12 research outputs found

    The Banking System in Kyrgyzstan

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    Kyrgyzstan is the most advanced state in Central Asia in the area of radical reforms aimed at the reconstruction of the economic system. These reforms concern the entire banking system and its role in the transformation process. The purpose of this study is to outline the changes which have occurred thus far in the Kyrgyz banking system as well as to point out the chief problems which have arisen during the course of these reforms.Kyrgyzstan, Banking System Reforms

    Self-Identification of Polish Academic Economists with Schools of Economic Thought

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    The paper presents the results of a research conducted in 2014–2016, aimed at characterising the milieu of the Polish academic economists with respect to their self-identification with modern schools of economic thought. Using econometric modelling, the social variables determining the theoretical choices made by the economists themselves were identified. We found that the largest group of the Polish academic economists identifies themselves with new institutional economics. Nearly half of the respondents declared their association with heterodox approaches, while only about a quarter of the respondents showed association with economic orthodoxy. Such a structure of self-identification of the Polish academic economists with schools of economic thought distinguishes it from the ones in other European countries, such as Italy and Germany

    Banking Systems and Banking Crises in Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan

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    This article tries to determine whether or not there have been banking crises during the ten years of independence of Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan, and, if so, then of what sort? The main thesis of this study is that the ten-year history of the banking systems in these countries has been a process of entering into a banking crisis and finding a way out of it. It is precisely against this background that situations that could be classified as typical symptoms of a banking crisis have come up (liquidation of major banks due to their poor financial condition, unexpected bankruptcies of well-known banks, etc.). The bankruptcies were most likely due to the logic of transformation in this sector, rather than the classical prerequisites of a banking crisis inherent in a market economy.

    Nawracające zmiany przerostowe krtani u chorego z wywiadem narażenia na pestycydy – opis przypadku

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    Chronic irritation of the laryngeal mucosa by external factors can lead to the development of dysphonia: hoarseness, change of the voice tone or weakening of its strength. Patients who additionally report alarming symptoms, such as dyspnea, dysphagia, or odynophagia require urgent diagnosis and treatment. Long-term exposure to irritants may lead to the development of numerous recurrent hypertrophic laryngeal lesions requiring continuous otorhinolaryngological care and multiple surgical procedures, as it was in the presented case.Przewlekłe drażnienie błony śluzowej krtani przez czynniki zewnętrzne może prowadzić do rozwoju dyfonii o charakterze: chrypki, zmiany barwy głosu lub osłabienia jego siły. Chorzy zgłaszający dodatkowo objawy alarmowe, takie jak: duszność, dysfagia lub odynofagia, wymagają pilnej diagnostyki i leczenia. Wieloletnie narażenie na czynniki drażniące może prowadzić do rozwoju licznych, nawracających zmian przerostowych krtani, wymagających stałej opieki otorynolaryngologicznej oraz wielokrotnych zabiegów operacyjnych, tak jak to miało miejsce w prezentowanym przypadku

    Laryngeal tumour of neurogenetic origin – case report and review of the literature

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    Schwann cell tumours are a rare group of benign neoplasms that origin form peripheral nerves. 0.1%–1.5% develops in the larynx causing hoarseness, difficulty swallowing and dyspnoea. The treatment of choice is surgical resection of the tumour during open type surgery or endoscopic procedure. The chosen surgical technique depends on tumour location, size observed in clinical examination and imaging. Also, clinical manifestation of the disease is included in the decision-making process

    Guz krtani pochodzenia neurogennego – opis przypadku i przegląd piśmiennictwa

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    Nerwiaki osłonkowe stanowią rzadką grupę nowotworów niezłośliwych, które rozwijają się w obrębie nerwów obwodowych. 0,1–1,5% tych guzów zlokalizowanych jest w krtani. Powodują one: stopniowe narastanie chrypki, trudności z połykaniem i duszność. Leczenie polega na chirurgicznej resekcji guza technikami otwartymi lub endoskopowymi. Kwalifikacja do zastosowania konkretnej techniki chirurgicznej zależy od dokładnej lokalizacji zmiany, a także jej wielkości obserwowanej w badaniu klinicznym oraz badaniach obrazowych i manifestacji klinicznej