8 research outputs found
Evaluating the Effect of Cold Ironing Technology in Emission Reduction: The Case of the Ports of Gemlik Bay
An Examination of Sustainability-oriented Innovations of a Port Business: A Borusan Port Case Study
AnExamination of Sustainability-oriented Innovations of a Port Business:ABorusan Port Case Study Burhan KAYIRAN1 Ömür Yaşar SAATÇIOĞLU2 For the successful implementation of sustainabilityactivities in organizations, the basic characteristics that define innovationsin sustainability activities (Wilkerson and Trellevik, 2021: 2) and the rolesand responsibilities in sustainability activities (Adams et al., 2012:17-20-21) must be consciously determined. Innovations that includesustainability activities are sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI)activities, which is an umbrella structure. These activities should beestablished in a case-oriented manner in terms of impact levels, stakeholders,roles and responsibilities (Adams et al., 2012: 17-20-21). In this way, theuncertainties arising from the existence of many conceptualizations such ascircular, green, eco, environment can be managed correctly (Ulvenblad et al.,2019: 5). In this study, three different sustainability-oriented innovation(SOI) applications implemented at Borusan Port, located in the Gemlik Bay ofthe Marmara region in Turkey, were examined. First of all, the SOI activitiesof the port have been examined using grounded theory with 12 sustainabilityreports of the port consisting of 1044 pages, a 25-page sustainability guideand 10 hours of in-depth and simultaneous interviews with the port seniormanagement. The conceptual levels of SOI activities, their relationaldimensions and levels with business activities, roles in SOI processes,categories and levels of SOI activities were evaluated through the SOIdimensions put forward by Adams et al. (2012: 17-20-21) and Borusan Port'slevel of being an organization capable of SOI has been determined. This studyis the first business research that brings the subject ofsustainability-oriented innovations in the literature into practice through thetheoretical SOI model of Adams et al. (2012: 17-20-21). The study has showedthat Borusan Port is an SOI-based business that achieves social transformationand reaches the system design level with the SOI applications it puts forwardin its operational and commercial activities. It has been determined that theport's being an SOI implementer at the system design level is effective inguiding the sector and public decision makers.Keywords: Sustainability-Oriented Innovation; Operational optimization;Organizational Transformation; System Building; SOI dimensions; GroundedTheory; Case Study; Seaport Businesses. 1Res. Asst. Dr., Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of MarineSciences, Surmene-Trabzon, Turkey, [email protected]. Dr., Dokuz Eylul University, Maritime Faculty, Buca-Izmir, Turkey,[email protected]</p
Gemlik Körfezi Limanları İçin Konteyner Kargo Talep Tahmini
Dünya ticaretinin büyük bir bölümü denizyolutaşımacılığı ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Ayrıca, limanlar deniz taşımacılığınınuluslararası ticarete açılan kapıları konumundadır. Bu anlamda, deniztaşımacılığının önemli bir düğümü olan limanlar için kapasite ve talepplanlaması yapılması hem liman işletmeleri için hem de deniz ticaret filoları,uluslararası ticarete taraf olan dış ticaret işletmeleri, aracı kurumlar,üçüncü, dördüncü ve beşinci parti gibi diğer lojistik işletmeleri ve devletkurumları için verimlilik analizlerinin yapılmasında ve yatırım planlarının oluşturulmasındaçok önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, yukarıda belirtildiği üzerebaşta liman işletmeleri ve diğer taraflar için kapasite ve yatırım planlarınaışık tutması amacıyla Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Marmara Bölgesi sınırlarında yeralan ve Türkiye’nin dış ticarete açılan önemli merkezlerinden biri olan Gemlikkörfezi limanlarına ilişkin konteyner yükü talep tahmin analizi yapılmıştır. Buamaçla, Gemlik körfezi limanları için 2004-2021 yılları arası konteynerelleçleme verileri bağımlı değişken (tahmin değişkeni) olarak kullanılmıştır veyine aynı yıllara ilişkin olarak Türkiye’nin gayri safi milli hasıla verileri,ithalat ve ihracat verileri, nüfus miktarı ve elleçlenen toplam konteynermiktarı bağımsız değişkenler olarak ele alınmış olup çoklu regresyon analiziyöntemiyle Gemlik körfezi limanlarının yıllık konteyner elleçleme verileri, %93,1'lik Düzeltilmiş R Kare oranıyla, 2028yılına kadar tahminlenmiştir.A large part of world trade is carried out by maritime transport. In addition, ports are the onlygates of maritime transport to international trade. In this sense, capacity and demand planningfor ports, which are an important node of maritime transport, is necessary for both portoperators and other logistics enterprises such as maritime trade fleets, foreign trade enterprisesthat are parties to international trade, intermediary institutions, third, fourth and fifth parties,and government institutions that It provides very important contributions in making efficiencyanalyzes and creating investment plans for. In this study, as stated above, container cargodemand forecasting analysis was carried out for the ports of Gemlik Bay, which is one of theimportant centers opened to foreign trade and located in the Marmara Region of the Republicof Turkey, in order to shed light on the capacity and investment plans for the port operatorsand other parties For this purpose, container handling data for the ports of Gemlik Baybetween 2004-2021 were used as the dependent variable (estimate variable) and again for thesame years, Turkey's gross national product data, import and export data, population amountand total container amount handled. were considered as independent variables and annualcontainer handling data of Gemlik Bay ports have been forecasted until 2028 by multipleregression analysis method with 93,1% adjusted R square value.</p