376 research outputs found

    Environmental dependence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission at z~0.8. Investigation by observing the RX J0152.7-1357 with AKARI

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    We study the environmental dependence of the strength of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission by AKARI observations of RX J0152.7-1357, a galaxy cluster at z=0.84. PAH emission reflects the physical conditions of galaxies and dominates 8 um luminosity (L8), which can directly be measured with the L15 band of AKARI. L8 to infrared luminosity (LIR) ratio is used as a tracer of the PAH strength. Both photometric and spectroscopic redshifts are applied to identify the cluster members. The L15-band-detected galaxies tend to reside in the outskirt of the cluster and have optically green colour, R-z'~ 1.2. We find no clear difference of the L8/LIR behaviour of galaxies in field and cluster environment. The L8/LIR of cluster galaxies decreases with specific-star-formation rate divided by that of main-sequence galaxies, and with LIR, consistent with the results for field galaxies. The relation between L8/LIR and LIR is between those at z=0 and z=2 in the literature. Our data also shows that starburst galaxies, which have lower L8/LIR than main-sequence, are located only in the outskirt of the cluster. All these findings extend previous studies, indicating that environment affects only the fraction of galaxy types and does not affect the L8/LIR behaviour of star-forming galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for Publication in A&

    Testing a stochastic acceleration model of pulsar wind nebulae: Early evolution of a wind nebula associated with SN 1986J

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    Over three thousand pulsars have been discovered, but none have been confirmed to be younger than a few hundred years. Observing a pulsar after a supernova explosion will help us understand the properties of newborn ones, including their capability to produce gamma-ray bursts and fast radio bursts. Here, the possible youngest pulsar wind nebula (PWN) at the center of the SN 1986J remnant is studied. We demonstrate that the 5 GHz flux of 'PWN 1986J', increasing with time, is consistent with a stochastic acceleration model of PWNe developed to explain the flat radio spectrum of the Crab Nebula. We obtain an acceleration time-scale of electrons/positrons and a decay time-scale of the turbulence responsible for the stochastic acceleration as about 10 and 70 years, respectively. Our findings suggest that efficient stochastic acceleration and rising radio/submm light curves are characteristic signatures of the youngest PWNe. Follow-up ALMA{\it ALMA} observations of decades-old supernovae within a few tens of Mpc, including SN 1986J, are encouraged to reveal the origin of the flat radio spectrum of PWNe.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 8 pages, 2 figures and 1 tabl

    Young Age, Female Sex, and No Comorbidities Are Risk Factors for Adverse Reactions after the Third Dose of BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: A Prospective Cohort Study in Japan

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    Background: This study compared the adverse events (AEs) of the second and third doses of BNT162b2, as well as investigated the impact of vaccine recipients’ background and vaccination interval on the AEs of the third dose. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey of AEs among health care workers at Osaka University Dental Hospital. Chi-square tests were performed to compare AEs to the administration of second and third vaccine doses. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify factors influencing the presence of AEs using age, sex, comorbidities, and the vaccination interval. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was calculated to investigate the correlation between age, vaccination interval, and severity of each AE. Results: The third dose of BNT162b2 was associated with significantly more frequent or milder AEs than the second dose. Logistic regression analyses detected significant differences in six items of AEs by age, three by sex, two by comorbidities, and zero by vaccination interval. Consistently, the risk of AEs was greater among younger persons, females, and those without comorbidities. Significant negative correlations were detected between age and vaccination interval, and between age and the severity of most AEs. Conclusions: Young, female, and having no comorbidities are risk factors for AEs after the third dose of BNT162b2, while vaccination interval is not.Urakawa R., Isomura E.T., Matsunaga K., et al. Young Age, Female Sex, and No Comorbidities Are Risk Factors for Adverse Reactions after the Third Dose of BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: A Prospective Cohort Study in Japan. Vaccines, 10, 8, 1357. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10081357

    Swarm Body: Embodied Swarm Robots

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    The human brain's plasticity allows for the integration of artificial body parts into the human body. Leveraging this, embodied systems realize intuitive interactions with the environment. We introduce a novel concept: embodied swarm robots. Swarm robots constitute a collective of robots working in harmony to achieve a common objective, in our case, serving as functional body parts. Embodied swarm robots can dynamically alter their shape, density, and the correspondences between body parts and individual robots. We contribute an investigation of the influence on embodiment of swarm robot-specific factors derived from these characteristics, focusing on a hand. Our paper is the first to examine these factors through virtual reality (VR) and real-world robot studies to provide essential design considerations and applications of embodied swarm robots. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, we identified a system configuration to achieve the embodiment of swarm robots


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    This practical research study sought to clarify the treatment effect of, and means of a narrative approach toward, the depressed elderly that could by applied in nursing care with the hope of contributing to the development of a nursing-specific treatment approach that can help to alleviate depression among the elderly. Five hospitalized elderly patients with depression, aged 65 or older, participated in individual interviews based on a narrative approach that were conducted by the nurse researcher. Changes that occurred in the patients’ discourses and the researcher’s nursing practice over time were recorded and subjected to qualitative inductive analysis. In addition, the process of reciprocal interaction between the patients and researcher were examined with reference to Travelbee’s “human-to-human relationship model”. In the initial phase of the encounters between the patients and researcher, the patients’ discourses focused mainly on their physical suffering. The researcher attempted to build mutual trust by accompanying their mental and physical suffering, and through the mutual trust that developed the researcher prompted them to share their experiences without anxiety. Through this relationship, a coidentity emerged between the two parties. As the interviews progressed, the patients’ discourses changed to express their suffering in an intrapsychic world. A deepening of relationship and changes in it occurred between the patients and researcher, and the researcher had “opportunities to reach the heart of the depressed elderly through mutual identification” and listen to their psychological suffering. When their relationship progressed from identification to empathy, the patients told the researcher of their psychological suffering and life history : the discourses now contained previously untold stories, details of the times in which they lived, meaning in their life, and sociality. The discourses finally developed to express self-insights and hopes. This is when the patients and the researcher shared vividly that they now had a connection and rapport was established. The researcher supported the reestablishment of positives in the patients’ discourses by “wishing for their recovery and actualizing their hopes”, while also accepting their feelings of hopelessness that their depression would never be cured. The continuous narrative approach provided as part of nursing practice enabled the elderly patients who had been experiencing depressive feelings due to physical and intrapsychic suffering to alleviate their depression.本研究は、うつ病高齢者に対するナラティヴアプローチの治療的効果とその実践方法に ついて明らかにすることを目的とした実践研究である。  入院治療を受けているうつ病高齢者5名に対して、ナラティヴアプローチを行い、研究 参加者の語りの変化と研究者の看護実践をデータとして質的帰納的に分析を行った。また、 ナラティヴアプローチの実践によって、参加者と研究者の相互作用が進展していくプロセ スをTravelbee13) の理論に則って捉えた。  研究参加者の語りは、初期の出会いの位相では《身体の苦悩を基軸とした語り》が中心 であった。研究者は、『うつ病高齢者の心身のつらさに添いながら相互信頼を構築する』か かわりを基盤とし、参加者が研究者とともに安心して自己の体験を語ることができるよう に配慮していた。そのようなかかわりによって、両者の間に同一性が出現した。面接の経 過を経るに従い語りの内容は変化し、参加者は《精神内界の苦悩を表出》するようになっ た。研究者は、参加者との関係性の深まりや変化をみながら、状況に応じて『相互に一体 感をもちうつ病高齢者の琴線に触れる』かかわりを行い、精神的な苦悩を傾聴していた。 参加者と研究者の相互関係は同一化から共感の位相に進展したことによって、精神的な苦 悩や生活史が語られるようになり、そこには各参加者のいまだ語られていなかった物語や 生きられた時間、意味性、社会性が表現されていた。そして、同感の位相を経て、最終的 に参加者の語りは《自己洞察と希望の表出》という形に展開した。ここには、参加者と研 究者の間に、お互いが結ばれているという生き生きとした体験が基盤にあり、ラポールが 構築された。研究者は、参加者の抑うつ感情や「病気が治ることはない」という絶望感に 添い、受容しながらも、『回復や希望の実現を願う』ことで参加者の語りがポジティブに再 構築されるように支援していた。これまで、身体の苦悩や抱え込んでいた精神内界の苦悩 によって抑うつを体験していた参加者は、継続したナラティヴアプローチによって、抑う つを緩和することができていた