27 research outputs found

    Attitudes and perceptions of next-of-kin/loved ones toward end-of-life HIV cure-related research: A qualitative focus group study in Southern California

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    As end-of-life (EOL) HIV cure-related research expands, understanding perspectives of participants’ next-of-kin (NOK) is critical to maintaining ethical study conduct. We conducted two small focus groups and two one-on-one interviews using focus group guides with the NOK of Last Gift study participants at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Participating NOK included six individuals (n = 5 male and n = 1 female), including a grandmother, grandfather, partner, spouse, and two close friends. Researchers double-coded the transcripts manually for overarching themes and sub-themes using an inductive approach. We identified six key themes: 1) NOK had an accurate, positive understanding of the Last Gift clinical study; 2) NOK felt the study was conducted ethically; 3) Perceived benefits for NOK included support navigating the dying/grieving process and personal growth; 4) Perceived drawbacks included increased sadness, emotional stress, conflicted wishes between NOK and study participants, and concerns around potential invasiveness of study procedures at the EOL; 5) NOK expressed pride in loved ones’ altruism; and 6) NOK provided suggestions to improve the Last Gift study, including better communication between staff and themselves. These findings provide a framework for ethical implementation of future EOL HIV cure-related research involving NOK

    Perceptions of Next-of-Kin/Loved Ones about Last Gift Rapid Research Autopsy Study Enrolling People with HIV/AIDS at the End of Life: A Qualitative Interview Study

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    A growing number of people living with HIV/AIDS are participating in HIV cure-related research at the end of life (EOL). Due to the novelty of EOL HIV cure-related research, there is a need to understand how their next-of-kin (NOK) perceive such research. We conducted in-depth interviews with NOK of the Last Gift study participants at the University of California, San Diego. The Last Gift study occurs in the context of the EOL and involves a full body donation. NOK completed two interviews: (1) shortly after the participants' enrollment in the study and (2) following death. We applied thematic analysis to analyze qualitative data. NOK included seven individuals (five males and two females), including two spouses, one ex-partner, one sister, a grandmother/grandfather, and a close friend. Thematic analysis revealed five key themes: (1) NOK viewed the Last Gift program in a positive light and had an accurate overall understanding of the study; (2) NOK identified factors that motivated participants to donate their body to science; (3) NOK identified benefits of the Last Gift program for both the donors and themselves; (4) NOK did not perceive any physical risks or decisional regrets of study but wanted to minimize psychosocial impacts and ensure the dignity of participants at all times; and (5) NOK noted elements that remained essential to the successful implementation of EOL HIV cure-related research, such as early involvement and clear communication. Our study uniquely contributes to increased understanding and knowledge of what is important from the point of view of supportive NOK to ensure successful implementation of EOL HIV cure-related research. More research will be needed to understand perspectives of less supportive NOK

    Ethical and practical considerations for HIV cure-related research at the end-of-life: a qualitative interview and focus group study in the United States

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    Background: One of the next frontiers in HIV research is focused on finding a cure. A new priority includes people with HIV (PWH) with non-AIDS terminal illnesses who are willing to donate their bodies at the end-of-life (EOL) to advance the search towards an HIV cure. We endeavored to understand perceptions of this research and to identify ethical and practical considerations relevant to implementing it. Methods: We conducted 20 in-depth interviews and 3 virtual focus groups among four types of key stakeholders in the United States (PWH, biomedical HIV cure researchers, HIV clinicians, and bioethicists) to obtain triangulated viewpoints because little was known about the ethics of this topic. Each group was queried as to ethical considerations, safeguards, and protections for conducting HIV cure-related research at the EOL to ensure this research remains acceptable. Results: All four key stakeholder groups generally supported HIV cure-related research conducted at the EOL because of the history of altruism within the PWH community and the potential for substantial scientific knowledge to be gained. Our informants expressed that: (1) Strong stakeholder and community involvement are integral to the ethical and effective implementation, as well as the social acceptability of this research; (2) PWH approaching the EOL should not inherently be considered a vulnerable class and their autonomy must be respected when choosing to participate in HIV cure-related research at the EOL; (3) Greater diversity among study participants, as well as multi-disciplinary research teams, is necessitated by HIV cure-related research at the EOL; (4) The sensitive nature of this research warrants robust oversight to ensure a favorable risk/benefit balance and to minimize the possibility of therapeutic misconception or undue influence; and (5) Research protocols should remain flexible to accommodate participants’ comfort and needs at the EOL. Conclusion: Because of the ethical issues presented by HIV cure-related research at the EOL, robust ethical safeguards are of utmost importance. The proposed ethical and practical considerations presented herein is a first step in determining the best way to maximize this research’s impact and social value. More much inquiry will need to be directed towards understanding context-specific and cultural considerations for implementing EOL HIV cure research in diverse settings

    Ethical and practical considerations for interventional HIV cure-related research at the end-of-life: A qualitative study with key stakeholders in the United States

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    Background A unique window of opportunity currently exists to generate ethical and practical considerations presented by interventional HIV cure-related research at the end-of-life (EOL). Because participants would enroll in these studies for almost completely altruistic reasons, they are owed the highest ethical standards, safeguards, and protections. This qualitative empirical ethics study sought to identify ethical and practical considerations for interventional HIV cure-related research at the EOL. Methods and findings We conducted 20 in-depth interviews and three virtual focus groups (N = 36) with four key stakeholder groups in the United States: 1) bioethicists, 2) people with HIV, 3) HIV care providers, and 4) HIV cure researchers. This study produced six key themes to guide the ethical implementation of interventional HIV cure-related research at the EOL: 1) all stakeholder groups supported this research conditioned upon a clearly delineated respect for participant contribution and autonomy, participant understanding and comprehension of the risks associated with the specific intervention(s) to be tested, and broad community support for testing of the proposed intervention(s); 2) to ensure acceptable benefit-risk profiles, researchers should focus on limiting the risks of unintended effects and minimizing undue pain and suffering at the EOL; 3) only well-vetted interventions that are supported by solid pre-clinical data should be tested in the EOL translational research model; 4) the informed consent process must be robust and include process consent; 5) research protocols should be flexible and adopt a patient/participant centered approach to minimize burdens and ensure their overall comfort and safety; and 6) a participant’s next-of-kin/loved ones should be a major focus of EOL research but only if the participant consents to such involvement

    “My Death Will Not [Be] in Vain”: Testimonials from Last Gift Rapid Research Autopsy Study Participants Living with HIV at the End of Life

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    End-of-life (EOL) HIV cure-related research provides a novel approach to studying HIV reservoirs. The Last Gift is a rapid autopsy research study at the University of California San Diego that enrolls terminally ill people living with HIV (PLWHIV) with a desire to contribute to HIV cure-related research. We conducted in-depth baseline and follow-up interviews with Last Gift study participants. We analyzed interview data applying conventional content analysis. Since summer 2017, 13 participants have been enrolled (n = 11 males and 2 females; aged 45-89 years) and 8 participants interviewed. Terminal illnesses included cancers, heart diseases, and neurodegenerative illnesses. Our analysis revealed five key themes: (1) The Last Gift study has tremendous meaning for participants at the end of their life. (2) HIV-specific altruism was a primary motivator to join the Last Gift study, nested within the context of community, scientific advancement, and moral obligation. (3) Participants did not expect physical benefits yet they perceived emotional/psychological, financial, and societal/scientific benefits. (4) There were minimal participant-perceived risks and concerns. (5) Last Gift participants expressed immense gratitude toward study staff. The Last Gift study provides a framework for ethical HIV cure-related research at EOL and highlighted participants' perspectives, motivations, and experiences. Knowing how PLWHIV understand and experience such studies will remain critical to designing ethical, fully informed HIV cure research protocols that are acceptable to PLWHIV

    Altruism: Scoping Review of the Literature and Future Directions for HIV Cure-Related Research

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    Introduction The question of what motivates people to participate in research is particularly salient in the HIV field. While participation in HIV research was driven by survival in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, access to novel therapies became the primary motivator with the advent of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) in the late 1990s. In the HIV cure-related research context, the concept of altruism has remained insufficiently studied. Methods We conducted a scoping review to better contextualize and understand how altruism is or could be operationalized in HIV cure-related research. We drew from the fields of altruism in general, clinical research, cancer, and HIV clinical research–including the HIV prevention, treatment, and cure-related research fields. Discussion Altruism as a key motivating factor for participation in clinical research has often been intertwined with the desire for personal benefit. The cancer field informs us that reasons for participation usually are multi-faceted and complex. The HIV prevention field offers ways to organize altruism–either by the types of benefits achieved (e.g., societal versus personal), or the origin of the values that motivate research participation. The HIV treatment literature reveals the critical role of clinical interactions in fostering altruism. There remains a dearth of in-depth knowledge regarding reasons surrounding research participation and the types of altruism displayed in HIV cure-related clinical research. Conclusion Lessons learned from various research fields can guide questions which will inform the assessment of altruism in future HIV cure-related research

    Homologs of genes and anonymous loci on human Chromosome 13 map to mouse Chromosomes 8 and 14

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    To enhance the comparative map for human Chromosome (Chr) 13, we identified clones for human genes and anonymous loci that cross-hybridized with their mouse homologs and then used linkage crosses for mapping. Of the clones for four genes and twelve anonymous loci tested, cross-hybridization was found for six, COL4A1, COL4A2, D13S26, D13S35, F10, and PCCA. Strong evidence for homology was found for COL4A1, COL4A2, D13S26, D13S35, and F10, but only circumstantial homology evidence was obtained for PCCA. To genetically map these mouse homologs ( Cf10, Col4a1, Col4a2, D14H13S26, D8H13S35 , and Pcca-rs ), we used interspecific and intersubspecific mapping panels. D14H13S26 and Pcca-rs were located on the distal portion of mouse Chr 14 extending by ∌30 cM the conserved linkage between human Chr 13 and mouse Chr 14, assuming that Pcca-rs is the mouse homolog of PCCA. By contrast, Cf10, Col4a1, Col4a2 , and D8H13S35 mapped near the centromere of mouse Chr 8, defining a new conserved linkage. Finally, we identified either a closely linked sequence related to Col4a2 , or a recombination hot-spot between Col4a1 and Col4a2 that has been conserved in humans and mice.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47022/1/335_2004_Article_BF00352413.pd

    Performing rapid autopsy for the interrogation of HIV reservoirs.

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    : Rapid autopsy at the end of life in people with HIV (PWH) permits the preservation of valuable tissue specimens for subsequent study of HIV reservoirs. At our institution, we have developed a cohort of PWH who consent to a rapid autopsy to gather a wide range of fluids and tissues with the goal of advancing HIV cure research. The protocol for successfully performing these autopsies has required careful thought and development over months and years. We have now successfully performed six rapid autopsies and detail here our steps to build the study cohort, train and staff a team of more than a dozen personnel, and process and preserve hundreds of samples from each autopsy