50 research outputs found

    Motor skills among high school adolescents : effect of the exercise program

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    To assess the basic motor skills and the effects of physical training improvement program in a group of adolescents. The study group comprised 133 students (92 women and 41 men) aged 17 to 19 years. First, the subjects' motor skills were tested using the Eurofit Fitness Testing Battery. Second, the general improving program of physical training was implemented during the same school year. Third, the Eurofit test was repeated at one year after the initial one. The SPSS 15.0 software was used to analyse the data. At the first measurement, only 2/133 students performed all the Eurofit tests on satisfactory (above the national sample 50%) level. In four of nine domains the results were below representative national sample. A year later, after completion of the training program, 37/133 students (27.1%) performed all Eurofit domains above the 50th percentile (P<0.001), the improvements were registered in previously deficit Eurofit Test constituencies. A low level of physical fitness has been observed in majority of adolescents. A general program of physical training leads to improvement of motor skills in a significant number of adolescents and the performance in the Eurofit test domains

    Quality of life and nutritional status among 65-year-old or older patients with heart failure and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Wstęp. Występowanie chorób przewlekłych, jak niewydolność serca (NS), czy przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc (POChP), wpływa na stan odżywienia, jak i jakość życia seniorów. Cel. Określenie zależności między stanem odżywienia a jakością życia w grupie pacjentów po 65 roku życia z NS i/lub POChP. Materiał i metody. Badaną grupę stanowiło 120 pacjentów w wieku powyżej 65 lat, z NS i/lub POChP. W badaniach wykorzystano: kwestionariusz własnej konstrukcji, skalę MNA oraz kwestionariusz SF-36v2®Health Survey. Wyniki. Zagrożonych niedożywieniem było 55,8% badanych, a 10,0% - niedożywianych. Średnia wartość indeksu jakości życia wynosiła 62,54±13,15pkt., wymiaru fizycznego - 72±13,67 pkt., a mentalnego - 44,58±18,87 pkt. Indeks jakości życia, jej wymiar fizyczny i mentalny zależały istotnie od stanu odżywienia (p < 0,001). Wnioski. 1) Stan odżywienia większości badanych był niezadowalający. 2) Jakość życia badanych nie była wysoka. 3) Indeks jakości życia, a także jej wymiar fizyczny i psychiczny były znacząco różne w zależności od stanu odżywienia badanych.Introduction. The occurrence of chronic diseases, like heart failure (HF) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), significantly influences both seniors’ nutritional status and the quality of their life. Aim of the study. Determination of the relationship between a nutritional status and a life quality among patients with HF and/or patients with COPD aged over 65. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 120 hospitalized people aged over 65, suffering from NS and/or COPD. Tools used in the study: own construction questionnaire, MNA scale and SF-36v2®Health Survey. Results 55.8% of patients were in danger of malnutrition, 10.0% were undernourished. An average value of the quality of life index was62.54±13.15pt, physical dimension - 72±13.67 pt and mental - 44.58±18.87 pt. Quality of life index and its physical and mental dimensions dependedon nutritional status assessed by MNA scale (p<0.001). Conclusions. 1) The nutritional status of the majority of respondents was unsatisfactory. 2) The quality of life in the study group was not high. 3) The general level of lifequality, as well as its physical and mental dimensions, were significantly different depending on the nutritional status of the subjects

    Selected aspects of patients functioning before and after desensitization with specific allergen immunotherapy

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    Wprowadzenie. Choroby alergicznie są jednym z ważniejszych problemów zdrowotnych, przekładających się na występowanie różnego typu uciążliwości. Wśród metod mających na celu leczenie tych chorób, coraz bardziej powszechne staje się stosowanie swoistej alergenowej immunoterapii (Specific Allergen Immunotherapy - SAI). Jednakże, podejście to wymaga wysokiej adherencji do leczenia, co może wpływać na jakość życia pacjentów. Cel pracy. Ocena jakości życia i codziennego funkcjonowania w grupie pacjentów, którzy stosowali swoistą immunoterapię alergenową. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 80 osób dorosłych, które zdecydowały się na zastosowanie SAI oraz leczyły się w dwóch małopolskich placówkach. Badanie obejmowało ocenę jakości życia oraz wybranych aspektów funkcjonowania (oraz ich retrospektywną ocenę). Zastosowane metody to: autorska ankieta oraz skrócona wersja ankiety the World Organization Quality of Life-BREF. Wyniki. Zastosowanie SAI pozwoliło na zredukowanie częstości (Me=4,00 do 2,00; p<0,001) i nasilenia objawów (Me=4,00 do 2,00; p<0,001) związanych z alergią. Zmniejszyła się także uciążliwość objawów alergii (Me=4,00 do 2,00; p<0,001). Ponadto, zaobserwowano poprawę w zakresie ogólnego dobrostanu (Me=4,00 do 5,00; p<0,001) oraz satysfakcji życiowej (Me=4,00 do 5,00; p<0,001). Wnioski. Swoista terapia alergenowa wydaje się być wartym rozważenia podejściem wpływającym na poprawę satysfakcji życiowej pacjentów oraz zmniejszenie uciążliwości związanych z samą alergią.Introduction. Allergic diseases belong to the most important health problems responsible for the incidence of various types of discomfort. The application of specific allergen therapy (SAI) is becoming a more and more frequent method aimed at treating allergic diseases. However, this approach requires a strict adherence to medical treatment, which may affect patients'quality of life. Aim. Assessment of quality of life and everyday functioning in the group of patients who underwent a specific allergen therapy. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 80 adult patients who decided to undergo SAI treatment and were treated in two health care facilities in Małopolska region. The study included an assessment of life quality and selected aspects of functioning (as well as their retrospective assessment). As far as the applied methods are concerned, the study was based on the authors'own questionnaire and an abbreviated version of the World Organization Quality of Life-BREFquestionnaire. Results. SAI treatment made it possible to reduce both the incidence (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001) and intensity (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001) of allergic symptoms. Also the discomfort caused by the allergy was decreased (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001). Moreover, some improvement in general well-being (Me=4.00 to 5.00; p<0.001) and life satisfaction (Me=4.00 to 5.00; p<0.001) was observed. Conclusions. Specific allergen immunotherapy seems to be worth considering as it improves patients' life satisfaction and reduces discomfort caused by the allergy itself

    Assessment of the multidementional burden among informal caregivers of hospice care patients

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    Wstęp. Sprawowanie opieki przez opiekunów nieformalnych nad osobą bliską u kresu życia może powodować wystąpienie negatywnych konsekwencji, w tym symptomów obciążenia manifestujących się na różnych płaszczyznach. Cel. Ocena poziomu obciążenia w grupie opiekunów nieformalnych. Materiał i metody. Badaną grupę stanowiło 30 opiekunów nieformalnych, których bliscy byli objęci opieką hospicyjną. W badaniu wykorzystano polską wersję Caregiver Burden Scale. Wyniki. Najwyższy poziom obciążenia stwierdzono w podskali Wysiłek ogólny (Mean=2.71) oraz Rozczarowanie (Mean=2.48), a najniższy w podskali Zaangażowanie emocjonalne (Mean=1.78). Wykazano istotny statystycznie związek pomiędzy wynikiem całkowitym (p=0.009), poziomem obciążenia dla podskali Izolacja społeczna (p=0.012) oraz Otoczenie (p=0.026) a okresem sprawowanej opieki. Wnioski. Jakkolwiek, w badanej populacji opiekunów odnotowano średni poziom obciążenia dla wszystkich podskal z wyjątkiem podskali Zangażowanie emocjonalne, to analiza przypadków wykazała wysoki poziom obciążenia w różnych podskalach u niektórych badanych.Introduction. Taking care of a close relative who is coming to the end of their life may lead to negative consequences for their caregivers including the symptoms of multidimensional burden. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was the assessment of the burden in a group of informal caregivers. Material and methods. The study was conducted in a group of 30 informal caregivers whose close relatives were taken into hospice care. A Polish version of Caregiver Burden Scale was applied in the study. Results. The highest level of burden was observed on the General strain (Mean=2.71) and Disappointment (Mean=2.48) subscales, whereas the lowest level on the Emotional involvement subscale (Mean=1.78). A statistically significant correlation was found between the total score (p=0.009), the level of burden on the Isolation(p=0.012) and Environment (p=0.026) subscales and the period of time during which care was provided. Conclusions. Although in the examined group of caregivers a moderate level of burden was observed on all the subscales except the Emotional involvement one, an analysis of particular cases showed a high level of burden on various subscales in some respondents

    Excessive sleepiness and selected aspects of functioning and the quality of life of patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) may be observed in as much as 22% of men and 17% of women. It affects the structural organisation of sleep and may lead to numerous negative consequences. Aim of the study: Assessment of the intensity of sleepiness during the day and its influence on selected aspects of daily functioning of patients suffering from OSA. Material and methods: The study was carried out in a group of 49 patients whose average age was 55.27 ±12.80 years. The diagnostic survey method was used with the application of a self-designed questionnaire, Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and WHOQOL-BREF scale. Results: The average ESS score obtained by the respondents was 10.11 ±5.60. The incidence of mild excessive daytime sleepiness was observed in 42.86% of patients, whereas 16.33% of respondents suffered from severe excessive daytime sleepiness. The most frequent problem reported by respondents was daytime fatigue, which was observed in 87.76% of cases. The general quality of life (QoL) was relatively high (4.96 ±0.78). The environment domain was rated the highest (15.42 ±1.89), and psychological – the lowest (12.68 ±2.53). Conclusions: A significant correlation was found between respondents’ age and the intensity of daytime sleepiness. Higher ESS scores were observed in patients who experienced sleepiness and fatigue after a full night of sleep, had difficulties fulfilling their household chores due to tired-ness and/or sleep deprivation, or suffered from memory and/or concentration problems. No correlation was observed between the inten-sity of perceived daytime sleepiness and the QoL

    Adverse events in professional practice of nurses working in anaesthetic and intensive care units

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    The main goal of modern health protection systems is to provide such a high quality level of medical services including patients' safety. Because of their specific both anaesthetics and intensive care medicine increase the risk of many dangers, especially adverse events. Analysis of adverse events occurrence during nurses’ work experience, focusing on nurses who work in intensive care or anaesthetics. Recognition of adverse events' incidence and reasons. Research was done on 83 nurses working in intensive care and anaesthetics; the majority of them were women (approx 96.4%). An average age of examined ones was 35.6 years (SD = 8.2). Researchers used authorial questionnaire that had been based on literature analysis and research instrument: Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. 32.5% of examined persons declared occurrence of an adverse event during doing a professional activity. Prominent plurality of them said as well that the number of nurses in employment was insufficient (p = 0.018) or work at night hours caused the risk of adverse events (p = 0.022). Among persons who declared occurrence of an adverse event 51.9% had not reported this fact to their supervisors. An adverse event that happened the most often was accidental removal of either endotracheal or feeding tube (68.7%). The following conclusions were made: 1. Every third respondent declared occurrence of an adverse event during performing work. 2. Prominent majority of examined persons found reporting adverse events as a duty of every worker but only every other of those who declared occurrence of an adverse event notified a supervisor about it. 3. The incidence of adverse events depended on the respondents' opinion about working conditions. Sociodemographic aspects did not influence the incidence of mistakes

    Acceptance of illness and satisfaction with life of the patient after penectomy

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    Penile cancer is a rare malignant neoplasm, occurring mainly in men in their sixties and seventies. The consequences of treatment often include a severely disturbed perception of one’s body image, lowered self-esteem and difficulties in daily functioning, which can result in reduced satisfaction with further life. The aim of this study was to assess the life satisfaction and level of acceptance of illness of a 42-year-old patient after penectomy in the course of cancer. The following tools were applied in the study: the authors’ own questionnaire, Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). The patient surveyed scored 38 out of 40 on the AIS scale, indicating that he accepted his illness, while on the SWLS scale he scored the maximum number of points indicating a high overall sense of satisfaction with life. The patient did not report any difficulties in terms of daily functioning resulting from the diagnosed disease and the treatment administered