191 research outputs found

    Detection of biomarkers in the organic matter of rocks from the romashkinskoe oil field using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    Polycyclic hydrocarbons (biomarkers) were detected in the organic matter of Paleozoic and pre-Paleozoic rocks from the Romashkinskoe oil field in the Volga-Ural region using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Coefficients were calculated from the ratio between tetra- and pentacyclic hydrocarbons, and the facial genetic types, possible generation sources, and evolution transformation conditions of the initial organic matter were determined from the array of these coefficients. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010

    Influence of rock-forming and catalytic additives on transformation of highly viscous heavy oil

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    © 2016 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The influence of the rock-forming additives kaolin and alumina in the presence of nickel compounds on the thermal catalytic conversion of heavy oil at a temperature of 360°C in a reducing atmosphere at different pressures in the system has been revealed. The effect of poly-α-olefins as a hydrogen donor has been examined. It has been found that there are predominant degradation reactions of the resinous components, aliphatic substituents in asphaltenes, and branched aliphatic structures accompanied by redistribution of n-alkanes toward homologues with a lower molecular weight, resulting in reduction in the viscosity of heavy oil. Conducting the process in the presence of Al2O3, Ni, and poly-α-olefins at a pressure of 8 MPa increases the quantity of light fractions of the oil and facilitates the degradation of asphaltenes. A decrease of pressure in the experiment on the oil with kaolin in a reducing atmosphere leads to a decrease in aromaticity of the final product and an increase in the yield of lube oil hydrocarbon and low-boiling fractions

    対人関係の光と影 : 「絆」の形成、拒絶、そして崩壊の社会心理学的研究

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. The feasibility of applying thermal analysis to study of oil-containing rocks and organic matter is reviewed. Using heavy crudes from the Ashal'cha and Mordovo-Karmal fields, the potential for analysis of the effectiveness of iron-containing precursors of aquathermolysis catalysts is demonstrated with use of data derived from thermal analysis. The thermal effects detected in the presence of the catalyst precursor, as compared with the original sample, reflect decomposition of the catalyst precursor and degradation processes for the components of the crude oil activated by the catalyst. It is shown that use of thermal analysis is feasible for preliminary selection or optimization of catalyst compositions for in-situ upgrading of crude oils, taking into account the activity of the catalyst relative to certain components of the crude in a specific temperature range

    Characteristic features of the hydrocarbon composition of Spiridonovskoe (Tatarstan) and Pitch Lake (Trinidad and Tobago) asphaltites

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.A comparative study of the composition of natural asphaltites from surface deposits of oil-and-gas territories of the republics of Tatarstan and Trinidad and Tobago has been performed. Distinctive features of their component, structural-group, and hydrocarbon compositions have been revealed, as well as the fractional and structural-group composition of asphaltenes. It has been shown that the interlayer space in asphaltenes (dispersed phase) contains part of the dispersion medium, the composition of which stores information about the origin of asphaltites due to upward streams of deep waxy oil that has undergone both hydrothermal and bacterial alteration during migration and subsequent transformations

    Oil-generating potential of bituminous rocks from Permian and Domanic deposits in Tatarstan by the data of the pyrolytic Rock-Eval method

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    Using the Rock-Eval pyrolytic method, a comparative analysis of bituminous rock samples from the Permian deposits of the Ashalchinskoye oil deposit and the house (Domanic) deposits of the Romashkinskoye oil field was carried out and their oil-generating potential was estimated. It is shown that according to the content of organic matter, rocks differentiate from very good productive deposits to satisfactory. Permian rocks contain a high content of free hydrocarbons, after extraction, which the oil-producing potential of rocks sharply decreases. The residual organic matter is characterized by low values of the hydrogen index, high values of the oxygen index and a low degree of maturity, which is typical for kerogen of type III, formed from the sediments of the continental type. A distinctive feature of the dominant rocks is the low content of free hydrocarbons and the high content of insoluble kerogen of types I and II associated with organic matter of marine origin and possessing high oil and gas generation potential, the realization of which with the formation of free hydrocarbons is possible using technologies simulating artificial maturation of kerogen directly in productive layers. The heterogeneity of rocks from the Permian and Domanic deposits by the oil-generating potential determined by the different organic matter contents in rocks, by its nature and resistance to thermal effects, indicates the various possibilities and conditions for its implementation

    Mordovo-Karmalskoye Field: The Bitumen Composition in Productive Strata after Passing of the Combustion Front in Well

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    The specific features of the composition of both natural bitumens of the Mordovo-Karmalskoye field and products of the bitumen thermal transformation in strata after passing of the combustion front in a well are studied. The composition of organic matter and its bitumen components left in reservoir after passing of the combustion front and the parameters of bitumen which underwent no artificial impact are compared. The combustion is found to cause the deep transformations in the bitumen composition and the differentiation of bitumen properties through a cross section. The rather light bitumen (density is equal to 0,94 g/cm3) is in the low concentration in the roof part of stratum. A content of paraffin-naphtene hydrocarbons, particularly nalkanes, increases in the hydrocarbon part of bitumen. Accordingly to the group and hydrocarbon compositions, the elemental composition is altered, the hydrogen content increases and the sulphur content decreases. Contrarily, the bitumen in the combustion interval is heavier (1,013 g/cm3). A quality of the bitumen is minimal there. The interlayers having an enhanced content of the insoluble organic compounds are found. The high content of asphaltenes causes the low hydrogen content and the high carbon content in the bitumen composition. All these parameters are abnormal if to compare with the ordinary, non-transformed bitumens of the Mordovo-Karmalskoye field. In the lower part of cross section underwent no combustion, the content and composition of bitumen become ordinary for the productive thickness. At the same time, the lower oil content and the higher content of asphaltenes and sulphur in bitumens are an evidence to the displacement of light to the productive wells hydrocarbons simultaneously to passing of the combustion front. That confirms the earlier observed fact that the oil is produced at the part of reservoir which underwent no in situ combustion. In addition to the alterations in the organic matter composition and content, the bitumen-bearing rocks are also transformed, particularly a ratio between iron(II), iron(III) compounds and pyrite is changed. The revealed factors which effect the quality of recovered bitumens and the alterations in the mineralogy make possible to control the temperature regime and passing of the combustion front

    Technological qualities of natural bitumens of Tatarstan depending on chemical and geochemical characteristics of their composition

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    A variety of composition of natural bitumens of the Permian sediments of Tatarstan territory is given. The necessity of differentiation of the given raw by chemical and geochemical parameters of their composition is proved. Perspective lines of use of various types of natural bitumens are considered

    Changes in hydrocarbon content of heavy oil during hydrothermal process with nickel, cobalt, and iron carboxylates

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    © 2018 We conducted autoclave modeling experiments to study the process of upgrading heavy oil in the reservoir conditions and used carboxylates of transition metals (Ni, Co, Fe) as catalyst precursors. The process was carried out at temperatures of 250, 300, and 350 °C in the presence of a naphthenoaromatic hydrogen donor. We found that significant content changes of oil occur at temperatures of 300 and 350 °C accompanied by an increase of light fractions and a decrease of high molecular weight hydrocarbons. We studied the hydrocarbon composition of the initial oil and the products of the hydrothermal process as well as tetralin (proton donor) transformations to determine the patterns of influence of the process conditions and catalyst precursors

    Conversion of the Organic Matter of Domanic Shale and Permian Bituminous Rocks in Hydrothermal Catalytic Processes

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Comparative studies of hydrothermal transformation of organic matter samples of bituminous rocks from Domanic and Permian deposits of the Tatarstan Republic (Russian Federation) have been carried out. The experiments have been taken at a temperature of 300 °C in a vapor-gas carbon dioxide environment, with a content of 30% water in the reactionary system and an initial pressure of carbon dioxide of 2 MPa. It is shown that the distinguishing features of the organic matter of the analyzed species according to thermal analysis data are most prominent in the loss of its mass at various temperature intervals. Also, changes take place in group and structural composition and hydrocarbon composition, which have an impact on the composition of the initial products of experiments. Hydrothermal effects on the Domanic rock sample result in the destruction of structural polymer fragments of kerogen. It results in an increase in the contents of asphaltenes and their modified structures in the form of carben-carboids, insoluble in solvents characteristic of asphaltenes, thus reducing the relative content of saturated hydrocarbons in the products of the experiment. Under similar hydrothermal conditions, changes in the physical composition of the Permian rock are less significant. For the investigation of activation processes of the transformation of organic matter of the Permian rock, an experiment was conducted using catalysts. As catalysts, a composition of oil-soluble iron(II), cobalt(II), and copper(II) carboxylates with an additive of propanol was used. The use of the catalyst has increased the output of light fractions and reduced the content of resins and asphaltenes as part of Permian rock

    Change in the Hydrocarbon and Component Compositions of Heavy Crude Ashalchinsk Oil Upon Catalytic Aquathermolysis

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. A physical model has been developed for the aquathermolysis of heavy crude oil from the Ashalchinsk oil field at 250°, 300°, and 350°C. Nickel and cobalt carboxylates were used as oil-soluble catalyst precursors. In the presence of a hydrogen proton donor at 300°C, the oil content was found to rise considerably and the resin content was found to decrease by a factor of 1.8, which leads to a decrease in crude oil viscosity by 91% and a decrease in density from 960 to 933 kg/m 3 . The hydrocarbon composition of the liquid aquathermolysis products was studied by chromate-mass spectrometry. The average molecular weight of the asphaltenes was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) spectrometry. The maximum disproportionation of the hydrocarbons into n-alkanes, alkylcyclohexanes, and alkylbenzenes occurs at 300° and 350°C. The composition of the hydrogen proton donor (tetralin) conversion products at these aquathermolysis temperatures was determined