20 research outputs found


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    Prediction of the Dst index from solar wind parameters by a neural network method

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    Using the Elman-type neural network technique, operational models are constructed that predict the Dst index two hours in advance. The input data consist of real-time solar wind velocity, density, and magnetic field data obtained by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft since May 1998 (http://www2.crl.go.jp/uk/uk223/service/nnw/index.html). During the period from February to October 1998, eleven storms occurred with minimum Dst values below −80 nT. For ten of these storms the differences between the predicted minimum Dst and the minimum Dst calculated from ground-based magnetometer data were less than 23%. For the remaining one storm (beginning on 19 October 1998) the difference was 48%. The discrepancy is likely to stem from a imperfect correlation between the solar wind parameters near ACE and those near the earth. While the IMF Bz remains to be the most important parameter, other parameters do have their effects. For instance, Dst appears to be enhanced when the azimuthal direction of IMF is toward the sun. A trapezoid-shaped increase in the solar wind density enhances the main phase Dst by almost 10% compared with the case of no density increase. Velocity effects appear to be stronger than the density effects. Our operational models have, in principle, no limitations in applicability with respect to storm intensity

    The activation mechanism of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) by molecular chaperone HSP90

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that associates with the molecular chaperone HSP90 in the cytoplasm. The activation mechanism of the AhR is not yet fully understood. It has been proposed that after binding of ligands such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), 3methylcholanthrene (3-MC), or β-naphthoflavone (β-NF), the AhR dissociates from HSP90 and translocates to the nucleus. It has also been hypothesized that the AhR translocates to the nucleus and forms a complex with HSP90 and other co-chaperones. There are a few reports about the direct association or dissociation of AhR and HSP90 due to difficulties in purifying AhR. We constructed and purified the PAS domain from AhR. Binding of the AhR-PAS domain to β-NF affinity resin suggested that it possesses ligand-binding affinity. We demonstrated that the AhR-PAS domain binds to HSP90 and the association is not affected by ligand binding. The ligand 17-DMAG inhibited binding of HSP90 to GST-PAS. In an immunoprecipitation assay, HSP90 was co-immunoprecipitated with AhR both in the presence or absence of ligand. Endogenous AhR decreased in the cytoplasm and increased in the nucleus of HeLa cells 15. min after treatment with ligand. These results suggested that the ligand-bound AhR is translocated to nucleus while in complex with HSP90.We used an in situ proximity ligation assay to confirm whether AhR was translocated to the nucleus alone or together with HSP90. HSP90 was co-localized with AhR after the nuclear translocation. It has been suggested that the ligand-bound AhR was translocated to the nucleus with HSP90. Activated AhR acts as a transcription factor, as shown by the transcription induction of the gene CYP1A1 8. h after treatment with β-NF

    Some characteristics and propagation of whistler-mode LF/MF emissions as observed at low altitudes above the Antarctic region with ISIS-1

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    The broadband whistler-mode (w-mode) emissions in LF/MF bands observed at low altitudes in the nighttime auroral zone are examined in detail, especially from the viewpoint of the spectral characteristics and directions of wave vectors of the emissions using the ISIS-1 data including the fixed and swept frequency ionograms and AGC voltage traces of the sounder receiver. The emissions are characterized by spectra with relatively sharp upper cutoff ranging 0.75 to 0.4f_H (f_H : electron gyrofrequency) and with lower frequency cutoff less than 0.1 MHz (the lowest frequency of the sounder) for many cases. The directions of wave vectors at the satellite are determined from the antenna orientation at the instant when the emissions exhibit intensity minima on AGC voltage traces in the fixed frequency mode. The resultant directions of wave vectors are used as initial conditions for ray tracing to locate the source regions and to know the directions of wave vectors at the source region. It is shown that the cyclotron maser instability driven by auroral electron with upward loss cone at low altitudes is the most probable source mechanism which explains some characteristics of the observed emissions, particularly, of their high frequency portion

    Long term variations of radio auroral activity

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    Long term variations of radio auroral activity are investigated from auroral radar data obtained at Syowa Station during 1978-1990. The diurnal variation of radio auroral activity shows a maximum in the post-midnight period with a small peak in the evening. Similar to the case of magnetic activity, the occurrence rate of radio aurora shows semi-annual variations with summer (December) and winter (June) time minimums. For post-midnight radio aurora, summer minimums are more pronounced than winter minimums. The magnetic activity controls the occurrence of evening time radio aurora more notably than post-midnight radio aurora. For the solar cycle variation, a double-peaked modulation is seen during 11-year sunspot cycle, with a major peak in the declining phase of the sunspot cycle and a secondary peak in the increasing phase