350 research outputs found

    Autonomous Role Assignment Using Contact Stimuli in Swarm Robotic Systems

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    This study proposes a novel autonomous role assignment method for swarm robotic systems using the response threshold model based on local interactions in a dynamic environment. Ants are social insects with high and low pheromone sensitivity. The pheromone sensitivity of ants is related to autonomous role assignment. The response threshold model was proposed to describe the pheromone sensitivity of ants. The conventional response threshold model assumes that an ant knows the number of workers in an ant colony. However, it is difficult for an ant to contact all workers because its functions are very limited. Therefore, our proposed method adopts a response threshold model based on contact stimuli with foraging ants instead of the worker ratio in an ant colony. In this study, to evaluate the proposed method’s robustness in dynamic environments, we apply it to ant foraging problems in environments with varying amounts and distributions of feeds

    Support Needs and Service Provision for Social Participation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Background: Person-centered support based on self-determination is needed for persons with intellectual disabilities to participate in society in Japan. However, work supporters may be unable to provide sufficient support for this purpose. Objective: This study analyzes work supporters’ implementation of necessary support to understand persons with intellectual disabilities’ support needs. Methods: This study compared persons with intellectual disabilities’ support needs with the implementation of support from work supporters at vocational rehabilitation agencies (Survey 1) and the support needs of persons with intellectual disabilities (Survey 2). Results: The results showed that the persons with intellectual disabilities most required support related to daily living. This was consistent with the support provided by the work supporters. However, there were situations wherein the smooth transition of support was not provided, which was attributed to the lack of knowledge and cross-disciplinary involvement of the work supporters in the employment-related welfare services for persons with disabilities. Conclusions: Possessing the knowledge and skills required for vocational rehabilitation and working in vocational rehabilitation agencies could contribute to the smooth transition of support for persons with intellectual disabilities. Accordingly, the results can clarify the required role of work supporters for persons with intellectual disabilities future participation in society

    Spin-orbit coupling inactivity of Co2+^{2+} ion in geometrically frustrated magnet GeCo2_2O4_4

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    We report single-crystal neutron diffraction studies on a spinel antiferromagnet GeCo2_2O4_4, which exhibits magnetic order with a trigonal propagation vector and tetragonal lattice expansion (c/a1.001c/a\simeq1.001) below TN=21T_{\rm N}=21 K. For this inconsistency between spin and lattice in symmetry, magnetic Bragg reflections with a tetragonal propagation vector were discovered below TNT_{\rm N}. We discuss spin and orbital states of Co2+^{2+} ion underlying the new magnetic component.Comment: 3 pages 2 figures, submitted to ICFCM proceeding (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011

    Visualization of pilot flame of an optically-accessible coaxially-staged aero-engine lean-burn fuel injector

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    [EN] The visualization of the pilot flame of a coaxially-staged aero-engine lean-burn fuel injector, not only downstream but also inside of the pilot nozzle, was successfully performed at realistic aero-engine conditions. Optical access toward the inside of the nozzle was achieved through the inner and outer shrouds, both of which were made of transparent quartz. The image distortion caused by complex contours of the two shrouds was corrected by a method based on optical ray tracing, which realized precise determination of spatial intensity distribution of optical signals. Line-of-sight OH chemiluminescence, cross-sectional OH-LIF, kerosene LIF and kerosene Mie scattering were employed as diagnostic tools. The effects of pilot local air-to-fuel ratio on spray flame structure were revealed, both inside and downstream of the pilot nozzle under stable combustions. As the pilot mixture got rich, the main reaction zone moved from inside of the pilot nozzle to the region near the injector lip downstream of the injector exit. The OH-LIF signal was detected near the central axis surrounded by the fuel spray. It was also observed near the back-step of the pilot nozzle for the rich cases. The experiments under combustion oscillation were also conducted and the correlation of phenomena inside and downstream of the pilot nozzle was captured. It was clarified that the reaction enhancement in the outer part of the lip vortex region was caused by the convection of rich mixture, which appeared near the pilot atomizer lip at 150~210deg earlier oscillation phase angle.Matsuura, K.; Uesaka, S.; Iwasaki, T.; Kurosawa, Y.; Yamada, H.; Yamamoto, T.; Hayashi, S. (2017). Visualization of pilot flame of an optically-accessible coaxially-staged aero-engine lean-burn fuel injector. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 855-872. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.475285587

    Ca2+-free Medium Mediated Parthenogenetic Activation of Mouse Oocytes

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    1.Ca2+_free媒地による活性化誘起によってICR系マウスではHCG後令20時間を越えた卵母細胞からは50%以上の活性化卵が得られ,そのほとんどが2前核か1前核の2倍体卵子であった. 2.ICR系の誘起排卵卵子では50%以上の活性化率が得られたが,自然排卵卵子では活性化されなかった. さらに幼若動物からの卵子に若干の活性化率の低下が認められたが,活性化typeにそれらと成熟ドナーからの卵子との間にはほとんど差は認められなかった. 又,22時間令の卵において4CS系統で80%以上の高い活性化率がみられ,4CS系統に2PB+1PNの半数体活性卵が多いことを除いては,ICR,RFおよび4CS系のドナーの系統による差異は認められなかった. 3.活性化のためのCa2+_free媒地での処理時間が再検討され,処理時間が15分に短縮されても活性化率は低下しなかったが,2PB+1PNの半数体卵子が増加することから,2倍体卵子を得るためには,少くとも1時間のCa2+_free処理が必要である. 4.IonophoreA23187によってCa2+の存否にかかわらず高率に2倍体活性化卵子が得られたことから,マウス卵細胞の活性化にCa2+の関与が強く示唆された

    Characteristics of frequency content of atrial signal-averaged electrocardiograms during sinus rhythm in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

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    To clarify the characteristics of the frequency content of atrial signal-averaged electrocardiograms (ECGs) during sinus rhythm in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, P wave-triggered signal-averaged ECGs were recorded in 28 patients with and 34 control patients without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Fast Fourier transform analysis was performed on the 100-ms segment starting 75 ms before the end of the P wave. An area ratio (AR50) was calculated by dividing the area under the spectrum curve between 20 and 50 Hz, multiplied by 100, by the area between 0 and 20 Hz. Magnitude ratios (MR20, MR30, MR40and MR50) were calculated by dividing the magnitude at 20, 30, 40 and 50 Hz, respectively, multiplied by 100, by the maximal magnitude of the entire signal.AR50was significantly greater in patients with than without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (62.3 ± 34.2 vs. 42.4 ± 18.4). MRM and MR30were also significantly greater in patients with than without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (MR2076.1 ± 15.2 vs. 60 ± 20.2; MR3041 ± 18.8 vs. 26.6 ± 14.4), although no significant differences in MR40or MR50were observed between the two patient groups. The difference in MR30between groups remained significant even after taking into account the presence of organic heart disease.It is concluded that, irrespective of the presence of organic heart disease, the terminal portion of the P wave contained significantly more components in the 20- to 50-Hz range, especially around 30 Hz, in patients with than in patients without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. These results suggest that frequency analysis could characterize atrial signal-averaged ECGs of patients at risk for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

    993-40 Characteristics of the Atrial Signal-averaged Electrocardiograms in Patients with Sick Sinus Syndrome – the Presence of “Atrial Early Potential”

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    In sick sinus syndrome (SSS), pathophysiological abnormalities have been shown not only in the sinus node but also in the atrial muscle, especially of the perinodal portion. To investigate whether the electrophysiological abnormalities of atrial muscle in SSS would induce the characteristic P wavepattern, especially in the initial portion of the P wave, we studied 37 patients with SSS and 67 age-comparable control patients. using the P wave-triggered signal-averaged electrocardiography. Sixteen of 37 SSS patients had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (Paf). Signal-averaged electrocardiograms were recorded with a band-pass filter of 40–300Hz and signals of 200 beats or more were averaged with the P wave-triggering technique. The P wave complexes of the three bipolar leads were combined into a spatial magnitude, and then the root mean square voltage for the initial 30ms (EP30) and the last 20m (LP20) of filtered P wave were measured. The duration (Ad) and root mean square voltage (RMS) of the total filtered P wave were also measured.ResultsSSS with PafSSS without PatControlEP30 (μV)2.55±1.17*2.16±0.98*3.93±1.23LP20 (μV)1.98±0.40#†2.79±1.043.35±1.76Ad (ms)145.8±16.1*†131.2±14.1123.7±11.7RMS (μV)6.20±0.415.82±0.826.20±1.47*p<0.0001#P<0.005p&lt;0.05 vs. Control†p&lt;0.01 vs SSS Without PatThe amplitude of initial portion of filtered P wave was significantly lower and the duration was longer in SSS patients with/without Paf than the controls, while there was no significant difference in the amplitude of the terminal portion between SSS patients without Paf and controls. The criteria of “EP30≤3.0μV and Ad&gt;130m” as defining “atrial early potential” gave a sensitivity of 76%, a specificity of 83% and a predictive accuracy of 81% for detection of patients with SSS. These results indicate that the low amplitude signals in the initial portion of filtered P wave were characteristic of SSS, so that the recognition of atrial early potential might be promising to identify patients with SSS

    Intermodal Network Accessibility in Eastern Asia: System Building and Case Studies

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    Building a GIS Platform for the Quantitative Approach to Regional Studies in Northeast Asi

    A new equation to estimate basal energy expenditure of patients with diabetes

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    [Background & aims]Predictive equations for basal energy expenditure (BEE) derived from Caucasians tend to overestimate BEE in non-Caucasians. The aim of this study was to develop a more suitable method to estimate BEE in Japanese patients with diabetes using indices readily measured in clinical practice. [Methods]BEE was measured by indirect calorimetry under a strict basal condition in 68 Japanese patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The best fitting equation was investigated by multiple regression analysis using of age, sex, and anthropometric indices. The resultant new equation was tested in a separate group of 60 Japanese patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and the accuracy compared with existing equations. [Results]The best-fit equation was BEE [kcal/day] = 10 × (body weight)[kg] – 3 × (age)[y] + 125 (if male) + 750. Adjusted coefficient of determination was 81.0%. Root mean squared errors and accurate prediction in the validation set were 103 kcal/day and 78% for the new equation; 184 and 50 for Harris-Benedict; 209 and 38 for Oxford; 205 and 42 for Liu; and 140 and 63 for Ganpule. [Conclusions]This new equation is simpler and estimates BEE more accurately in Japanese patients with diabetes than the presently used equations do