simple disk model to derive gas masses and column densities. We find that current state-of-the-art models of secondary gas production overpredict the neutral carbon content of debris disk gas. This does not rule out a secondary origin, but might indicate that the models require an additional C removal process. Alternatively, the gas might be produced in transient events rather than a steady-state collisional cascade. We also test a primordial gas origin by comparing our results to a simplified thermo-chemical model. This yields promising results, but more detailed work is required before a conclusion can be reached. Our work demonstrates that the combination of C and CO data is a powerful tool to advance our understanding of debris disk gas.Comment: 90 pages, 60 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. version 2: additional acknowledgement. versions 3, 4: minor edit

    Numerical Examination of the Stability of an Exact Two-dimensional Solution for Flux Pile-up Magnetic Reconnection

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    The Kelvin--Helmholtz (KH) and tearing instabilities are likely to be important for the process of fast magnetic reconnection that is believed to explain the observed explosive energy release in solar flares. Theoretical studies of the instabilities, however, typically invoke simplified initial magnetic and velocity fields that are not solutions of the governing magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. In the present study, the stability of a reconnecting current sheet is examined using a class of exact global MHD solutions for steady state incompressible magnetic reconnection, discovered by Craig & Henton. Numerical simulation indicates that the outflow solutions where the current sheet is formed by strong shearing flows are subject to the KH instability. The inflow solutions where the current sheet is formed by a fast and weakly sheared inflow are shown to be tearing unstable. Although the observed instability of the solutions can be interpreted qualitatively by applying standard linear results for the KH and tearing instabilities, the magnetic field and plasma flow, specified by the Craig--Henton solution, lead to the stabilization of the current sheet in some cases. The sensitivity of the instability growth rate to the global geometry of magnetic reconnection may help in solving the trigger problem in solar flare research.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Associated movie files and a PDF with high-resolution figures are available at http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~shirose/Craig