31 research outputs found

    Transforming Library Vendor Relations: Turning Relationships into Partnerships

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    Vendor Library Partnerships

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    Zalecenia dotyczące stosowania badań pozytonowej emisyjnej tomografii w onkologii

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a modern functional imaging method with proven value in diagnosing, staging, evaluating of response to anticancer therapy and detecting of relapses in numerous neoplasms. Utility, sensitivity and specificity of PET has increased by its use in combination with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance in form of fusion PET-CT or PET-MR and the introduction of new radiotracers. This paper, prepared based on scientific evidence by a multidisciplinary group of authors, presents the utility and clinical recommendations for the application of PET-CT in oncology. PET-CT is particularly useful for: — appropriate diagnosis and initial staging of patients with head and neck, lung, pancreatic and esophageal cancers as well as lymphomas, advanced melanomas and tumors of unknown primary site; — detection of relapses inpatients with colorectal, thyroid, ovarian, head and neck, and breast cancers, as well as lymphomas; — monitoring of response to therapy in patients with testicular and lung cancers, lymphomas and some types of sarcomas. PET-MR is particulary useful in pediatrics.  Pozytonowa emisyjna tomografia (PET) jest nowoczesną metodą czynnościowego obrazowania o potwierdzonej wartości w rozpoznawaniu i określaniu stopnia zaawansowania, ustalaniu kategorii odpowiedzi na leczenie przeciwnowotworowe oraz wykrywaniu nawrotów wielu nowotworów. Użyteczność, czułość i swoistość PET znacznie zwiększyły się po połączeniu z badaniem za pomocą komputerowej tomografii (KT) lub magnetycznego rezonansu (MR) oraz wprowadzeniu nowych radiofarmaceutyków. Obecne opracowanie, przygotowane na podstawie dowodów naukowych przez wielodyscyplinarny zespół autorów, przedstawia użyteczność i zalecenia kliniczne stosowania badania PET-KT w onkologii. Badanie PET-KT jest szczególnie przydatne w: — rozpoznawaniu i określaniu wyjściowego zaawansowania u chorych na nowotwory głowy i szyi, płuca, trzustki, przełyku oraz chłoniaki, zaawansowane czerniaki i nowotwory o nieznanym punkcie wyjścia; — wykrywaniu nawrotów u chorych na nowotwory jelita grubego, tarczycy, jajnika, głowy i szyi, piersi oraz chłoniaki; — określaniu odpowiedzi na leczenie u chorych na nowotwory jądra, płuca oraz chłoniaki i niektóre mięsaki. Badanie PET-MR jest szczególnie istotne w zastosowaniach pediatrycznych


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    Different methodologies for the preparation of marker bulls are described, such as fixing the sigmoid bend of the penis, artificial phimosis, lateral implant of the prepuce in Zebu bulls, resection of the apical dorsal ligament of the penis, fixation of the penis, epididymectomy, and overlap technique and surgical deviation with tunneling, concluding that the success or failure in the preparation of a marker bull depends more on the knowledge of the surgical technique and the postsurgery management than on the technique applied.Se describen diferentes metodologías para la preparación de toros marcadores, tales como, fijación de la flexura sigmoidea del pene, fimosis artificial, implantación lateral del prepucio en toros cebuínos, resección del ligamento apical dorsal del pene, fijación del pene, epididimectomía, técnica de traslape y desviación quirúrgica con tunelización, concluyendo que el éxito o fracaso en la preparación de un toro marcador, depende más del conocimiento de la técnica quirúrgica y del manejo posoperatorio que de la técnica aplicada

    Zalecenia dotyczące stosowania badań pozytonowej emisyjnej tomografii w onkologii

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a modern functional imaging method with proven value in diagnosing, staging, evaluating of response to anticancer therapy and detecting of relapses in numerous neoplasms. Utility, sensitivity and specificity of PET has increased by its use in combination with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance in form of fusion PET-CT or PET-MR and the introduction of new radiotracers. This paper, prepared based on scientific evidence by a multidisciplinary group of authors, presents the utility and clinical recommendations for the application of PET-CT in oncology. PET-CT is particularly useful for: — appropriate diagnosis and initial staging of patients with head and neck, lung, pancreatic and esophageal cancers as well as lymphomas, advanced melanomas and tumors of unknown primary site; — detection of relapses inpatients with colorectal, thyroid, ovarian, head and neck, and breast cancers, as well as lymphomas; — monitoring of response to therapy in patients with testicular and lung cancers, lymphomas and some types of sarcomas. PET-MR is particulary useful in pediatrics.  Pozytonowa emisyjna tomografia (PET) jest nowoczesną metodą czynnościowego obrazowania o potwierdzonej wartości w rozpoznawaniu i określaniu stopnia zaawansowania, ustalaniu kategorii odpowiedzi na leczenie przeciwnowotworowe oraz wykrywaniu nawrotów wielu nowotworów. Użyteczność, czułość i swoistość PET znacznie zwiększyły się po połączeniu z badaniem za pomocą komputerowej tomografii (KT) lub magnetycznego rezonansu (MR) oraz wprowadzeniu nowych radiofarmaceutyków. Obecne opracowanie, przygotowane na podstawie dowodów naukowych przez wielodyscyplinarny zespół autorów, przedstawia użyteczność i zalecenia kliniczne stosowania badania PET-KT w onkologii. Badanie PET-KT jest szczególnie przydatne w: — rozpoznawaniu i określaniu wyjściowego zaawansowania u chorych na nowotwory głowy i szyi, płuca, trzustki, przełyku oraz chłoniaki, zaawansowane czerniaki i nowotwory o nieznanym punkcie wyjścia; — wykrywaniu nawrotów u chorych na nowotwory jelita grubego, tarczycy, jajnika, głowy i szyi, piersi oraz chłoniaki; — określaniu odpowiedzi na leczenie u chorych na nowotwory jądra, płuca oraz chłoniaki i niektóre mięsaki. Badanie PET-MR jest szczególnie istotne w zastosowaniach pediatrycznych

    Factors and processes shaping the population structure and distribution of genetic variation across the species range of the freshwater snail radix balthica (Pulmonata, Basommatophora)

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    Background: Factors and processes shaping the population structure and spatial distribution of genetic diversity across a species' distribution range are important in determining the range limits. We comprehensively analysed the influence of recurrent and historic factors and processes on the population genetic structure, mating system and the distribution of genetic variability of the pulmonate freshwater snail Radix balthica. This analysis was based on microsatellite variation and mitochondrial haplotypes using Generalised Linear Statistical Modelling in a Model Selection framework. Results: Populations of R. balthica were found throughout North-Western Europe with range margins marked either by dispersal barriers or the presence of other Radix taxa. Overall, the population structure was characterised by distance independent passive dispersal mainly along a Southwest-Northeast axis, the absence of isolation-by-distance together with rather isolated and genetically depauperated populations compared to the variation present in the entire species due to strong local drift. A recent, climate driven range expansion explained most of the variance in genetic variation, reducing at least temporarily the genetic variability in this area. Other factors such as geographic marginality and dispersal barriers play only a minor role. Conclusions: To our knowledge, such a population structure has rarely been reported before. It might nevertheless be typical for passively dispersed, patchily distributed taxa (e.g. freshwater invertebrates). The strong local drift implied in such a structure is expected to erode genetic variation at both neutral and coding loci and thus probably diminish evolutionary potential. This study shows that the analysis of multiple factors is crucial for the inference of the processes shaping the distribution of genetic variation throughout species ranges. Additional files Additional file 1: Distribution of Radix taxa. Spatial distribution of the Radix MOTU as defined in Pfenninger et al. 2006 plus an additional, newly discovered taxon. This map is the basis for the inference of the species range of R. balthica. Additional file 2: Sampling site table and spatial distribution of diversity indices, selfing estimates and inferred population bottlenecks for R. balthica. Table of sampling site code, geographical position in decimal degrees latitude and longitude, number of individuals analysed with microsatellites (Nnuc), expected heterozygosity (HE) and standard deviation across loci, mean rarefied number of alleles per microsatellite locus (A) and their standard deviation, number of individuals analysed for mitochondrial variation (Nmt), rarefied number of mitochondrial COI haplotypes (Hmt), number of individuals measured for body size (Nsize). Figures A1 - A3 show a graphical representation of the spatial distribution of He, Hmt and, s, respectively. Additional file 3: Assessment of environmental marginality. PCA (principle component analysis) on 35 climatic parameters for the period from 1960 - 2000 from publicly availableWorldClim data. Additional file 4: Inference of a recent climate driven range expansion in R. balthica. Analysis of the freshwater benthos long term monitoring data of the Swedish national monitoring databases at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU with canonical correspondence analysis

    Consensus on methods of development of clinical practice guidelines in oncology under the auspices of Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology and the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System

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    Introduction.As the changes leading to improvement of cancer care in Poland have shown the need to introduce clinical practice guidelines into the health care system, it has become clear that no methodological standard of the process for guidelines preparation has been established so far. The following process aims to present a unified and comprehensive clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) development methodology. Materials and methods.A review of globally recognised methods used by guideline development groups was prepared, informing the discussion during three plenary meetings and extensive consultations in writing. The resulting document was unanimously approved by a group of 24 methodologists and clinical experts, and has been formally recognized as a standard for CPGs development by the management of the National Institute of Oncology and the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System. Results.Within the process, 43 recommendations were formulated to create unified and comprehensive rules for guideline development within the Polish healthcare system. Conclusions.The presented methods are consistent with the globally recognized tools and methods of guideline development, such as GRADE and ADAPTE, and follow quality criteria described by AGREE II. The process supports the development of high-quality guidelines within a resource-constrained setting by allowing to choose between adoption, adaptation, or de novo development of either the whole document of guidelines or particular recommendations