264 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effect of window length on running kinematic data in comparison to data smoothed using a digital Butterworth low pass filter. The raw marker trajectories were smoothed using a digital Butterworth filter with an optimum cutoff frequency and using the SSA technique with window lengths of L = n/2, n/5, and n/10 (n = 220). Data smoothing using SSA parameters of L = n/10, r = 2 produced similar results to the Butterworth low pass filter with an optimal cutoff frequency of 13 Hz. In conclusion, a window length of L = n/10 is recommended for running kinematics research, while window lengths of L = n/2 should be avoided


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    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate kinematics and kinetics of left and right swing legs in curved sprint running. Nine male sprinters and decathletes participated in this study. Participants run 60m on the curved path and their motion was recorded by a motion capture system. The joint angle, angular velocity, moment and power of both swing legs were calculated. For the statistical test, a statistical parametric mapping was used. There were no kinematic and kinetic differences in the hip joint. However, asymmetries were found in the knee joint. Runners may just move swing legs same as straight running/sprinting


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    The purposes of this study were to show the support leg contributions in the curved sprinting, and to investigate the differences of contribution between inside and outside legs. Twenty athletes participated in the experiment and ran 60m with maximal effort on the curved path with 41 markers. The trials were recorded by motion capture systems. The relative momentum generated by the support leg and the generated forces were calculated. The asymmetric contributions were found in centrifugal-centripetal component. In the inside leg, the forces to the centripetal direction were generated by the thigh and foot. On the other hand, in the outside leg, the forces to the centripetal direction were generated by the shank and foot. However, the contributions of 3 segments in anteriorposterior and vertical components were similar to the straight sprinting in each leg


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    The aim of this study was to describe the mechanics of curved running using spring-mass model. We hypothesized that 1) the leg spring stiffness in curved running is greater than in straight running, and 2) outside leg stiffness is greater than inside during curved running. Ten male participated in this study. All participants performed 3 types of running. Data were collected by 2 forceplates and a motion capture system. Mechanical parameters of spring-mass model (leg force, leg compression, and leg stiffness) were calculated. The leg forces were smaller for curved running than straight running. The leg compression of curve-outside trial was smallest among trials. The leg stiffness of curveoutside was largest among trials. Therefore, runners would use their outside leg stiffer during curved running

    The Nature of the Stable Soft X-ray Emissions in Several Types of Active Galactic Nuclei Observed by Suzaku

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    To constrain the origin of the soft X-ray excess phenomenon seen in many active galactic nuclei, the intensity-correlated spectral analysis, developed by Noda et al. (2011b) for Markarian 509, was applied to wide-band (0.5-45 keV) Suzaku data of five representative objects with relatively weak reflection signature. They are the typical bare-nucleus type 1 Seyfert Fairall 9, the bright and typical type 1.5 Seyfert MCG-2-58-22, 3C382 which is one of the X-ray brightest broad line radio galaxies, the typical Seyfert-like radio loud quasar 4C+74.26, and the X-ray brightest radio quiet quasar MR2251-178. In all of them, soft X-ray intensities in energies below 3 keV were tightly correlated with that in 3-10 keV, but with significant positive offsets. These offsets, when calculated in finer energy bands, define a stable soft component in 0.5-3 keV. In each object, this component successfully explained the soft excess above a power-law fit. These components were interpreted in several alternative ways, including a thermal Comptonization component which is independent of the dominant power-law emission. This interpretation, considered physically most reasonable, is discussed from a viewpoint of Multi-Zone Comptonization, which was proposed for the black hole binary Cygnus X-1 (Makishima et al. 2008).Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 7 table


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sprint performance and stride parameters in curved sprinting. Nine athletes performed 60 m maximal sprinting. Correlation coefficients between sprint time and stride parameters were calculated in three conditions, namely straight, right leg and left leg in curved sprinting separately. Significant correlations were found in contact time, step time and step frequency of right step of curved trials. The left step of curved path and straight had significant correlations in the same variables (SL and SS). Step length and step speed had significant correlations in all steps. The right step of curved path would be important for curved sprinting performance

    A Basic Study on the Effects of Thermochemotherapy [1-Hexylcarbamoyl-5-fluorouracil (HCFU) Combined with Hyperthermia] : I.. Increased Effects Produced by Addition of Fipin, Cepharanthin and Veraparn

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    Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin and γ-Globulin on Chitosan Membrane

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    Adsorption of proteins on chitosan, which has positively charged proups, was investigated. The amount of adsorption depended on pH values and showed the maximum at the isoelectric point of BSA (pH 4.5-5.0) as was recognized in non-charged polymer membl-anes. Also it depended on an ionic strength, which affected the maximum point as well as the amount itself. It was considered that the positive charge of chitosan may affect the isoelectric point of BSA at which the smallest lateral interaction appeared to make the compactest form of BSA molecule. Whereas, contrary to the general tendency observed at much lower concentration of BSA, the amount of maximum adsorption decreased as the ionic st.rength decreased. This suggests that at relatively high concentration, the reduction of shielding effect of ions may give the increase of repulsion between BSA molecules rather than that of interaction between BSA and chitosan molecules. The adsorption of γ-globulin was studied, too. Futhermore, the adsorption of chitosan onto a silk fiber as substitute for human hair was studied to result in the usefulness as the rinsing agent

    Liouville theorem for VV-harmonic maps under non-negative (m,V)(m, V)-Ricci curvature for non-positive mm

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    Let VV be a C1C^1-vector field on an nn-dimensional complete Riemannian manifold (M,g)(M, g). We prove a Liouville theorem for VV-harmonic maps satisfying various growth conditions from complete Riemannian manifolds with non-negative (m,V)(m, V)-Ricci curvature for m[,0][n,+]m\in\,[\,-\infty,\,0\,]\,\cup\,[\,n,\,+\infty\,] into Cartan-Hadam\-ard manifolds, which extends Cheng's Liouville theorem proved S.~Y.~Cheng for sublinear growth harmonic maps from complete Riemannian manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature into Cartan-Hadamard manifolds. We also prove a Liouville theorem for VV-harmonic maps from complete Riemannian manifolds with non-negative (m,V)(m, V)-Ricci curvature for m[,0][n,+]m\in\,[\,-\infty,\,0\,]\,\cup\,[\,n,\,+\infty\,] into regular geodesic balls of Riemannian manifolds with positive upper sectional curvature bound, which extends the results of Hildebrandt-Jost-Wideman and Choi. Our probabilistic proof of Liouville theorem for several growth VV-harmonic maps into Hadamard manifolds enhances an incomplete argument by Stafford. Our results extend the results due to Chen-Jost-Qiu\cite{ChenJostQiu} and Qiu\cite{Qiu} in the case of m=+m=+\infty on the Liouville theorem for bounded VV-harmonic maps from complete Riemannian manifolds with non-negative (,V)(\infty, V)-Ricci curvature into regular geodesic balls of Riemannian manifolds with positive sectional curvature upper bound. Finally, we establish a connection between the Liouville property of VV-harmonic maps and the recurrence property of ΔV\Delta_V-diffusion processes on manifolds. Our results are new even in the case V=fV=\nabla f for fC2(M)f\in C^2(M)