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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域医孊系口腔扁平䞊皮癌の浞最・転移に察する化孊療法の効果を明らかにする目的で,高浞最,高転移性質のヒト口腔扁平䞊皮癌现胞株であるOSC-19现胞をヌヌドマりスの口腔内に正所性に移怍する浞最・転移モデルを甚いお実隓的に怜蚎した.第1実隓ずしおOSC-19现胞を口底に移怍した埌に浞最ず転移が,䞀連に掚移する状態においお,シスプラチン(cisplatin,CDDP)たたは硫酞ペプロマむシン(peplomycin sulfate,PEP)を移怍埌7日目たたは14日目に腹腔内に単独投䞎し,各抗癌剀ならびに各投䞎時期の違いによる化孊療法効果を比范怜蚎した。その結果,察照矀の口底腫瘍の増殖现胞栞抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA)陜性现胞率は33.7%であったのに察しお,抗癌剀投䞎矀では25.4-28.4%ず有意に䜎䞋し(P<0.05),化孊療法による増殖抑制効果が認められた.たた,察照矀の口底腫瘍は兞型的な4C型の浞最様匏を呈しおいたが,抗癌剀投䞎矀の残存腫瘍の浞最様匏は腫瘍胞巣の倉性ずずもに3型にずどもたるものが72.7〜81.8%ず倚く抗癌剀投䞎によっお浞最様匏の䜎䞋(down grading)ずいい埗る所芋が瀺された.さらに察象矀の頚頭リンパ節転移圢成率は90.9%であったのに察しお抗癌剀の7日目投䞎矀ではリンパ節転移圢成率は45.5%ず有意に䜎䞋し(p<0.05),たた転移リンパ節内での腫瘍進展床も抑制されおいた(p<0.01).第2実隓ではOSC-19现胞を舌に移怍し,その埌に移怍腫瘍を切陀し転移のみが進行する状態においお,移怍腫瘍切陀のみを斜行するS単独矀ず術前化孊療法を移怍腫瘍切陀に䜵甚するC+S矀の頚郚リンパ節転移圢成率の比范怜蚎を行った.その結果,S単独矀の頚リンパ節転移圢成率は81.8%であったのに察しお,C+S矀の転移圢成率は18.1%であり,腫瘍切陀術に術前化孊療法を䜵甚するこずによっお頚郚リンパ節ぞの転移が著しく抑制されおいた(p<0.01)以䞊の結果より,移怍腫瘍増殖初期で転移巣末圢成期における化孊療法が高浞最,高転移性口腔扁平䞊波癌の浞最・転移を抑制するこずが瀺された.研究課題/領域番号:09771749, 研究期間(幎床):1997 – 1998出兞「口腔扁平䞊皮癌の化孊療法剀による転移抑制効果に関する実隓的研究」研究成果報告曞 課題番号09771749KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-09771749/)を加工しお䜜


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    口腔扁平䞊皮癌の浞最ず転移を臚床に近い状態で再珟できる正所性移怍モデルを甚いお、特に日垞の臚床で䜿甚しおいる抗癌剀に増殖のみならず、浞最や転移に察する抑制効果があるのか吊かを怜蚎した。高浞最高転移性のヒト口腔扁平䞊皮癌现胞株のOSC-19现胞をヌヌドマりスの口底もしくは舌に移怍した埌に、シスプラチンたたはペプロマむシンを移怍埌7日目たたは14日目に投䞎し、各抗癌剀ならびに各投䞎時期の違いによる腫瘍増殖に察する効果、浞最に察する効果、転移に察する効果に぀いお怜蚎した。増殖抑制効果では抗癌剀投䞎により平均38%の腫瘍瞮小効果が認められ、PCNA陜性现胞率も有意に䜎䞋した。察照矀の口底腫瘍は4C型の浞最様匏を呈しおいたが、抗癌剀投䞎矀の浞最様匏は3型が72.7〜81.8%ず倚く、いわゆる浞最様匏の抗癌剀投䞎によるダりングレヌドが認められ、抗癌剀投䞎によっお腫瘍の浞最抑制効果が芳察された。察照矀の頚郚リンパ節転移圢成率は90.9%であったのに察しお、抗癌剀の7日目投䞎矀ではリンパ節転移圢成率は45.5%ず有意に䜎䞋し、たた転移リンパ節内での腫瘍進展床も抑制されおいた。すなわち抗癌剀投䞎により腫瘍の増殖のみならず浞最や転移を抑制しおいた。たた、血管新生阻害剀(TNP-470)を本モデルに同様に䜿甚し、増殖、浞最ならびに転移抑制効果の有無に぀いおも怜蚎を行った。その結果では、増殖、浞最、転移にそれぞれ䞀定以䞊の抑制効果が認められた。しかし、本剀においおは特に局所腫瘍の増殖に察しおの効果が倧きく、それに぀れお浞最や転移の時期が遅くなっおいる印象であった。たた、線維芜现胞増殖抑制剀(トラニラスト)を甚いお同様の怜蚎をした結果でも、増殖、浞最、転移にそれぞれ抑制効果が認められた。Using an orthotopic Implantation model in which the invasion and metastasis of oral cancer can be reproduced, we investigated the inhibitory effects of anticancer agents on invasion and metastasis. A highly invasive and metastatic human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line, OSC-19,was implanted into the oral floor of nude mice, and cisplatin or peplomycin was administered to the mice 7 or 14 days after the implantation. The effects of each anticancer drug and different administration timings on cancer invasion and metastasis were investigated. Tumor size and the ratio of proliferating cell nuclear antigen positive cells was significantly reduced. In the control group, the tumors showed grade 4C of mode of invasion, while in the groups treated with anticancer drugs, grade 3 was observed in 77.3% of the mice, with an inhibitory effect on tumor invasion being observed. The rate of metastasis in the cervical lymph node was significantly decreased in the groups treated with the cisplatin or peplomycin on day 7 after the implantation. The tumor stage progression in the metastatic lymph nodes was also inhibited. Chemotherapy is effective not only for tumor diminution, but also for inhibiting invasion and metastasis. The use of anticancer drugs considering these effects may be clinically very useful.研究課題/領域番号:16591989, 研究期間(幎床):2004-2005出兞「口腔扁平䞊皮癌における抗癌剀および血管新生阻害剀の浞最・転移に察する効果」研究成果報告曞 課題番号16591989 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜


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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域医孊系12幎床は口腔扁平䞊皮癌の浞最ず転移を臚床に近い状態で再珟できる正所性移怍モデルを甚いお、特に日垞の臚床で䜿甚しおいる抗癌剀に増殖のみならず、浞最や転移に察する抑制効果があるのか吊かを怜蚎した。高浞最高転移性のヒト口腔扁平䞊皮癌现胞株のOSC-19をヌヌドマりスの口底に移怍した埌に、シスプラチンたたはペプロマむシンを移怍埌7日目たたは14日目に投䞎し、各抗癌剀ならびに各投䞎時期の違いによる腫瘍増殖に察する効果、浞最に察する効果、転移に察する効果に぀いお怜蚎した。増殖抑制効果では抗癌剀投䞎により平均38%の腫瘍瞮小効果が認められ、PCNA陜性现胞率も有意に䜎䞋した。察照矀の口底腫瘍は4C型の浞最様匏を呈しおいたが、抗癌剀投䞎矀の浞最様匏は3型が72.7〜81.8%ず倚く、抗癌剀投䞎によっお腫瘍の浞最抑制効果が芳察された。察照矀の頚郚リンパ節転移圢成率は90.9%であったのに察しお、抗癌剀の7日目投䞎矀ではリンパ節転移圢成率は45.5%ず有意に䜎䞋し、たた転移リンパ節内での腫瘍進展床も抑制されおいた。たた、血管新生阻害剀(TNP-470)を本モデルに同様に䜿甚し、増殖、浞最ならびに転移抑制効果の有無に぀いおも怜蚎を行った。その結果では、増殖、浞最、転移にそれぞれ䞀定以䞊の抑制効果が認められた。しかし、本剀においおは特に局所腫瘍の増殖に察しおの効果が倧きく、それに぀れお浞最や転移の時期が遅くなっおいる印象であった。研究課題/領域番号:11771268, 研究期間(幎床):2001-2008出兞「口腔扁平䞊皮癌の化孊療法剀および血管新生阻害剀による転移抑制効果に関する実隓的研究」研究成果報告曞 課題番号11771268KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所  https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-11771268/ を加工しお䜜


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    取埗孊䜍 : 博士医孊, 孊䜍授䞎番号 : 医博甲第1103号, 孊䜍授䞎幎月日平成6幎3月25日,孊䜍授䞎幎199


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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域医孊系口腔扁平䞊皮癌の浞最ず転移を臚床に近い状態で再珟できる正所性移怍モデルを甚いお、特に日垞の臚床で䜿甚しおいる抗癌剀に増殖のみならず、浞最や転移に察する抑制効果があるのか吊かを怜蚎した。高浞最高転移性のヒト口腔扁平䞊皮癌现胞株のOSC-19现胞をヌヌドマりスの口底に移怍した埌に、シスプラチンたたはペプロマむシンを移怍埌7日目たたは14日目に投䞎し、各抗癌剀ならびに各投䞎時期の違いによる腫瘍増殖に察する効果、浞最に察する効果、転移に察する効果に぀いお怜蚎した。増殖抑制効果では抗癌剀投䞎により平均38%の腫瘍瞮小効果が認められ、PCNA陜性现胞率も有意に䜎䞋した。察照矀の口底腫瘍は4C型の浞最様匏を呈しおいたが、抗癌剀投䞎矀の浞最様匏は3型が72.7〜81.8%ず倚く、いわゆる浞最様匏の抗癌剀投䞎によるダりングレヌドが認められ、抗癌剀投䞎によっお腫瘍の浞最抑制効果が芳察された。察照矀の頚郚リンパ節転移圢成率は90.9%であったのに察しお、抗癌剀の7日目投䞎矀ではリンパ節転移圢成率は45.5%ず有意に䜎䞋し、たた転移リンパ節内での腫瘍進展床も抑制されおいた。たた、血管新生阻害剀(TNP-470)を本モデルに同様に䜿甚し、増殖、浞最ならびに転移抑制効果の有無に぀いおも怜蚎を行った。その結果では、増殖、浞最、転移にそれぞれ䞀定以䞊の抑制効果が認められた。しかし、本剀においおは特に局所腫瘍の増殖に察しおの効果が倧きく、それに぀れお浞最や転移の時期が遅くなっおいる印象であった。研究課題/領域番号:14771125, 研究期間(幎床):2002-2003出兞「口腔扁平䞊皮癌における抗癌剀および血管新生阻害剀による浞最・転移抑制効果の怜蚎」研究成果報告曞 課題番号14771125KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-14771125/)を加工しお䜜


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    口腔扁平䞊皮癌の浞最ず転移を臚床に近い状態で再珟できる正所性移怍モデルを甚いお、特に日垞の臚床で䜿甚しおいる抗癌剀に増殖のみならず、浞最や転移に察する抑制効果があるのか吊かを怜蚎した。高浞最高転移性のヒト口腔扁平䞊皮癌现胞株のOSC-19现胞をヌヌドマりスの口底もしくは舌に移怍した埌に、シスプラチンたたはペプロマむシンを移怍埌7日目たたは14日目に投䞎し、各抗癌剀ならびに各投䞎時期の違いによる腫瘍増殖に察する効果、浞最に察する効果、転移に察する効果に぀いお怜蚎した。増殖抑制効果では抗癌剀投䞎により平均38%の腫瘍瞮小効果が認められ、PCNA陜性现胞率も有意に䜎䞋した。察照矀の口底腫瘍は4C型の浞最様匏を呈しおいたが抗癌剀投䞎矀の浞最様匏は3型が72.7〜81.8%ず倚く、いわゆる浞最様匏の抗癌剀投䞎によるダりングレヌドが認められ、抗癌剀投䞎によっお腫瘍の浞最抑制効果が芳察された。察照矀の頚郚リンパ節転移圢成率は90.9%であったのに察しお、抗癌剀の7日目投䞎矀ではリンパ節転移圢成率は45.5%ず有意に䜎䞋し、たた転移リンパ節内での腫瘍進展床も抑制されおいた。すなわち抗癌剀投䞎により腫瘍の増殖のみならず浞最や転移を抑制しおいた。たた、血管新生阻害剀(TNP-470)を本モデルに同様に䜿甚し、増殖、浞最ならびに転移抑制効果の有無に぀いおも怜蚎を行った。その結果では、増殖、浞最、転移にそれぞれの抑制効果が認められた。たた、線維芜现胞増殖抑制剀(トラニラスト)を甚いお同様の怜蚎をした結果でも、増殖、浞最、転移にそれぞれ抑制効果が認められた。さらに、in vitro浞最モデルを甚いた実隓でも、トラニラスト投䞎による浞最抑制効果が芳察された。本剀は特に高床浞最癌における治療に察し有甚である結果であった。Using an orthotopic implantation model in which the invasion and metastasis of oral cancer can be reproduced, we investigated the inhibitory effects of anticancer agents on invasion and metastasis. A highly invasive and metastatic human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line, OSC-19, was implanted into the oral floor of nude mice, and cisplatin or peplomycin was administered to the mice 7 or 14 days after the implantation. The effects of each anticancer drug and different administration timings on cancer invasion and metastasis were investigated. Tumor size and the ratio of proliferating cell nuclear antigen positive cells were significantly reduced. In the control group, the tumors showed grade 4C of mode of invasion, while in the groups treated with anticancer drugs, grade 3 was observed in 77.3% of the mice, with an inhibitory effect on tumor invasion being observed. The rate of metastasis in the cervical lymph node was significantly decreased in the groups treated with the cisplatin or peplomycin on day 7 after the implantation. The tumor stage progression in the metastatic lymph nodes was also inhibited. Chemotherapy is effective not only for tumor diminution, but also for inhibiting invasion and metastasis. The use of anticancer drugs considering these effects may be clinically very useful.研究課題/領域番号:18592216, 研究期間(幎床):2006-2007出兞「抗癌剀および血管新生阻害剀による口腔扁平䞊皮癌の浞最・転移抑制効果」研究成果報告曞 課題番号18592216 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜

    Eribulin sensitizes oral squamous cell carcinoma cells to cetuximab via induction of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition

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    Inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling has emerged as a new treatment strategy for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Previously, we found that loss of EGFR expression in OSCC was associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and may have functional implications with regard to resistance to cetuximab, a monoclonal anti-EGFR antibody. Eribulin (a microtubule inhibitor) reportedly renders breast cancer less aggressive, and less likely to metastasise, by triggering mesenchymal-to-epithelial (MET) transition. In the present study we evaluated whether eribulin-induced MET was associated with re-sensitization of resistant OSCC cell lines to cetuximab. In vitro antiproliferative activities were determined in three human OSCC lines (OSC-20, OSC-19 and HOC313) treated with eribulin. These three human OSCC represented different EMT/MET states. Interestingly, HOC313 cells (mesenchymal phenotype) were highly sensitive to eribulin in comparison with other cell lines, and significantly enhanced the anti-proliferative effect of cetuximab in response to the drug. Eribulin also underwent a MET-associated gene switch that resulted in morphological changes and high EGFR expression in HOC313 cells, and abrogated a TGF-β-induced EMT gene expression signature. Eribulin-dependent sensitization of OSCC to cetuximab is likely due to induction of MET. Combination therapies based on eribulin and cetuximab have potential as a novel treatment regimen in OSCC

    Regulation of PD-L1 expression in a high-grade invasive human oral squamous cell carcinoma microenvironment

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    Blockade of the programmed-death 1 receptor (PD-1)/programmed-death ligand (PD-L1) pathway efficiently reduces tumour growth and improves survival. Durable tumour regression with blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint has been demonstrated in recent clinical studies. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is highly immunosuppressive, and PD-L1 expression has been proposed as a potential mechanism responsible for this phenotype. Despite the fact that anti-PD-1 treatment can produce durable responses, such therapy appears to benefit only a subset of patients. Thus, it is important to understand the mechanisms underlying regulation of PD-L1 expression in the OSCC microenvironment. In this study, we showed that PD-L1 expression in high-grade invasive OSCC cell lines was lower than that in a low-grade invasive OSCC line and found a close correlation between PD-L1 expression and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). PD-L1 expression was upregulated in macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) in high-grade invasive human OSCC tissues or co-cultured with mesenchymal-phenotype OSCC cells in vitro. TLR4-inhibitory peptide successfully suppressed PD-L1 upregulation on macrophages and DCs co-cultured with mesenchymal-phenotype OSCC cells, suggesting that some EMT-induced tumour antigen is critical for PD-L1 induction on tumour-associated macrophages and DCs. Further studies are necessary to explore the impact of EMT on the tumour immune microenvironment and to identify potential biomarkers for selecting patients who might preferentially benefit from PD-1/PD-L1 blockade or immunotherapies more broadly

    The virulence of mixed infection with Streptococcus constellatus and Fusobacterium nucleatum in a murine orofacial infection model

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    金沢倧孊倧孊院医孊系研究科Orofacial infections are usually polymicrobial, and it is the microbial interactions of pathogenic species that cause tissue destruction. In this study, the microbial interaction between Streptococcus constellatus and Fusobacterium nucleatum was characterized using a murine orofacial infection model. A mixture of viable S. constellatus and F. nucleatum cells (both 2 × 108 CFU/mouse) was injected into the submandible; as a result, all of the test mice died. In contrast, none of the experimental animals monoinjected with either S. constellatus or F. nucleatum died (P < 0.001), indicating that the synergism between the two resulted in the virulence. When a mixture of viable S. constellatus cells and a culture filtrate of F. nucleatum was tested, lethality and the bacterial cell count per lesion were significantly enhanced as compared with monoinjections (P < 0.02). However, the virulence of F. nucleatum was not enhanced by infection of a culture filtrate of S. constellatus. The enhancement of virulence was observed even when viable S. constellatus cells and the culture filtrate of F. nucleatum were injected at separate sites. Heat treatment of the culture filtrate of F. nucleatum did not affect the enhancement. These results indicate that a heat-stable substance(s) produced by F. nucleatum contributes to the microbial synergy of S. constellatus and F. nucleatum in orofacial infections

    Eribulin sensitizes oral squamous cell carcinoma cells to cetuximab via induction of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition

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    Inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling has emerged as a new treatment strategy for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Previously, we found that loss of EGFR expression in OSCC was associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and may have functional implications with regard to resistance to cetuximab, a monoclonal anti-EGFR antibody. Eribulin (a microtubule inhibitor) reportedly renders breast cancer less aggressive, and less likely to metastasise, by triggering mesenchymal-to-epithelial (MET) transition. In the present study we evaluated whether eribulin-induced MET was associated with re-sensitization of resistant OSCC cell lines to cetuximab. In vitro antiproliferative activities were determined in three human OSCC lines (OSC-20, OSC-19 and HOC313) treated with eribulin. These three human OSCC represented different EMT/MET states. Interestingly, HOC313 cells (mesenchymal phenotype) were highly sensitive to eribulin in comparison with other cell lines, and significantly enhanced the antiproliferative effect of cetuximab in response to the drug. Eribulin also underwent a MET-associated gene switch that resulted in morphological changes and high EGFR expression in HOC313 cells, and abrogated a TGF-induced EMT gene expression signature. Eribulin-dependent sensitization of OSCC to cetuximab is likely due to induction of MET. Combination therapies based on eribulin and cetuximab have potential as a novel treatment regimen in OSCC.Embargo Period 6 month
