5 research outputs found

    Modulator For Klystron 5045

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    The first modulator for a forinjector klystron of VEPP -- 5 is being tested now in BINP in Novosibirsk. The forinjector of VEPP -- 5 will involve a 510 MeV Linac consisting of four accelerating modules. The Klystron 5045 manufactured at SLAC [1] was chosen to drive the accelerating modules. This paper presents a design and some testing results of this modulator. I. INTRODUCTION The modulator is a conventional line type modulator with some supplementary characteristics. A simplified electrical layout of this modulator is shown in Fig. 3. The voltage value in a filter capacitor CF is determined by a phase-control system with six SCRs. The CF charging current is limited by three 500#H inductors connected to the primary winding of the rectifier transformer. In addition, this system provides "soft-start" capability and fast protection. The PFN is resonantly charged through a charging high-voltage SCR-switch (HV-switch), a charging inductor, and de-spiking circuits. The resonant PFN charge..