9 research outputs found

    Effets des procédés de transformation sur la valeur nutritionnelle des formulations de bouillies de complément à base de sorgho

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    La présente étude a évalué l’effet des procédés de transformation sur la valeur nutritionnelle de trois types de bouillies à base de sorgho. Il s’agit de: la bouillie de sorgho fermentée; la bouillie à base de sorgho, desoja et de fretin et la bouillie à base de sorgho, de niébé et d’arachide. Du point de vue nutritionnel, la bouillie de sorgho fermentée contient, sur la base sèche, 6,7% de protéines, 2,3% de lipides, et 1,17% de minérauxtotaux. La bouillie à base de sorgho, de soja et de fretin contient 21% de protéines, 5,4% de lipides et 3,14% de minéraux totaux. La bouillie à base de sorgho, de niébé et d’arachide contient 17% de protéines, 0,98% g de lipides et 2,6 % de minéraux totaux. Le trempage des graines de sorgho pendant environ 23 heures, le tamisage après mouture et la fermentation ont entraîné une réduction significative (P<0,05) des teneurs en phénols totaux et en anthocyanes.Mots clés: aliment de complément, sorgho, valeur nutritionnelle, phénols, anthocyanes

    Optimisation du procédé traditionnel de maltage du sorgho pour la production de boissons fermentées

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    La présente étude a évalué les conditions d’optimisation des procédés traditionnels de maltage du sorgho au Bénin. L’objectif est d’améliorer, à l’échelle semi-industrielle, la production et la qualité du malt de sorgho. L’étude s’est déroulée en deux phases. La première phase a consisté en une enquête technologique au cours de laquelle la technologie traditionnelle de production de malt a été suivie et des échantillons de malt collectés. Dans la deuxième phase, la technologie traditionnelle a été reproduite en conditions contrôlées au laboratoire en faisant varier les différents paramètres de maltage que sont la durée de trempage et la durée de germination. Les résultats ont montré qu’il existe une grande variabilité au niveau des caractéristiques physicochimiques des malts collectés auprès des productrices de boissons maltées. L’analyse de variance a révélé que la durée de trempage et la durée de germination ont un effet significatif sur l’extrait sec, le pH, le pouvoir diastasique et le rapport α/β-amylasique des malts dérivés. Une analyse en composantes principales a été effectuée sur les caractéristiques des malts produits en conditions contrôlées et les conditions optimales de production de malt de qualité adéquate ont été établies.Keywords: Sorgho, malt, pouvoir diastasique, germination, fermentation, optimisatio

    Cooking and drying processes optimization of Pentadesma butyracea kernels during butter production

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    The cooking and the drying of the Pentadesma butyracea kernels are the main steps in the traditional method of extracting P. butyracea butter. In this work, the Response Surface Method with Central composite design was used to optimize the cooking and drying of Pentadesma kernels during P. butyracea butter production. The cooking and drying times, as well as the drying temperature of Pentadesma kernels are considered as independent factors. The moisture content of the Pentadesma kernels, the quantity, the acidity and the peroxyde values of extracted butter were the responses to be expected. The responses have been described using a second degree polynomial models which have been first tested and then used to explain 97.5, 80.7, 96.1 and 97%, of the variation of moisture content, quantity of butter, and acid and peroxide values, respectively. Increasing cooking time and drying temperature greatly reduced the free fatty acid values of the butter (<1%) and peroxide value (<1 meq/kg). The optimum cooking time (110 min), drying temperature (55°C) and drying time (72 h) could be used to get 52.92% of Pentadesma butter equivalent to the category 1 (with 0.62 meq/kg of peroxide and 0.28% of FFA content). Cooking and drying of Pendadesma kernels are important stages in the butter production. This work determined the optimum conditions of cooking and drying processes. These results could be used by P. butyracea butter processors to get good quality of Pentadesma butter and to improve extraction yield.Key words: Forest galeries, Pentadesma butyraceae, cosmetic industry, temperature, shea butter, Pentadesma butter, Benin

    Screening of the kernels of Pentadesma butyracea from various growing sites of Benin and evaluation of their antioxidant pigments content

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    Pentadesma butyracea Sabine (Clusiaceae) is a ligneous forest species of multipurpose uses. It is widely distributed in Africa from Guinea-Bissau to the West of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This study screened the kernel of P. butyracea on the basis of their physico-chemical properties. Six types of kernels were distinguished. The plant producing type 1 kernels (with medium length, low width and high thickness) and type 5 kernels (with high length, high width and high thickness) predominate within accessions representing 63% of the collections. Significant differences were found in the structural composition of the kernels. The average level of oil concentration in the kernels was 46.77%. The 1000 kernel weight averaged to 6.46 kg. The kernel hardness averaged to 550.81 N and is similar for all accessions but revealed that P. butyracea kernel is harder than shea kernel. The total phenolics and the total anthocyanins contents of the kernels varied significantly among accessions with a mean value of 164.03 and 152.78 mg/100 g, respectively. The antioxidant activity in the extract from P. butyracea kernel ranged from 30.22 to 58.57% of the remaining 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and is comparable to many traditional sources of antioxidants.Key words: Pentadesma butyracea, kernel, butter, antioxidant, cosmetic

    Bioavailability of Iron, Zinc, Phytate and Phytase Activity during Soaking and Germination of White Sorghum Varieties

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    The changes in phytate, phytase activity and in vitro bioavailability of iron and zinc during soaking and germination of three white sorghum varieties (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), named Dorado, Shandweel-6, and Giza-15 were investigated. Sorghum varieties were soaked for 20 h and germinated for 72 h after soaking for 20 h to reduce phytate content and increase iron and zinc in vitro bioavailability. The results revealed that iron and zinc content was significantly reduced from 28.16 to 32.16% and 13.78 to 26.69% for soaking treatment and 38.43 to 39.18% and 21.80 to 31.27% for germination treatments, respectively. Phytate content was significantly reduced from 23.59 to 32.40% for soaking treatment and 24.92 to 35.27% for germination treatments, respectively. Phytase enzymes will be activated during drying in equal form in all varieties. The results proved that the main distinct point is the change of phytase activity as well as specific activity during different treatment which showed no significant differences between the varieties used. The in vitro bioavailability of iron and zinc were significantly improved as a result of soaking and germination treatments

    Development and bioefficacy study of plant-based proteins diets for juvenile African catfish

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to improve the growth performance of the juvenile catfish (Clarias gariepinus) by using feed formula derived from local feed ingredients.Methodology and results: Three diets with formulas differing in the feed ingredients and biological process were tested. These were: diet 1 (Soybean meal, Fish meal, Moringa leaf meal, Roasted corn meal), diet 2 (Soybean meal, Fish meal, Moringa leaf meal, Roasted corn meal, Corn malt meal) and diet 3 (Soybean meal, Fish meal, Moringa leaf meal, Roasted corn meal, Corn malt meal, Kpètè-kpètè (traditional starter of opaque African beer). Coppens® is an imported efficient feed that was used as control. The fish were fed twice daily for a rearing period of 35 days in a randomized tree blocks. Results of the study showed an overall good survival rate and growth performance of the fish. All the parameters assessed showed significant better values in fish fed with control diet than formulated diets. However, there was no significant difference between values survival rate, weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of the formulated diets.Conclusions and application of results: Results indicated that all the three diets can be used as a fishmeal but their efficiency still needs to be improved. Though with low crude protein ratio (p˂0.05), diet 3 exhibits the same results as the other diets probably because it is fermented and incorporated with malted corn grain. Incorporation of malted cereal flour in fish feeds can improve their efficiency.Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, lactic acids fermentation, malting, plant protei

    Biofortification for Selecting and Developing Crop Cultivars Denser in Iron and Zinc

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    The Microbiology of Malting and Brewing

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