212 research outputs found

    Pseudo residual-gree bubble functions for the stabilization of convection-diffusion-reaction prolems

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mathematics, Izmir, 2012Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 55-57)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 57 leavesConvection - diffusion - reaction problems may contain thin regions in which the solution varies abruptly. The plain Galerkin method may not work for such problems on reasonable discretizations, producing non-physical oscillations. The Residual - Free Bubbles (RFB) can assure stabilized methods, but they are usually difficult to compute, unless in special limit cases. Therefore it is important to devise numerical algorithms that provide cheap approximations to the RFB functions, contributing a good stabilizing effect to the numerical method overall. In my thesis we will examine a stabilization technique, based on the RFB method and particularly designed to treat the most interesting case of small diffusion in one and two space dimensions for both steady and unsteady convection - diffusion - reaction problems. We replace the RFB functions by their cheap, but efficient approximations which retain the same qualitative behavior. We compare the method with other stabilized methods

    Low-rank solutions to the stochastic Helmholtz equation

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    In this paper, we consider low-rank approximations for the solutions to the stochastic Helmholtz equation with random coefficients. A Stochastic Galerkin finite element method is used for the discretization of the Helmholtz problem. Existence theory for the low-rank approximation is established when the system matrix is indefinite. The low-rank algorithm does not require the construction of a large system matrix which results in an advantage in terms of CPU time and storage. Numerical results show that, when the operations in a low-rank method are performed efficiently, it is possible to obtain an advantage in terms of storage and CPU time compared to computations in full rank. We also propose a general approach to implement a preconditioner using the low-rank format efficiently

    Critical role of lay health cultural brokers in promoting the health of immigrants and refugees: A case study in the United States of America

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    The United States of America, a home to immigrants and refugees from various cultures and corners of the world continues to encounter waves of mass immigration. Some immigrated due to well-founded fears of persecution (i.e. religious, political, race, or social group) or economic hardships. Others immigrated to, reunite with family members, seek economic and education opportunities, and better standards of living. Notwithstanding their channels of admission or entry and their pivotal role in enriching the culture and the economy of the United States of America, many confront several health and lifestyle related challenges as they acculturate and integrate into the mainstream of American life and culture. Although many individuals and organizations have created numerous programs and activities to help ease these difficulties, minimal documentation is available on the involvement and engagement of the non-traditional work force, such as the lay health cultural brokers

    Kablosuz bir sistem aracılığıyla elektrikli cihazların kontrolü

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kablosuz iletisim, RF, Mikrodenetleyici, Bilgisayardan kontrol.Bu tez çalısması kullanılan kablolu bir sistemin kullanılabilirliğini ve kurulumkolaylığını arttırmak amacıyla eski sisteme muadil bir kablosuz sistem tasarlamak vebu sistemin elektronik devresini tasarlamak amacı ile yapılmıstır.Bu amaca ulasmak için çesitli üreticilerden edinilen yongalar test edilmis veverimliliği , kullanim kolayligi en üst düzeyde ve maaliyeti en alt seviyede olanseçilmistir. Olusturulan devre Mikrodenetleyici içine gömülen gelismis bir yazılımile kontrol edilerek kablolu sisteme muadil güvenilirlikte bir kablosuz sistem ortayakonulmustur. Çalısma sırasında olusabilecek her türlü aksaklık düsünülerek temelaksaklıklara özel harici cihazlar tasarlanmıstır. Bu cihazlar ile sistem güvenilirliği enüst düzeye çıkarılmıstır.Bu noktadan sonra üretilen yeni sistemin bir önceki sisteme göre bir çok avantajınınolduğu görülmüstür. Bunlar yüksek seviyede kullanım ve kurulum kolaylığıdır.Keywords: Wireless communication, RF, Microcontroller, Computer ControlledThe aim of this thesis working is to improve employability and installationconvenience of a system designing a equivalent wireless system instead of old wiredsystem and to design a new electronic circuit of this wireless systemA few ICs which come from various producers are tested and chosen the one whichhas the best efficiency, higher ease of use and lower price to reach the aim of thethesis. Designed circuit is controlled with a higher level software that is embeddedinside a microcontroller in this way a wireless system is designed equivalent securitywith wired system. Some external devices are designed considering whole systemmalfunctions.The system security is improved with this way.At this point the new wireless system has more advantages than wired system. Theseare high level ease of use and installation convenience

    The Effects Of Dietary Propionic Acid Supplementation For Laying Hens On Performance, Egg Quality Traits And Some Blood Parameters

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    Yumurtacı tavuk rasyonlarına farklı düzeylerde (0,100, 200 ve 300 ppm) propiyonik asit eklenmesinin performans, yumurta kalitesi ve bazı kan parametreleri üzerine etkisini araştırmak maksadıyla yürütülen çalışmada, 28 haftalık yaşta 96 adet, Loghmann LSL tipi beyaz yumurtacı tavuk kullanılmıştır. Yumurtacı tavuk rasyonlarına 100, 200 ve 300 ppm seviyelerinde propiyonik asit ilavesinin yumurta verimi ve yemden yararlanma oranını linear olarak iyileştirdiği gözlenmiştir. Rasyona propiyonik asit ilavesinin yumurta kalitesiyle ilgili parametreler(yumurta kabuk kalınlığı, yumurta kırılma mukavemeti, yumurta sarı ve akı indeksi, haugh birimi) bakımından deneme grupları arasında önemli bir farklılık oluşturmuşturr (P<0,05). Serum parametrelerinden trigliserid, AST ve P hariç, incelenen diğer parametreler (kolesterol, glukoz, ALP, ALT, Ca) muameleden etkilenmemiştir. Yapılan polinomiyal analizle rasyona değişik seviyelerde propiyonik asit ilavesinin serum trigliserid ve P içeriğini kuadratik, AST içeriğini ise kübik olarak etkilediği belirlenmiştir.This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of four different levels (0, 100, 200, 300 ppm) of propionic acid supplementation into diets of laying hens on performance, egg quality and some blood parameters. The trial consisted of a total of 96, 28 wks old, Lohmann white layers were allocated randomly four experimental groups. During the study, each experimental group of six replicates of four birds was fed with four treatment diets. Results showed that supplementation of different levels propiyonic acid into layer diet linearly improved feed conversion ratio, and increased egg production. Egg quality traits such as shape index, albumen index, yolk index, shell strength, shell thickness, yolk color and Haugh unit were not affected by propiyonic acid supplementation into layer diet. Except for triglyceride, AST and P, other serum parameters such as cholesterol, glukoz, ALP, ALT and Ca did not affected by the propionic acid supplementation. Adding at different levels of propionic acid to diets of laying hens affected quadratically serum triglyceride, P and AST as cubically

    istraživanje učinka prirodnih inhibitora na razgradivost sezama primjenom in vitro metode u tri koraka

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    The aim of this experiment was to investigate the beneficial effect of monensin, tannic acid and cinnamon essential oil addition on sesame meal degradability by the three-step in vitro method. The effect of experimental additives on the degradability of sesame meal in the rumen, after rumen and in the whole gastrointestinal tract was significant (P<0.05). The in vitro ruminal and intestinal digestibility of sesame meal crude protein with experimental additives was in the range of 76 to 84% and 49 to 60%, respectively. The intestinal degradability of crude protein increased with the addition of cinnamon essential oil (about 10%). Addition of monensin, tannic acid, and cinnamon essential oil significantly increased the degradability of Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) in the rumen, intestines and the whole gastrointestinal tract. The results showed that cinnamon essential oil (125 mg/L) increased the degradability of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ADF and NDF in the rumen, after rumen and the whole digestive tract compared to all treatments (P<0.05). The results showed that addition of tannic acid (100 mg/L) decreased the disappearance of crude protein in the rumen, while it increased crude protein’s disappearance in the after rumen (P<0.05).Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti pozitivni učinak dodatka monenzina, tanina i esencijalnog ulja cimeta na razgradivost sezama in vitro metodom u tri koraka. Pronađen je znakovit učinak pokusnih dodataka na razgradivost sezama u buragu, a zatim i u cijelom gastrointestinalnom traktu (P < 0,05). In vitro buražna i intestinalna probavljivost sirovih bjelančevina sezama s pokusnim dodacima bila je od 76 do 84 %, odnosno 49 do 60 %. Intestinalna razgradivost sirove bjelančevine povećala se s dodatkom esencijalnog ulja cimeta (oko 10 %). Dodatak monenzina, tanina i esencijalnog ulja cimeta znakovito je povećao razgradivost neutralnih vlakana deterdženta (NDF) i kiselih vlakana deterdženta (ADF) u buragu, crijevima i cijelom gastrointestinalnom traktu. Rezultati su pokazali da esencijalno ulje cimeta (125 mg/L) povećava razgradivost suhe tvari (DM), organske tvari (OM), sirovog proteina (CP), ADF-a i NDF-a u buragu, a zatim i u cijelom probavnom sustavu u usporedbi s drugim pokusnim postupcima (P < 0,05). Rezultati su pokazali da dodatak tanina (100 mg/L) smanjuje razgradnju sirovog proteina u buragu, a povećava njegovu razgradnju u dijelu probavnog trakta nakon buraga (P < 0,05)

    The Critical Period for Weed Control (CPWC) in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    Accurate assessment of crop-weed control period is an essential part for planning an effective weed management for cropping systems. Field experiments were conducted during the seasonal growing periods of potato in 2012 and 2013 in Kayseri, Turkey to assess critical period for weed control (CPWC) in potato. A four parameter log-logistic model was used to assist in monitoring and analysing two sets of related, relative crop yield. Data was obtained during the periods of increased weed interference and as a comparison, during weed-free periods. In both years, the relative yield of potato decreased with a longer period of weed-interference whereas increased with increasing length of weed free period. In 2012, the CPWC ranged from 112 to 1014 GDD (Growing Degree Days) which corresponded to 8 to 66 days after crop emergence (DAE) and between 135-958 GDD (10 to 63 DAE) in the following year based on a 5% acceptable yield loss. Weed-free conditions needed to be established as early as the first week after crop emergence and maintained as late as ten weeks after crop emergence to avoid more than 5% yield loss in the potato. The results suggest that CPWC could well assist potato producers to significantly reduce the expense of their weed management programs as well as improving its efficacy

    The effects of dietary flavonoid supplementation on the antioxidant status of laying hens

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    Department of Science Research Project at Artvin Coruh UniversityNinety-six 28-week-old Lohmann White laying hens were utilized to test the antioxidant effects of flavonoids (hesperidin, naringin, and quercetin at 0.5 g/kg diet) during an 8-wk experimental period. At the end of the experiment blood samples were collected to determine total protein, cholesterol, and malondialdehyde (MDA) serum levels as well as activities of glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and level of glutathione (GSH) in erythrocyte lysates. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Naringin supplementation did not alter serum cholesterol concentration, whereas hesperidin and quercetin supplementations decreased serum cholesterol concentration. Naringin and quercetin supplementations did not affect serum protein concentration. All flavonoids decreased MDA concentration as well as increased GSH-Px, GR, GST, and SOD activities and GSH level, being quercetion superior to hesperidin and naringin. In conclusion, flavonoids, especially quercetin, exert antioxidant activity, which may help improve wellbeing when laying hens are exposed to stressors