26 research outputs found

    Information technologies incentivizing scholastic fruition

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    Young people seem to be more familiar with communication devices such as mobile phones, MP3, iPOD and YouTube rather than textbooks or eLearning supports. While students’ grades in the high schools of the Lombardy Region averaged 60% insufficient marks in the first semester which ended in January 2008, this experiment involves an active role of past students, now freshmen, in the Digital Communication degree as Tutors in 13 high schools to deliver additional teaching through an Interactive VideoJournal that’s accessible on mobile phones and WEB-TV. Explanations are made through videos uploaded to our LCAD University Research Laboratory WEBCEN server, while teaching support is a community effort involving teachers as well. Results achieved will be measured by reduced insufficient grades at the end of this Academic Year, in June. Financial support is provided by the students’ parents as an alternative to pay private teachers, while the VideoJournal technologic environment is a University research