862 research outputs found

    Can massive primordial black holes be produced in mild waterfall hybrid inflation?

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    We studied the possibility whether the massive primordial black holes (PBHs) surviving today can be produced in hybrid inflation. Though it is of great interest since such PBHs can be the candidate for dark matter or seeds of the supermassive black holes in galaxies, there have not been quantitatively complete works yet because of the non-perturbative behavior around the critical point of hybrid inflation. Therefore, combining the stochastic and δN\delta N formalism, we numerically calculated the curvature perturbations in a non-perturbative way and found, without any specific assumption of the types of hybrid inflation, PBHs are rather overproduced when the waterfall phase of hybrid inflation continues so long that the PBH scale is well enlarged and the corresponding PBH mass becomes sizable enough.Comment: 1+19 pages, 5 figures, JCAP accepted version with updated figure

    Late-time Affleck-Dine baryogenesis after thermal inflation

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    Thermal inflation can solve serious cosmological problems such as overproduction of gravitinos and moduli. However, it also dilutes the preexisting baryon asymmetry. We investigate a possibility that Affleck-Dine mechanism works after thermal inflation and generate the baryon number at an acceptable level using lattice calculation. We find that a proper amount of baryon number can be generated for appropriate model parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, reference adde

    Gravitino dark matter and baryon asymmetry from Q-ball decay in gauge mediation

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    We investigate the Q-ball decay in the gauge-mediated SUSY breaking. Q balls decay mainly into nucleons, and partially into gravitinos, while they are kinematically forbidden to decay into sparticles which would be cosmologically harmful. This is achieved by the Q-ball charge small enough to be unstable for the decay, and large enough to be protected kinematically from unwanted decay channel. We can then have right amounts of the baryon asymmetry and the dark matter of the universe, evading any astrophysical and cosmological observational constraints such as the big bang nucleosynthesis, which has not been treated properly in the literatures.Comment: 7 pages, 6 eps figures, footnote adde

    Comments on the Evolution of Strongly Degenerate Neutrinos in the Early Universe

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    We reconsider the evolution of strongly degenerate neutrinos in the early universe. Our chief concern is the validity of the entropy conservation after the neutrino annihilation process has frozen out (so that the establishment of chemical equilibrium is not trivial). We argue that the entropy indeed conserves because elastic scattering keeps the neutrino and antineutrino distribution functions in the equilibrium form and the sum of their chemical potential keeps zero even after the neutrino annihilation freeze-out. We also simulate the evolution of the degenerate neutrino spectrum to support the argument. We conclude that the change in the neutrino degeneracy parameter when the relativistic degrees of freedom in the universe decreases is calculated using the entropy conservation and the lepton number conservation without worrying about at what temperature the neutrino annihilation process freezes out.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    QCD axion dark matter from long-lived domain walls during matter domination

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    The domain wall problem of the Peccei-Quinn mechanism can be solved if the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is explicitly broken by a small amount. Domain walls decay into axions, which may account for dark matter of the universe. This scheme is however strongly constrained by overproduction of axions unless the phase of the explicit breaking term is tuned. We investigate the case where the universe is matter-dominated around the temperature of the MeV scale and domain walls decay during this matter dominated epoch. We show how the viable parameter space is expanded.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure