162 research outputs found

    A microeconomic model for subsidies allocation: The case of Belarus

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    The paper develops a microeconomic methodological framework that allows approaching subsidy allocation across the types of assets and impact of subsidies on agricultural outputs and profits. The methodology is based on a non-parametric production frontier estimation. The empirical application is made to 1084 Belarusian corporate farms. The results suggest targeting governmental support at grain and milk production. In this case, 4.14 trillion Belarusian roubles of subsidies increase the overall profit of the sample farms by 1.46 trillion. In the case of targeting, the farms with higher overall efficiency are more sensitive to the support and are able to absorb larger amount of subsidies. The opposite is true in the absence of targeting. --Microeconomic model,data envelopment,subsidies,Belarus

    Observations of underdense plasma lens focusing of relativistic electron beams

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    Focusing of a 15 MeV, 19 nC electron bunch by an underdense plasma lens operated just beyond the threshold of the underdense condition has been demonstrated in experiments at the Fermilab NICADD Photoinjector Laboratory (FNPL). The strong 1.9 cm focal-length plasma-lens focused both transverse directions simultaneously and reduced the minimum area of the beam spot by a factor of 23. Analysis of the beam-envelope evolution observed near the beam waist shows that the spherical aberrations of this underdense lens are lower than those of an overdense plasma lens, as predicted by theory. Correlations between the beam charge and the properties of the beam focus corroborate this conclusion

    UCLA/FNPL Underdense Plasma Lens Experiment: Results and Analysis

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    Focusing of a 15 MeV, 16 nC electron bunch by a gaussian underdense plasma lens operated just beyond the threshold of the underdense condition has been demonstrated. The strong 1.9 cm focal length plasma lens focused both transverse directions simultaneously and reduced the minimum area of the beam spot by a factor of 23. Analysis of the beam envelope evolution observed near the beam waist shows that the spherical aberrations of this underdense lens are lower than those of an overdense plasma lens, as predicted by theory. Time resolved measurements of the focused electron bunch are also reported and compared to simulations

    Results from the UCLA/FNPL underdense plasma lens experiment

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    A gaussian underdense plasma lens with peak density 5 x 10{sup 12} cm{sup -3} and a full width half maximum (FWHM) length of 2.2 cm has been used to focus a relativistic electron beam. This plasma lens is equivalent in strength to a quadrupole magnet with a 150 T/m field gradient. The lens focused a 15 MeV, 16 nC electron beam with initial dimensions {sigma}{sub x,y} {approx} 650 {micro}m and {sigma}{sub z} {approx} 6.5 mm onto an optical transition radiation (OTR) screen {approx}2 cm downstream of the lens. The average transverse area of the plasma focused electron beam was typically demagnified by a factor of 23. The evolution of the beam envelope in the area near the beam waist was measured for both round beams and asymmetric beams with x:y aspect ratios as large as 1:5. The light from the OTR screen in the round beam case was also imaged into a streak camera in order to directly measure the correlation between z and {sigma}{sub r} within the beam

    Механизация полевой сушки трав: пути совершенствования

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    High-quality grass feeds (hay, haylage, silage) decrease cost price, improve consumer properties and increase competitiveness of cattle products significantly being the main component of agricultural export for the Republic of Belarus. An important issue of grass feed procurement is acceleration of mowed grass drying process. Reduction of drying time or drying process acceleration has a positive effect on feed quality. To achieve this goal, technique of laying the mowed grass on stubble, in rolls or spreading, turning and conditioning is applied. Based on practical experience of application and analysis, the relevance of repeated rolling (reconditioning) of mowed grasses in rolls is substantiated. Design and workflow of new device for such grass rolling has been developed. Its working unit is designed as a sawn-deck or roller flatting apparatus. The kinematic parameters of the upper and lower rollers have been determined experimentally: the rollers rotation ratio should make 1.01 m ωв / ωн m 1.03. Field tests of the device with legumes helped to determined that it accelerates drying by 15–20%, reduces protein loss by 10–15% compared to drying with no treatment. The presented research materials present the development of the theory of grass feeds procurement mechanization. Use of the materials in practice will improve the quality of grass feeds by accelerating the mowed grass drying process.Качественные травяные корма (сено, сенаж, силос) существенно снижают себестоимость, улучшают потребительские свойства и повышают конкурентоспособность продукции крупного рогатого скота, являющейся для Республики Беларусь основной составляющей аграрного экспорта. Важным элементом процесса заготовки травяных кормов является ускорение сушки скошенных трав. Сокращение времени сушки или ее ускорение положительно влияет на их качество. Для достижения этой цели применяют укладку скошенных трав на стерню, в валки или растил, ворошение и кондеционирование. На основе их практического опыта применения и анализа обоснована актуальность повторного плющения (рекондеционирование) скошенных трав в валках. Разработана конструкция и рабочий процесс нового устройства для такого плющения трав. Его рабочий орган выполнен как бильно-дековый или вальцевый плющильный аппарат. Экспериментально установлены кинематические параметры работы верхнего и нижнего вальцов: соотношение их вращения должно быть 1,01 m ωв / ωн m 1,03. Полевыми испытаниями устройства на бобовых травах определено, что его применение способствует ускорению сушки на 15–20 %, уменьшает потери протеина на 10–15 % по сравнению с сушкой без обработки. Представленные материалы исследования являются развитием теории механизации заготовки травяных кормов. Их использование на практике будет способствовать повышению качества травяных кормов благодаря ускорению сушки скошенной травы