257 research outputs found

    Metaphorical Use of Feline Onomatopoeic Verbs

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    Over the past few decades, a number of studies have been conducted on animal metaphors. In this study, we are concerned with verbs that typically refer to actions of animals but are instead used to describe those of humans,especially sound-emission verbs that refer to cries or onomatopoeia related to cats. This paper takes a text-based approach in order to examine examples in which feline sound-emission or onomatopoeic verbs are metaphorically used in authentic discourse in English. It also considers how these verbs are semantically extended from onomatopoeic meanings to other meanings that refer to human actions from a cognitive linguistic perspective. In conclusion, there are two types of animal metaphors involved in feline onomatopoeic verbs: metaphor based on similarity and metaphor from metonymy based on contiguity and similarity between the source domain CAT and the target domain HUMAN.本稿では,字義通りにはネコの行為を表す動詞,特にネコの鳴き声を表すオノマトペを意味する擬声語動詞に着目し,それらの動詞がヒトの行為を表す語義へとどのように意味的に拡張するのかについて,英語の具体例を通して認知言語学的観点から考察する。これらの動詞は,ヒトの行為の中でもとりわけ発話と関連が深い比喩義へと写像されるが,その背景には,ネコの発する特有の鳴き声とそれに伴う感情と,ヒトの発する声とそれに伴う様態や感情との間の類似性が写像を支えていると考えられる。結論として,ネコに関する擬声語動詞はメタファーとメトニミーの連続性の中に複雑に位置するものであり,起点領域(ネコ)と目標領域(ヒト)の類似性に基づくメタファーと,同じく近接性と類似性に基づくメトニミーからのメタファーの2つのタイプがあることを主張する

    Japanese Parents’ Experiences with Home-Based Interventions of Applied Behavior Analysis for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    This study involved qualitative analyses of the benefits and difficulties of providing home-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for Japanese parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). An open-ended questionnaire survey was administered to 35 parents of children with autism who were implementing home-based ABA. The mean age of the parents was 38.7 years old (SD = 3.80), and the time since initiation of home-based ABA was 25.5 months (SD = 19.58). The mean age of the children with ASD was 64.5 months old (SD = 37.7). Data were analyzed using the KJ method of qualitative analysis. The benefits of implementing home-based ABA were related to growth of the parents themselves and child development. Identified difficulties included balancing work and household responsibilities and psychological problems. These findings were then compared with similar previous studies to discuss support for families implementing in-home ABA programs

    EFL Speaking Courses Through Blended Learning : A Case Study

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    This work describes a case study of the basic EFL speaking courses for freshmen at the Department of English Education, School of Education,Kansai University of International Studies, and suggests the efficiency of blended learning, a combination of face-to-face and online learning methods.It is an efficient approach to close the gap between the standard required by the government and the current practice at universities in Japan. First, it does not need ICT environment on camps, and second, it helps students enhance their motivation for autonomous learning in and out of class.本稿では,高等教育機関においてICT 環境の導入・整備が進んできている昨今の教育環境の変化を背景に,e ラーニングの利点と問題点について整理し,関西国際大学教育学部英語教育学科の1 年次生対象科目であるスピーキング科目の事例報告を通して、各大学によって異なる教室の環境に制限されない対面学習とオンライン学習のブレンド型学習の有効性について述べる

    Some notes on semantic representation and obligatory control

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    It is proposed in Inoue(2001,2004) that there are two kinds of empty categories distinguished in conceptual structure. That is to say, (1)α, β, γ ... and (ii)φ. The former is like PROobl in that it obligatorily requires an antecedent. The latter, on the other hand, is like PROarb in that it requires no specific reference. The purpose of this paper is to explore the properties of obligatory control on semantic representation for the former category and the relationship of the former to the systactic obligatory control PROobl. The main questions to be addressed here for the theory of obligatory control are the following : (1)What is the semantic status of the controller? (2)What is the semantic status of the controlled element and what relationships hold bewween the controller and controlled element? (3)Is it possible for one controller to allow more than one controlled element? (4)Does the semantic obligatory control correspond to the syntactic conterpart, or vice versa? Questions (1) to (3) are investigated on the basis of the analyses of various kinds of English verbs made in Inoue(2001) as well as in Inoue(2004). The last question is investigated in terms of the conceptual structures for verbs force and promise with to-infinitive complements. It is suggested through these investigations that obligatory control phenomena on syntactic representation constitute a subset of those phenomena on semantic representation

    An exploration into action : The case of English sound emission verbs

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    Blended Learning in BYOD Environments in Higher Education

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    This paper describes a case study on basic EFL courses for freshmen and sophomore students at Kansai University of International Studies conducted in 2018. First, it examines previous studies on e-learning and then discusses the questions they raise. Finally, it suggests the efficiency of blended learning, a combination of face-to-face and online learning methods, in BYOD environments. The study concludes that this is an efficient approach to close the gap between the current situations and instructors’ growing demands in higher education.本稿では,高等教育機関においてICT環境の導入・整備が進んできている昨今の教育環境の変化を背景に,先行研究に基づきeラーニングの問題点について整理し,関西国際大学の1・2年次生対象の英語科目の2018年度の事例報告を行う。そこから、各大学によって異なるICT環境に制限されない対面学習とオンライン学習のブレンド型学習,及び,学生個人が所有のノートパソコン等のデバイスをキャンパスに持参して学ぶことを推奨するBYODに関し,自律学修の観点からの有効性について述べる

    Onomatopoeic Neologisms in Japanese Comics

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    Sensitive and rapid detection of cholera toxin-producing Vibrio cholerae using a loop-mediated isothermal amplification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Vibrio cholerae </it>is widely acknowledged as one of the most important waterborne pathogen causing gastrointestinal disorders. Cholera toxin (CT) is a major virulence determinant of <it>V. cholerae</it>. Detection of CT-producing <it>V. cholerae </it>using conventional culture-, biochemical- and immunological-based assays is time-consuming and laborious, requiring more than three days. Thus, we developed a novel and highly specific loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the sensitive and rapid detection of cholera toxin (CT)-producing <it>Vibrio cholerae</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The assay provided markedly more sensitive and rapid detection of CT-producing <it>V. cholerae </it>strains than conventional biochemical and PCR assays. The assay correctly identified 34 CT-producing <it>V. cholerae </it>strains, but did not detect 13 CT non-producing <it>V. cholerae </it>and 53 non-<it>V. cholerae </it>strains. Sensitivity of the LAMP assay for direct detection of CT-producing <it>V. cholerae </it>in spiked human feces was 7.8 × 10<sup>2 </sup>CFU per g (1.4 CFU per reaction). The sensitivity of the LAMP assay was 10-fold more sensitive than that of the conventional PCR assay. The LAMP assay for detection of CT-producing <it>V. cholerae </it>required less than 35 min with a single colony on thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose (TCBS) agar and 70 min with human feces from the beginning of DNA extraction to final determination.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The LAMP assay is a sensitive, rapid and simple tool for the detection of CT-producing <it>V. cholerae </it>and will be useful in facilitating the early diagnosis of human <it>V. cholerae </it>infection.</p

    大学適応度から見る学習成果 : 初年次英語プレースメントテストと適応調査に関する分析

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    本稿では,関西国際大学において英語プレースメントテストとして実施されているG-TELPの上位・下位別の特徴および第1回・第2回受験時の得点変化と,同大学で1年次生を対象に実施されている適応調査との関連について報告する。調査の分析結果より,大学入学時の英語プレースメントテストのスコアが高く,かつ入学後にスコアが上昇している学生の特徴として,(1)高校での成績が上位であること,(2)高校での適応度が高いこと,(3)大学入学後の学内外での学習時間が長いこと,(4)外国留学に対する意識が高いことが明らかとなった。中でも,英語プレースメントテストの得点変化と最も関連があるのは,学生の学外での学習時間の長さであることがわかった。This paper analyzes the results of General Tests of English Language Proficiency, or G-TELP, and Freshman Survey 2011 which were conducted at Kansai University of International Studies in 2011. Freshman Survey 2011 asks the students 35 questions such as how they study at high schools, how long they study at the university, whether they want to study abroad or not, and so on. The results of the analysis show that the students who succeeded in high schools, study longer at the university or home, and have strong motivation to study abroad, tend to show remarkable progress in English competency after they enter the university