8 research outputs found

    Uticaj -hidroksi--metilbutirata (hmb) dodavanog u hranu na imunitet i otpornost na bakterijske infekcije kod smuđa (sander lucioperca)

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    U ovoj studiji je ispitivan uticaj metabolita leucina β-hidroksi-β-metilbutirata (HMB) na imunitet i zaštitu od enterične bolesti crvenih usta (ERM) i furunkuloze kod smuđa (Sander lucioperca). Ribe su bile hranjene 18 sati dnevno komercijalnom hranom za pastrmke. Hrana je formulisana tako da obezbedi ili 0 (kontrolna grupa) ili 50 mg HBM/kg telesne težine na dan (grupa hranjena sa HBM) tokom 4 nedelje. Posle hranjenja sa HBM 20 zdravih smuđeva prosečne težine 35 g je anestezirano i uzeta je krv iz kaudalne vene u heparizovane špriceve. Takođe je aseptično izdvojen pronefros svake ribe i dobijena suspenzija pojedinačnih ćelija za izolovanje ćelija koristeći ili Gradisol (Polfa) ili Percoll (Pharmacia) gradijent. Test na izazivanje bolesti upotrebom Yersinia ruckeri ili Aeromonas salmonicida je obavljen 4 nedelje posle hranjenja. Ukratko, svakoj od 20 riba svake grupe data je jedna intraperitonealna injekcija 48 sati kulture Y.ruckeri ili A. salmonicida (0,2 ml). Zabeležen je mortalitet, a prisustvo patogena potvrđeno izolacijom iz bubrega. Rezultati ovog ogleda pokazuju da HBM u dozi od 50 mg/kg telesne težine statistički značajno stimuliše nespecifične ćelijske i humoralne odbrambene mehanizme i zaštitu od Yersinia ruckeri i Aeromonas salmonicida

    In vitro study of Lactobacillus plantarum properties as a potential probiotic strain and an alternative method to antibiotic treatment of fish

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    The presence of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) favors the stabilization of intestinal flora, facilitates digestion, improves the assimilability of fodder, and has an immunomodulatory effect on the immune system. According to current research, the application of LAB following antibiotic treatment prevents the development of opportunistic bacteria inhabiting the digestive tract. In the study the potential probiotic properties of Lactobacillus plantarum strains, which can be administered as an alternative to antibiotic treatment in aquaculture, were investigated under in vitro conditions. The strains of L. plantarum were characterized for important properties such as the ability to grow in the presence of 10% fish bile, a tolerance of low pH, and antagonism to pathogens dangerous for fish such as Aeromonas salmonicida and Pseudomonas fluorescens; therefore, they meeting the criteria for strains with probiotic properties. In view of currently increasing resistance to antibiotics and a decrease of their efficiency, probiotic bacteria can serve to support immunity to infections in the future

    Immune-enhancing activity of potential probiotic strains of Lactobacillus plantarum in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerling

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    Introduction: Immune-potentiating functions of Lactobacillus plantarum strains in the common carp were evaluated

    Do Fish Perceive Anaesthetics as Aversive?

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    <div><p>This study addresses a fundamental question in fish welfare: are the anaesthetics used for fish aversive? Despite years of routine general use of many agents, within both scientific research and aquaculture, there is a paucity of information regarding their tolerance and associated behavioural responses by fish. This study examined nine of the most commonly used fish anaesthetic agents, and performed preference tests using adult mixed sex zebrafish (<i>Danio rerio</i>), the most commonly held laboratory fish. Video tracking software quantified swimming behaviour related to aversion for each anaesthetic at 50% of its standard recommended dose compared with clean water in a flow-through chemotaxic choice chamber. Results suggest that several commonly used anaesthetics were aversive, including two of the most commonly recommended and used: MS222 (ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulphate) and benzocaine. For ethical best practice, it is recommended that compounds that are aversive, even at low concentration, should no longer be used routinely for anaesthesia or indeed the first step of humane euthanasia of adult zebrafish. Two agents were found not to induce aversive behavioural responses: etomidate and 2,2,2 tribromoethanol. For the millions of adult zebrafish used in laboratories and breeding worldwide, etomidate appears best suited for future routine humane use.</p></div