157 research outputs found

    B型肝炎ワクチン通算4 回目の接種後にHBs抗体価が上昇した3 例

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    In Japan, periodic inoculation of hepatitis B vaccine has been started from October 2016. The hepatitis B vaccine counts as one course with three inoculations, however, the HBs antibody does not completely turn positive in a single course. Therefore, although there are a few low responders or non-responders, the number of studies that have been verified for additional inoculation to such weak responder is not enough.The aim of this report is the effects of additional vaccines on the weak responders after the hepatitis B vaccine (Heptavax®-Ⅱ) inoculation in three Japanese (adults, infants and infants) born before October 2016. The HBs antibody titer of these three weak responders was positive after inoculation of the fourth hepatitis B vaccine (Bimmugen ®)