4,745 research outputs found

    Solutions to the Multi-Component 1/R Hubbard Model

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    In this work we introduce one dimensional multi-component Hubbard model of 1/r hopping and U on-site energy. The wavefunctions, the spectrum and the thermodynamics are studied for this model in the strong interaction limit U=U=\infty. In this limit, the system is a special example of SU(N)SU(N) Luttinger liquids, exhibiting spin-charge separation in the full Hilbert space. Speculations on the physical properties of the model at finite on-site energy are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, Princeton-May1

    Exact Drude weight for the one-dimensional Hubbard model at finite temperatures

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    The Drude weight for the one-dimensional Hubbard model is investigated at finite temperatures by using the Bethe ansatz solution. Evaluating finite-size corrections to the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations, we obtain the formula for the Drude weight as the response of the system to an external gauge potential. We perform low-temperature expansions of the Drude weight in the case of half-filling as well as away from half-filling, which clearly distinguish the Mott-insulating state from the metallic state.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, To appear in J. Phys.

    Renormalized Harmonic-Oscillator Description of Confined Electron Systems with Inverse-Square Interaction

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    An integrable model for SU(ν\nu) electrons with inverse-square interaction is studied for the system with confining harmonic potential. We develop a new description of the spectrum based on the {\it renormalized harmonic-oscillators} which incorporate interaction effects via the repulsion of energy levels. This approach enables a systematic treatment of the excitation spectrum as well as the ground-state quantities.Comment: RevTex, 7 page

    Entropy and Barrier-Hopping Determine Conformational Viscoelasticity in Single Biomolecules

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    Biological macromolecules have complex and non-trivial energy landscapes, endowing them a unique conformational adaptability and diversity in function. Hence, understanding the processes of elasticity and dissipation at the nanoscale is important to molecular biology and also emerging fields such as nanotechnology. Here we analyse single molecule fluctuations in an atomic force microscope (AFM) experiment using a generic model of biopolymer viscoelasticity that importantly includes sources of local `internal' conformational dissipation. Comparing two biopolymers, dextran and cellulose, polysaccharides with and without the well-known `chair-to-boat' transition, reveals a signature of this simple conformational change as minima in both the elasticity and internal friction around a characteristic force. A calculation of two-state populations dynamics offers a simple explanation in terms of an elasticity driven by the entropy, and friction by barrier-controlled hopping, of populations on a landscape. The microscopic model, allows quantitative mapping of features of the energy landscape, revealing unexpectedly slow dynamics, suggestive of an underlying roughness to the free energy.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, naturemag.bst, modified nature.cls (naturemodified.cls

    On Models with Inverse-Square Exchange

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    A one-dimensional quantum N-body system of either fermions or bosons with SU(n)SU(n) colors interacting via inverse-square exchange is presented in this article. A class of eigenstates of both the continuum and lattice version of the model Hamiltonians is constructed in terms of the Jastrow-product type wave function. The class of states we construct in this paper corresponds to the ground state and the low energy excitations of the model that can be described by the effective harmonic fluid Hamiltonian. By expanding the energy about the ground state we find the harmonic fluid parameters (i.e. the charge, spin velocities, etc.), explicitly. The correlation exponent and the compressibility of are also found. As expected the general harmonic relation(i.e. vS=(vNvJ)1/2v_S=(v_Nv_J)^{1/2}) is satisfied among the charge and spin velocities.Comment: 26 page

    Spectrum and Thermodynamics of the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model with 1/r21/r^2 exchange and hopping

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    We derive the spectrum and the thermodynamics of the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model with long range hopping and spin exchange using a set of maximal-spin eigenstates. This spectrum confirms the recent conjecture that the asymptotic Bethe-ansatz spectrum is exact. By empirical determining the spinon degeneracies of each state, we are able to explicitly construct the free energy.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, (published in PRB46, 6639 (1992)

    A Note on Dressed S-Matrices in Models with Long-Range Interactions

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    The {\sl dressed} Scattering matrix describing scattering of quasiparticles in various models with long-range interactions is evaluated by means of Korepin's method\upref vek1/. For models with 1sin2(r){1\over\sin^2(r)}-interactions the S-matrix is found to be a momentum-independent phase, which clearly demonstrates the ideal gas character of the quasiparticles in such models. We then determine S-matrices for some models with 1sinh2(r){1\over\sinh^2(r)}-interaction and find them to be in general nontrivial. For the 1r2{1\over r^2}-limit of the 1sinh2(r){1\over\sinh^2(r)}-interaction we recover trivial S-matrices, thus exhibiting a crossover from interacting to noninteracting quasiparticles. The relation of the S-matrix to fractional statistics is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, jyTeX (macro included - just TeX the file) BONN-TH-94-13, revised version: analysis of models with 1/sinh^2 interaction adde

    Invariants of the Haldane-Shastry SU(N)SU(N) Chain

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    Using a formalism developed by Polychronakos, we explicitly construct a set of invariants of the motion for the Haldane-Shastry SU(N)SU(N) chain.Comment: 11 pages, UVA-92-0

    Exact solution and spectral flow for twisted Haldane-Shastry model

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    The exact solution of the spin chain model with 1/r21/r^2 exchange is found for twisted boundary conditions. The spectrum thus obtained can be reproduced by the asymptotic Bethe ansatz. The spectral flow of each eigenstate is determined exactly as a function of the twist angle. We find that the period 4π4\pi for the ground state nicely fits in with the notion of fractional exclusion statistics.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 1 figure available on request, to appear in PR

    Solution of Some Integrable One-Dimensional Quantum Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate a family of one-dimensional multi-component quantum many-body systems. The interaction is an exchange interaction based on the familiar family of integrable systems which includes the inverse square potential. We show these systems to be integrable, and exploit this integrability to completely determine the spectrum including degeneracy, and thus the thermodynamics. The periodic inverse square case is worked out explicitly. Next, we show that in the limit of strong interaction the "spin" degrees of freedom decouple. Taking this limit for our example, we obtain a complete solution to a lattice system introduced recently by Shastry, and Haldane; our solution reproduces the numerical results. Finally, we emphasize the simple explanation for the high multiplicities found in this model