32 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa partitioning protein ParB acts as a nucleoid-associated protein binding to multiple copies of a parS-related motif

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    ParA and ParB homologs are involved in accurate chromosome segregation in bacteria. ParBs participate in the separation of ori domains by binding to parS palindromes, mainly localized close to oriC. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa neither ParB deficiency nor modification of all 10 parSs is lethal. However, such mutants show not only defects in chromosome segregation but also growth retardation and motility dysfunctions. Moreover, a lack of parB alters expression of over 1000 genes, suggesting that ParB could interact with the chromosome outside its canonical parS targets. Here, we show that indeed ParB binds specifically to hundreds of sites in the genome. ChIP-seq analysis revealed 420 ParB-associated regions in wild-type strain and around 1000 in a ParB-overproducing strain and in various parS mutants. The vast majority of the ParB-enriched loci contained a heptanucleotide motif corresponding to one arm of the parS palindrome. All previously postulated parSs, except parS5, interacted with ParB in vivo. Whereas the ParB binding to the four parS sites closest to oriC, parS1-4, is involved in chromosome segregation, its genome-wide interactions with hundreds of parS half-sites could affect chromosome topology, compaction and gene expression, thus allowing P. aeruginosa ParB to be classified as a nucleoid-associated protein

    Rules and Exceptions: The Role of Chromosomal ParB in DNA Segregation and Other Cellular Processes

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    Abstract: The segregation of newly replicated chromosomes in bacterial cells is a highly coordinated spatiotemporal process. In the majority of bacterial species, a tripartite ParAB-parS system, composed of an ATPase (ParA), a DNA-binding protein (ParB), and its target(s) parS sequence(s), facilitates the initial steps of chromosome partitioning. ParB nucleates around parS(s) located in the vicinity of newly replicated oriCs to form large nucleoprotein complexes, which are subsequently relocated by ParA to distal cellular compartments. In this review, we describe the role of ParB in various processes within bacterial cells, pointing out interspecies differences. We outline recent progress in understanding the ParB nucleoprotein complex formation and its role in DNA segregation, including ori positioning and anchoring, DNA condensation, and loading of the structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) proteins. The auxiliary roles of ParBs in the control of chromosome replication initiation and cell division, as well as the regulation of gene expression, are discussed. Moreover, we catalog ParB interacting proteins. Overall, this work highlights how different bacterial species adapt the DNA partitioning ParAB-parS system to meet their specific requirements

    At neutral pH the chronological lifespan of Hansenula polymorpha increases upon enhancing the carbon source concentration

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    Dietary restriction is generally assumed to increase the lifespan in most eukaryotes, including the simple model organism Saccharomyces cere- visiae. However, recent data questioned whether this phenomenon is indeed true for yeast. We studied the effect of reduction of the carbon source con- centration on the chronological lifespan of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha using four different carbon sources. Our data indicate that reduction of the carbon source concentration has a negative (glucose, ethanol, methanol) or positive (glycerol) effect on the chronological lifespan. We show that the ac- tual effect of carbon source concentrations largely depends on extracellular factor(s). We provide evidence that H. polymorpha acidifies the medium and that a low pH of the medium alone is sufficient to significantly decrease the chronological lifespan. However, glucose-grown cells are less sensitive to low pH compared to glycerol-grown cells, explaining why only the reduction of the glycerol-concentration (which leads to less medium acidification) has a posi- tive effect on the chronological lifespan. Instead, the positive effect of en- hancing the glucose concentrations is much larger than the negative effect of the medium acidification at these conditions, explaining the increased lifespan with increasing glucose concentrations. Importantly, at neutral pH, the chronological lifespan also decreases with a reduction in glycerol concen- trations. We show that for glycerol cultures this effect is related to acidifica- tion independent changes in the composition of the spent medium. Altogeth- er, our data indicate that in H. polymorpha at neutral pH the chronological lifespan invariably extends upon increasing the carbon source concentration

    Increased ParB level affects expression of stress response, adaptation and virulence operons and potentiates repression of promoters adjacent to the high affinity binding sites parS3 and parS4 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Similarly to its homologs in other bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa partitioning protein ParB facilitates segregation of newly replicated chromosomes. Lack of ParB is not lethal but results in increased frequency of anucleate cells production, longer division time, cell elongation, altered colony morphology and defective swarming and swimming motility. Unlike in other bacteria, inactivation of parB leads to major changes of the transcriptome, suggesting that, directly or indirectly, ParB plays a role in regulation of gene expression in this organism. ParB overproduction affects growth rate, cell division and motility in a similar way as ParB deficiency. To identify primary ParB targets, here we analysed the impact of a slight increase in ParB level on P. aeruginosa transcriptome. ParB excess, which does not cause changes in growth rate and chromosome segregation, significantly alters the expression of 176 loci. Most notably, the mRNA level of genes adjacent to high affinity ParB binding sites parS1-4 close to oriC is reduced. Conversely, in cells lacking either parB or functional parS sequences the orfs adjacent to parS3 and parS4 are upregulated, indicating that direct ParB- parS3/ parS4 interactions repress the transcription in this region. In addition, increased ParB level brings about repression or activation of numerous genes including several transcriptional regulators involved in SOS response, virulence and adaptation. Overall, our data support the role of partitioning protein ParB as a transcriptional regulator in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Genome sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1161, a PAO1 derivative with the ICEPae1161 integrative and conjugative element

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    Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a cause of nosocomial infections, especially in patients with cystic fibrosis and burn wounds. PAO1 strain and its derivatives are widely used to study the biology of this bacterium, however recent studies demonstrated differences in the genomes and phenotypes of derivatives from different laboratories. Results: Here we report the genome sequence of P. aeruginosa PAO1161 laboratory strain, a leu-, Rif R , restriction- modification defective PAO1 derivative, described as the host of IncP-8 plasmid FP2, conferring the resistance to mercury. Comparison of PAO1161 genome with PAO1-UW sequence revealed lack of an inversion of a large genome segment between rRNA operons and 100 nucleotide polymorphisms, short insertions and deletions. These included a change in leuA, resulting in E108K substitution, which caused leucine auxotrophy and a mutation in rpoB, likely responsible for the rifampicin resistance. Nonsense mutations were detected in PA2735 and PA1939 encoding a DNA methyltransferase and a putative OLD family endonuclease, respectively. Analysis of revertants in these two genes showed that PA2735 is a component of a restriction-modification system, independent of PA1939. Moreover, a 12 kb RPG42 prophage and a novel 108 kb PAPI-1 like integrative conjugative element (ICE) encompassing a mercury resistance operon were identified. The ICEPae1161 was transferred to Pseudomonas putida cells, where it integrated in the genome and conferred the mercury resistance. Conclusions: The high-quality P. aeruginosa PAO1161 genome sequence provides a reference for further research including e.g. investigation of horizontal gene transfer or comparative genomics. The strain was found to carry ICEPae1161, a functional PAPI-1 family integrative conjugative element, containing loci conferring mercury resistance, in the past attributed to the FP2 plasmid of IncP-8 incompatibility group. This indicates that the only known member of IncP-8 is in fact an ICE

    The AraC-Type Transcriptional Regulator GliR (PA3027) Activates Genes of Glycerolipid Metabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa encodes a large set of transcriptional regulators (TRs) that modulate and manage cellular metabolism to survive in variable environmental conditions including that of the human body. The AraC family regulators are an abundant group of TRs in bacteria, mostly acting as gene expression activators, controlling diverse cellular functions (e.g., carbon metabolism, stress response, and virulence). The PA3027 protein from P. aeruginosa has been classified in silico as a putative AraC-type TR. Transcriptional profiling of P. aeruginosa PAO1161 overexpressing PA3027 revealed a spectacular increase in the mRNA levels of PA3026-PA3024 (divergent to PA3027), PA3464, and PA3342 genes encoding proteins potentially involved in glycerolipid metabolism. Concomitantly, chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis revealed that at least 22 regions are bound by PA3027 in the PAO1161 genome. These encompass promoter regions of PA3026, PA3464, and PA3342, showing the major increase in expression in response to PA3027 excess. In Vitro DNA binding assay confirmed interactions of PA3027 with these regions. Furthermore, promoter-reporter assays in a heterologous host showed the PA3027-dependent activation of the promoter of the PA3026-PA3024 operon. Two motifs representing the preferred binding sites for PA3027, one localized upstream and one overlapping with th

    The MarR-Type Regulator PA3458 Is Involved in Osmoadaptation Control in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a facultative human pathogen, causing acute and chronic infections that are especially dangerous for immunocompromised patients. The eradication of P. aeruginosa is difficult due to its intrinsic antibiotic resistance mechanisms, high adaptability, and genetic plasticity. The bacterium possesses multilevel regulatory systems engaging a huge repertoire of transcriptional regulators (TRs). Among these, the MarR family encompasses a number of proteins, mainly acting as repressors, which are involved in response to various environmental signals. In this work, we aimed to decipher the role of PA3458, a putative MarR-type TR from P. aeruginosa. Transcriptional profiling of P. aeruginosa PAO1161 overexpressing PA3458 showed changes in the mRNA level of 133 genes; among them, 100 were down-regulated, suggesting the repressor function of PA3458. Concomitantly, ChIP-seq analysis identified more than 300 PA3458 binding sites in P. aeruginosa. The PA3458 regulon encompasses genes involved in stress response, including the PA3459–PA3461 operon, which is divergent to PA3458. This operon encodes an asparagine synthase, a GNAT-family acetyltransferase, and a glutamyl aminopeptidase engaged in the production of N-acetylglutaminylglutamine amide (NAGGN), which is a potent bacterial osmoprotectant. We showed that PA3458-mediated control of PA3459–PA3461 expression is required for the adaptation of P. aeruginosa growth in high osmolarity. Overall, our data indicate that PA3458 plays a role in osmoadaptation control in P. aeruginosa

    Functional Characterization of TetR-like Transcriptional Regulator PA3973 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a human opportunistic pathogen, is a common cause of nosocomial infections. Its ability to survive under different conditions relies on a complex regulatory network engaging transcriptional regulators controlling metabolic pathways and capabilities to efficiently use the available resources. P. aeruginosa PA3973 encodes an uncharacterized TetR family transcriptional regulator. In this study, we applied a transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq), genome-wide identification of binding sites using ChIP-seq, as well as the phenotype analyses to unravel the biological role of PA3973. Transcriptional profiling of P. aeruginosa PAO1161 overexpressing PA3973 showed changes in the mRNA level of 648 genes. Concomitantly, ChIP-seq analysis identified more than 300 PA3973 binding sites in the P. aeruginosa genome. A 13 bp sequence motif was indicated as the binding site of PA3973. The PA3973 regulon encompasses the PA3972-PA3971 genes encoding a probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and a thioesterase. In vitro analysis showed PA3973 binding to PA3973p. Accordingly, the lack of PA3973 triggered increased expression of PA3972 and PA3971. The DPA3972-71 PAO1161 strain demonstrated impaired growth in the presence of stress-inducing agents hydroxylamine or hydroxyurea, thus suggesting the role of PA3972-71 in pathogen survival upon stress. Overall our results showed that TetR-type transcriptional regulator PA3973 has multiple binding sites in the P. aeruginosa genome and influences the expression of diverse genes, including PA3972-PA3971, encoding proteins with a proposed role in stress response

    Peroxisome homeostasis and ageing in yeast

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    Eéncellige modelorganismen, zoals gisten, zijn zeer geschikt om de moleculaire en cellulaire mechanismen van veroudering te bestuderen. Dit proefschrift beschrijft onderzoek naar factoren die een rol spelen in het bepalen van de levensduur van niet-delende cellen (de zogenaamde chronologische levensduur). Verzuring van het medium en de weerstand van cellen tegen een lage pH bleek de chronologische levensduur van gist cellen sterk te beïnvloeden. Het voorkomen van verzuring van het medium is daarom essentieel in onderzoek naar de effecten van gen mutaties op cel veroudering. Tijdens veroudering hopen beschadigde onderdelen op in de cel (bijvoorbeeld eiwitten, DNA moleculen of celorganellen), wat uiteindelijk leidt tot celdood. ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) veroorzaken veel schade in de cel. Het onderzoek dat in dit proefschrift staat beschreven heeft zich gericht op de rol van ROS dat geproduceerd wordt in speciale celorganellen, de peroxisomen. In peroxisomen worden ROS onschadelijk gemaakt door de enzymen katalase en het peroxiredoxine Pmp20. Het onderzoek wees echter uit dat deletie van de genen die coderen voor deze enzymen leidt tot een verlening van de levensduur van de gist cellen. Dit kon worden verklaard door dat de verhoogde ROS concentraties allerlei andere enzymen die ROS onschadelijk maken induceerden. Hieruit blijkt dat ROS zowel een positief als een negatief effect kan hebben op veroudering van cellen