857 research outputs found

    Thermal Conductivity of the Quasi One-Dimensional Spin System Sr_2_V_3_O_9_

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    We have measured the thermal conductivity along the [101] direction, kappa_[101]_, along the [10-1] direction, kappa_[10-1]_, and along the b-axis, kappa_b_, of the quasi one-dimensional S=1/2 spin system Sr_2_V_3_O_9_ in magnetic fields up to 14 T, in order to find the thermal conductivity due to spinons and to clarify whether the spin-chains run along the [101] or [10-1] direction. It has been found that both kappa_[101]_, kappa_[10-1]_ and kappa_b_ show one peak around 10 K in zero field and that the magnitude of kappa_[10-1]_ is larger than those of kappa_[101]_ and kappa_b_. By the application of magnetic field along the heat current, the peak of kappa_[10-1]_ is markedly suppressed, while the peaks of kappa_[101]_ and kappa_b_ little change. These results indicate that there is a large contribution of spinons to kappa_[10-1]_ and suggest that the spin-chains run along the [10-1] direction.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic-field effects on the charge-spin stripe order in La-214 high-Tc cuprates

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    Magnetic-field effects on the charge-spin stripe order in La-214 high-Tc cuprates have been investigated from measurements of the in-plane electrical-resistivity, Rho_ab_. In La_2-x_Ba_x_CuO_4_ with x=0.10 and La_2-x_Sr_x_CuO_4_ with x=0.115 where the incommensurate charge peaks are weak and unobservable in zero field in elastic neutron-scattering measurements, respectively, the normal-state value of Rho_ab_ at low temperatures markedly increases with increasing field up to 27 T. For La_2-x_Ba_x_CuO_4_ with x=0.11 and Zn-substituted La_2-x_Sr_x_Cu_1-y_Zn_y_O_4_ with x=0.115 and y=0.02 where the charge stripe order is fairly stabilized in zero field, on the other hand, the increase in Rho_ab_ with increasing field is negligibly small. In conclusion, when the charge-spin stripe order is not fully stable in zero field, magnetic field operates to stabilize the charge-spin stripe order. The value of Rho_ab_ increases with increasing field depending on the stability of the charge stripe order.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of Yamada Conference LX on Research in High Magnetic Fields (RHMF2006) (Satellite of ICM2006

    Defect and Hodge numbers of hypersurfaces

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    We define defect for hypersurfaces with A-D-E singularities in complex projective normal Cohen-Macaulay fourfolds having some vanishing properties of Bott-type and prove formulae for Hodge numbers of big resolutions of such hypersurfaces. We compute Hodge numbers of Calabi-Yau manifolds obtained as small resolutions of cuspidal triple sextics and double octics with higher A_j singularities.Comment: 25 page

    A simple remark on a flat projective morphism with a Calabi-Yau fiber

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    If a K3 surface is a fiber of a flat projective morphisms over a connected noetherian scheme over the complex number field, then any smooth connected fiber is also a K3 surface. Observing this, Professor Nam-Hoon Lee asked if the same is true for higher dimensional Calabi-Yau fibers. We shall give an explicit negative answer to his question as well as a proof of his initial observation.Comment: 8 pages, main theorem is generalized, one more remark is added, mis-calculation and typos are corrected etc

    Interaction of Two Adjacent Structures Coupled by Inerter-based System considering Soil Conditions

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    The inerter-based systems have proven to be effective for vibration control of adjacent structures. The interaction through the soil medium between adjacent structures in urban areas is generally accepted. However, existing studies concerning the inerter-based adjacent structures are primarily based on the assumption of a fixed base, without considering the inevitable interaction. To address this issue, this study incorporated the soil effects into the theoretical analysis of adjacent structures interconnected by an inerter system, and correspondingly develops an optimal design framework for such system. Employing a classic discrete model for structures and soil, the interaction behavior between inerter-based adjacent structures and soil was extensively studied in a comparative analysis. Based on the revealed interaction phenomena, the need for considering the soil condition in the design of an inerter system for adjacent structures was addressed, and a performance-demand-based optimal design framework was developed. The results indicated that for inerter-based adjacent structures spaced closely, the coupled interaction effect of soil and structure requires careful consideration, especially in soft soil conditions. Owing to the soil effects, the inerter system exhibited a weakened effectiveness for displacement reduction. A larger inner deformation of the inerter system is required to meet the demand for energy dissipation. With consideration of the soil condition, the proposed design method can satisfy the pre-specified target displacement demands for adjacent structures, simultaneously optimizing the control cost as an economical solution

    Anti-Pluricanonical Systems On Q-Fano Threefolds

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    We investigate birationality of the anti-pluricanonical map ϕm\phi_{-m}, the rational map defined by the anti-pluricanonical system mK|-mK|, on Q\mathbb{Q}-Fano threefolds.Comment: 18 page