228 research outputs found


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    In article it is shown that one of criteria of competitiveness of the organization is loyalty of end users, partners and her employees. Such fundamental categories as norm and mass of potrebitelny cost, a consumer assessment, quality and the range allow to reveal degree of satisfaction of the client. The way of an assessment of loyalty on the basis of definition of an index of consumer loyalty is considered, and also the algorithm of an assessment of this indicator is presented

    Estimation of factors and projected growth of the metallurgical branch of Russia under unstable market conditions

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    The results of the performed analysis of the development indexes of the Russian metallurgical industry, the production dynamics and export tendencies of the largest exporters were represented. The estimation of the specific factors of price formation in the market of steel products of the Russian Federation, the record of the growth of prices for ore and coal in the world, together with the analysis of the main financial values of the activity of the largest metallurgical companies allowed calculating the projected indexes basing upon their activity for 2017-2018. On the base of these projected indexes of the companies’ activity and worldwide trends of demand for steel products, the estimations of the products demand were given taking into account the determining factors of the branch development


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    In article it is shown that one of criteria of competitiveness of the organization is loyalty of end users, partners and her employees. Such fundamental categories as norm and mass of potrebitelny cost, a consumer assessment, quality and the range allow to reveal degree of satisfaction of the client. The way of an assessment of loyalty on the basis of definition of an index of consumer loyalty is considered, and also the algorithm of an assessment of this indicator is presented


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    The technology of search optimization as one of elements of the digital marketing directed to increases in volume of Internet sales at the present stage of development of economy has been analyzed. The details of the process of drawing up an algorithm of search optimization of the website including necessary actions for carrying out internal and external optimization have been presented. The comparison of different types of optimization has been proved. In the conclusion process of work with information necessary for improvement of content of the website and optimization of sales propositions has been considered

    The formation of flavoring characteristics of meat products by changing the chemical composition of food compositions

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    The article presents the results of the study of changes in flavour characteristics when using corrective additives. Monosodium glutamate, ribotide, yeast extract and hydrolysate of vegetable soy protein were used as flavoring additives (FA). To assess the effect of composition of meat product recipe, as well as the method of FA‑introduction on taste intensity, the recipes of model meat systems with partial replacement of meat raw materials were used. Pork fat, soy protein and potato starch were used as meat substitutes. The effect of recipe composition on the content of non-volatile substances of aroma was accessed. It is shown that replacement of pork by pork fat in the recipe by 20–40% led to a sharp decrease in the concentration of aromatic substances and a decrease in intensity of taste of the finished product several times. The ways for taste correction using FA was studied. For this, a chopped semi-finished product — minced meat was prepared from chilled whole-muscle pork and 0.05% of each FA was added. It is shown that the dynamics of changes in the content of free amino acids is the most pronounced when using monosodium glutamate not as a mono-additive, but in compositions: monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide. A pool of chemical compounds involved in the formation of taste and aroma of products was detected. The main components were derivatives of C6–C24 fatty acids, as well as a significant number of other biochemical compounds, mainly substituted amines, amides, alcohols and ketones, with a content ranging from 0.001 to 0.2 mg/kg. The results of organoleptic analysis showed that the most delicious and attractive samples were those containing monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide

    Study of antimicrobial activity and technology optimization of Calendulae flos galenicals

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    The article presents materials on optimization of manufacture technology for Calendulae flos galenicals with medium level of antibacterial activity. For antibacterial study of extracts, we used agar well diffusion method. In our research, we utilized six test-strain microorganisms: E. coli ATCC 25922, S. aureus ATCC 25923, P. vulgaris ATCC 4636, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, C. albicans ATCC 885/653, and B. subtilis ATCC 6633. We have found that the maximum level of extracts’ antimicrobial activity is achieved in the range of ethanol content in the extractant from 70 to 97 % v/


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    The aim of the study – to investigate an effort of correcting lactose deficiency to the health of infants with symptoms of allergy to foods.Materials and Methods. The study involved 35 children aged 2 to 14 months with food allergy. The study included patients with lactase deficiency predictable for the previous definition of fecal pH values (below 5.5). Children underwent general clinical examination, scatological study the definition of fecal pH, crop fecal bacteria overgrowth dynamics.Results and Discussion. In all the children we recorded certain manifestations of food allergy. The children were on breast feeding – 16 (45.7 %), partially breastfed – 14 (40 %) and artificial – 5 (14.3 %) feeding. In the study of microbial landscape of the intestine in most children the total number of E.coli remained in the normal range. Reducing the number of bifid bacteria and lactobacilli observed respectively in 25.7 % and 60.0 % of patients. The most observed children had pathogenic micro flora. All children after examination were prescribed the treatment that included hypoallergenic diet for breastfeeding mother and / or child, enzyme replacement therapy with lactase "Mamalak." Product – drops containing 1 ml solution in 3000 ALU lactase. The drug was administered at the rate of 750 ALU of lactase (5 drops) per 100 ml of breast milk or replacement before eachfeeding period of 60 days. Every 3-rd child had clinical improvement of skin- and gastrointestinal syndromes (11–31.4%). A part of children (approx. 25 %) had positive changes in the intestinal micro flora. An amount of children rose till the end of observation up to 29 (82.9 %).Conclusions. Infants having symptoms of allergy to food can get formed lactose deficiency. Addition of lactase medicine tocomplex therapy is recommended for allergic diseases contributed to the health improvements of children in most cases.Цель исследования – изучить влияние коррекции лактазной недостаточности на состояние здоровья детей грудного возраста с проявлениями аллергии на продукты питания.Материалы и методы. Проведено обследование 35 детей в возрасте от 2 до 14 месяцев с пищевой аллергией. В исследование были включены пациенты с предполагаемой лактазной недостаточностью по результатам предварительного определения рН кала (значение ниже 5,5). Детям проведено общеклиническое обследование, копрологическое исследование испражнений с определением рН кала, посев кала на дисбактериоз в динамике.Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. У большинства обследованных детей были выявлены кожный и гастроинтестинальный синдромы. Дети находились на естественном, частично грудном и искусственном вскармливании. Наблюдались нарушения микробиоценоза кишечника: снижение бифидо- и лактобактерий, избыточный рост условно-патогенной флоры. После обследования всем детям было назначено лечение, которое включало гипоаллергенную диету для кормящей матери и/или ребенка, заместительную ферментную терапию препаратом лактазы «Мамалак». Форма выпуска – капли, которые содержат в 1 мл раствора 3000 ALU лактазы. Препарат назначался из расчета 750 ALU лактазы (5 капель) на 100 мл грудного молока или молочной смеси перед каждым кормлением на протяжении 60 дней. Через 30 дней клиническое улучшение течения кожного и гастроинтестинального синдромов отмечено у каждого третьего ребенка (11–31,4 %), у части детей (приблизительно 25 %) наблюдались положительные изменения в составе микрофлоры кишечника. До конца срока наблюдения количество детей с положительными клиническими результатами увеличилось до 29 (82,9 %).Выводы. У детей грудного возраста с проявлениями аллергии на пищевые продукты возможно формирование лактазной недостаточности. Применение препарата лактазы в составе комплексной терапии, рекомендованной при аллергических заболеваниях, способствовало улучшению состояния здоровья у абсолютного большинства детей.Мета дослідження – вивчити вплив корекції лактазної недостатності на стан здоров’я дітей грудного віку з проявами алергії на продукти харчування.Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 35 дітей віком від 2 до 14 місяців з харчовою алергією. В дослідження були включені пацієнти з передбачуваною лактазною недостатністю за результатами попереднього визначення рН калу (значення нижче 5,5). Дітям проведено загальноклінічне обстеження, копрологічне дослідження випорожнень з визначенням pH калу, посів калу на дисбактеріоз у динаміці.Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. В усіх дітей відмічались ті чи інші прояви харчової алергії. Діти перебували на природному – 16 (45,7 %), частково грудному – 14 (40 %) і штучному – 5 (14,3 %) вигодовуванні. При дослідженні мікробного пейзажу кишечника у більшості дітей загальна кількість кишкової палички залишалась у межах норми, зменшення кількості біфідо- і лактобактерій спостерігалось, відповідно, у 25,7 та 60,0 % пацієнтів. У абсолютної більшості обстежуваних висівалася умовно-патогенна мікрофлора. Після обстеження всім дітям було призначено лікування, яке включало гіпоалергенну дієту для матері-годувальниці та/або дитини, замісну ферментну терапію препаратом лактази «Мамалак». Форма випуску – краплі, які містять в 1 мл розчину 3000 ALU лактази. Препарат призначався з розрахунку 750 ALU лактази (5 крапель) на 100 мл грудного молока або молочної суміші перед кожним годуванням терміном 60 днів. Через 30 діб клінічне покращення перебігу шкірного і гастроінтестинального синдромів відмічено у кожної третьої дитини (11–31,4 %), у частини дітей (близько 25 %) спостерігалися позитивні зміни у складі мікрофлори кишечника. До кінця терміну спостереження кількість дітей з позитивними клінічними результатами збільшилась до 29 (82,9 %).Висновки. У дітей грудного віку з проявами алергії на харчові продукти можливе формування лактазної недостатності.Додавання препарату лактази до комплексної терапії, рекомендованої при алергічних захворюваннях, сприяло покращеннюстану здоров’я дітей у абсолютній більшості випадків

    Finite-dimensional reductions of the discrete Toda chain

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    The problem of construction of integrable boundary conditions for the discrete Toda chain is considered. The restricted chains for properly chosen closure conditions are reduced to the well known discrete Painlev\'e equations dPIIIdP_{III}, dPVdP_{V}, dPVIdP_{VI}. Lax representations for these discrete Painlev\'e equations are found.Comment: Submitted to Jornal of Physics A: Math. Gen., 14 page

    Stable complexes of tertiary ammonia derivative of phenothiazine with tertramethylsulfonated resorcin[4]arenes obtained under substoichiometric conditions

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    Eight water insoluble complexes of tetramethylsulfonated calix[4]resorcinarenes 1 and 2 (-CH3 and -C5H 11) with phenothiazine derivative, 3, were obtained under substoichiometric conditions by mixing aqueous solutions of the initial reagents. It was found that complexation of cationic 3 by macrocycles was provided by both Coulomb interaction with the negative sulfonato-groups on the upper rim and by cation-π interactions with the aromatic cavity. The complexes precipitated and, therefore, were studied in organic solvents-DMSO, CD3OD, and CDCl3 using IR-, UV-, and NMR- spectroscopy. Formation of the complexes accompanied by gradual dehydratation of the host-estimated quantity of water in the complexes decreased with increase of the initial concentration of 3. Driving forces of precipitation and complexation, the role of water coordinated by the hosts, and distribution of phenothiazine derivative between two kinds of binding sites are discussed. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc