26 research outputs found

    孊生の看護研究集録集における圚宅看護研究の動向 : 過去9幎間の分析より

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    看護実践の堎においお看護研究は、患者により質の高いケアを提䟛するこずず、問題解決胜力を逊うこずの目的に行われ、欠かせない取り組みになっおきおいる。看護基瀎教育においおも、孊生たちが研究的手法や態床、倫理的思考過皋を䜓隓するこずによっお、看護専門職ずしお必芁な問題解決胜力や看護を孊問ずしお孊び続ける姿勢に繋がるこずを期埅しおいる。そこで、A短期倧孊看護孊科の1999幎から2007幎たでの「看護研究集録集」に掲茉された、孊生の看護研究の䞭から、圚宅看護に関する研究を分析し、動向を明らかにした。その結果、孊生のテヌマの遞定の傟向には、瀟䌚背景ずの関連が䌺えた。たた調査方法では、面接や半構成面接法など盎接聞くこずができる方法をずる傟向にあるこずがわかった。今埌は、このような孊生の動向を螏たえ、孊生がより䞻䜓的にか぀継続的に看護研究に取り組んでいくこずができるような指導をする必芁性があるこずが明らかになった。Nursing research is conducted for the researcher(s) to learn how to provide higher-quality care for patients, and cultivate their problem-solving skills 1); it is becoming an essential activity at sites of nursing practice. In basic nursing education, nursing research is also conducted with the expectation that students will develop problem-solving abilities required of nursing specialists as well as an attitude to continuously explore nursing science by experiencing research methodologies, attitudes toward research, and the process of ethics-based thinking. Thus, research papers on home nursing published in the 1999 to 2007 "collected nursing research papers" from the nursing department of A Junior College were analyzed to identify trends in students\u27 studies on home nursing. The results suggested that the trend in students\u27 selection of a study theme was associated with their social background. It was also found that they had a tendency to employ a direct approach to the subjects, such as an interview or a semi-structured interview. In the light of these trends in students\u27 studies, it is necessary to guide nursing students so that they can more proactively and continuously commit themselves to nursing research


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    看護孊生の圚宅看護に察する認識 : 圚宅看護の講矩前調査より

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    圚宅看護は察象の幎霢や健康レベルの幅が広く,看護の揎助方法や技術が倚様ずいった特性を持぀看護である.そのため,孊生は圚宅看護を容易にむメヌゞしにくく,加えお孊生は,看護垫は病院で働くむメヌゞを持っおおり圚宅での看護を捉えにくいず考えられる.そこで,圚宅看護の講矩を受ける前の孊生が圚宅看護に察しどのような認識を持っおいるかを明らかにし,今埌の圚宅看護の教育における効果的な教育の怜蚎を目的に研究を行った.その結果,孊生は講矩前の圚宅看護ぞのむメヌゞでは,過疎地域の高霢者が圚宅看護を利甚しおおり,看護垫や保健垫が自宅に蚪問し教育・指導をしおいるように認識しおいた.たた,蚪問時のマナヌに぀いおはコミュニケヌションの倧切さや挚拶,時間を守るこずなどを認識しおいたこずが明らかずなった.今埌は,孊生の認識を基に,孊生自身がそれぞれの項目に察しお䜓隓孊習ができるような教育方法の怜蚎が必芁であるこずが考えられた.The width of the age and the fitness level is wide, and the helping manner and the technology of nursing are nursing with ..variety.. characteristic. the object of home health care The student doesn\u27t easily image home health care easily, and therefore, the student additionally has the image that the nurse works at the hospital and is regarded not to catch nursing in staying easily. Then, to clarify what recognition the student before the lecture of home health care was attended had for home health care, and to examine an effective education in the education of the home health care in the future, it researched. As a result, the student was using home health care by the senior citizen in the underpopulated area, and was recognizing that he or she visited home by the nurse and the public health nurse and educated and guided it in the image before it lectured to home health care. Moreover, having recognized that it greeted an important sheath about communications, and it was punctual, etc. about manners when visiting became clear. The student was thought the examination of the method of the education to be able to do the experience study to each item to be necessary based on the recognition of the student in the future

    粟神疟患患者ず接しおの孊生のむメヌゞ倉化ず実習の孊び : 粟神看護孊1日実習を䜓隓しお

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    Many students have negadve images of psychiatric patients due to reports by mass media and lack of direct experiences with them. We conducted an invesdgation on our students\u27 images of psychiatric patients before and after the one-day psychiatric nursing practice which is done in the students second year of the nursing college. We have found that the students have different images after they experienced the nursing practice and learned various things in the practice. We have proved the validity of the one-day psychiatric nursing practice. We have also found the things to be improved in the future


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    珟圚の瀟䌚では、生掻様匏の倉化に䌎っお匕き起こされた生掻習慣病を予防するこずが倧きな課題ずなり、個人が生掻習慣を改善するための行動倉容が求められ、そのきっかけのひず぀の手段ずしお「健康教宀」などが地域保健埓事者には求められおきおいる。これらの背景を螏たえ、看護2幎次の授業で孊生同士による健康教宀挔習を䜓隓させ、看護3幎次の実習では地域䜏民を察象に䜏民の健康問題を螏たえた「健康教宀」を実斜させおいる。そこで、看護2幎次に行う「健康教宀挔習」が看護3幎次の地域看護孊実習䞭に行う健康教宀実習にどのように反映されおいるのか。たた健康教宀実習での孊びを明らかにするこずを目的ずした。その結果、挔習ず実習の評䟡埗点぀いおは「察象者の反応が確認できた」、「時間配分の適切さ」、「参加者の安党の確保」に有意な差がみられた。たた、健康教宀実習では「健康教宀の意矩」や「指導の難しさ」などに぀いおの孊びが明らかになった。今埌、挔習ず実習を連動させるこずにより、孊生が効果的な健康教宀の実践が出来るような教育的指導の必芁性が瀺唆された。Today, as the prevention of adult diseases attributable to changes in lifestyle has become a major challenge, behavioral modification for individuals to improve their lifestyle is increasingly needed, and community health workers are required to practice such measures as part of a "health workshop" to motivate people to do so. In this context, we provide second-grade students with an opportunity to experience health workshop practice in the classroom, and third-grade students conduct health workshops with residents in the community in view of their health problems. Thus, this study was conducted to clarify how the classroom practice was reflected in the health workshop during nursing practice, and what students learned from the health workshop in the nursing practice. The results revealed that evaluation scores for the classroom practice and the nursing practice significantly differed in the items "the audience\u27s responses were clear," "appropriateness of time allocation," and "securing of participants\u27 safety." It was also demonstrated that students had learned the "significance of the health workshop" as well as the "difficulty to instruct" in the health workshop in the nursing practice. These findings suggest the necessity of relating the classroom practice with nursing practice to provide educational guidance that enables students to conduct effective health workshops

    「健康教宀」挔習を取り入れた教育効果 : 孊生の自己・他者評䟡を分析しお

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    我が囜においお、高霢化や慢性疟患の増加、生掻様匏の倉化に䌎っお匕き起こされた生掻習慣病を予防するこずが倧きな課題ずなっおいる。たた看護教育のあり方に関する怜蚎䌚においお、看護実践胜力の育成に぀いお怜蚎が行なわれ、看護ケア基盀圢成の方法ずしお「健康に関する孊習支揎の方法」「健康管理支揎の方法」が瀺されおいる。そこでこれらの瀟䌚背景を螏たえ、孊生が地域看護の健康問題に぀いお考え、地域看護の察象ずなる䜏民が自己の健康をコントロヌルし、改善するこずを可胜にするために、看護職ずしおどのような方法で指導を行なえばよいのかを理解するこずを目的に、『健康教宀』挔習を実斜した。その結果、孊生はテヌマを決め䌁画から評䟡たでを、それぞれの立堎を䜓隓しながら実斜するこずで、「察象の反応を確認」し、「察象に合わせた方法」で、「察象者参加型」の健康教宀の必芁性を理解するこずが出来おいた。しかし、ヘルスプロモヌションの理解や継続的に働きかける必芁性は理解できおいないこずがわかり、今埌の教育方法に぀いお瀺唆を埗るこずができた。In Japan, the prevention of lifestyle-related disease, which has been induced by the aging of the population, an increase in chronic disorders, and changes in the lifestyle, is a major issue. In conferences regarding the appropriate status of nursing education, the cultivation of nursing practice ability has been evaluated, and "health learning support methods" and "health management support methods" have been shown for the establishment of the basis of nursing care. With such a social background, we performed a "Health Class" seminar to clarify effective instructions from nurses that enable students to evaluate the health problems of subjects in community nursing and also enable subjects to control and improve their own health. As a result, the students could "confirm subjects\u27 responses" while performing the process from the determination of the theme and planning to assessment, while experiencing each subject\u27s position, and could understand the necessity for "subject participation-type" health classes by a "method appropriate for the subject". However, they could not understand health promotion or the necessity for continuous interventions

    公的介護保険制床の未利甚者の状況 : A郡O町の調査から

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