11 research outputs found

    プラズマ イオン ト シガイ コウセン ノ シナジー コウカ ニヨル ワイド ギャップ ハンドウタイ エッチング ダメージ ノ フルマイ

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    Damage characteristics of wide gap semiconductors (n-GaN and TiO2) etched or exposed by low temperature plasmas have been studied. Morphologies of n-GaN surfaces etched by CCP He plasmas seem to be similar to that of the as-grown, regardless of gas pressure and etch time, while morphologies of TiO2 surfaces etched at high gas pressure (7~13 Pa) become rough when the etch time lengthens. This difference between the two semiconductors would be explained by synergy effect of He plasmas ions and UV lights (which corresponds to TiO2 band gap energy) emitted. In contrast, DBD air plasma at 1 kPa and JET He plasma do not cause damage to TiO2: photo-catalytic properties (hydrophilicities) of TiO2 are more enhanced by these two plasmas


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    The remote bactericidal effect of TiO2 photocatalyst, i.e., the bactericidal effect away from the photocatalyst, was successfully achieved using a humidified airflow. The TiO2 photocatalyst used was anatase-type TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) annealed with a low-temperature O2 plasma. For comparison, anatase-type TiO2 NPs annealed in the air were used. The bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, were placed away from the TiO2 NPs. The plasma-assisted-annealed TiO2 NPs significantly inactivated 99% of the bacterial cells in 5 h, whereas the pristine and air-annealed TiO2 NPs inactivated 88-90% of the bacterial cells. The remote bactericidal effect of plasma-assisted-annealed TiO2 NPs would be attributed to a larger amount of H2O2 molecules traveled by the airflow from the TiO2 NPs. The molecules were generated by chemically reacting more photoexcited carriers on the TiO2 surface with H2O and O2 in the airflow. These photoexcited carriers originated from more oxygen-based species adsorbed and more oxygen vacancies introduced on the TiO2 surface by the plasma-assisted-annealing

    Steady‐State and Time‐Resolved Optical Properties of Multilayer Film of Titanium Dioxide Sandwiched by Gold Nanoparticles and Gold Thin Film

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    We proposed metal-insulator (MI) and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structures of titanium dioxide (TiO2) sandwiched by gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) layer and gold sputtered thin film (only for the MIM film) to couple localized plasmon mode of AuNP with multi-reflection mode and/or cavity resonator mode of TiO2. The optical extinctions of MI and MIM with differing TiO2 thickness were studied theoretically by finite-element method simulation and experimentally by optical spectrometry. The extinction peaks of MI and MIM shifted by exchanging the surrounding medium from air to TiO2. The interference of TiO2 in MI structure also affected the extinction spectra showing the oscillation along the spectrum of AuNP in TiO2. Then, the extinction degree of MIM was higher than that of MI because of the coupling between cavity resonance mode with localized plasmon mode and interband transition in AuNPs. In addition, the cross section of MI and MIM films were observed by scanning electron microscopy. The surface of thinner film was rough because TiO2 heterogeneously grew from AuNP. The irregular growth of TiO2 might have induced the wide-range extinction in 300-2500 nm after Au thin film deposition. The transient absorption spectra using a femtosecond laser were also carried out under the condition of 800 nm for excitation laser and 950 nm for probe laser. The long-lived electron (~1 ns) was observed in thick MIM film as a result of hot electron transfer from the gold nanostructure in the film

    Photocatalytic Activity Enhancement of Anatase/Rutile-Mixed Phase TiO2 Nanoparticles Annealed with Low-Temperature O2 Plasma

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    Photodecomposition and photobactericidal activities of anatase/rutile-mixed phase TiO2 nanoparticles annealed with low-temperature O2 plasma were clarified by comparing them with those annealed in ambient air. The photocatalytic activities of plasma-assisted-annealed sample greatly enhanced as compared with the untreated sample, under not only ultraviolet irradiation but also visible-light irradiation. The photocatalytic activities of air-annealed samples did not enhance under ultraviolet irradiation but enhanced under visible-light irradiation. The enhanced photocatalytic activities due to the plasma-assisted annealing (PAA) originated from the increased photoexcited carrier concentration. This enhancement was discussed from PAA-induced characteristic factors. PAA facilitated the phase transformation to anatase, contributing directly to extending the photoexcited carrier lifetime. PAA introduced more oxygen vacancies, contributing to trapping more photogenerated electrons. PAA also introduced more bridging/terminal oxygen groups adsorbed on the surface, increasing the upward band-bending, the depletion layer width at the surface, and the charge transfer from rutile to anatase. These two introductions contributed to facilitating the separation of photoexcited carriers. Furthermore, PAA reduced the aggregate size of TiO2 nanoparticles formed on the surface, contributing to increasing optical absorptions. More reactive oxygen species produced from the bridging/terminal oxygen groups by the photoexcited carriers would also enhance the photocatalytic activities

    Effects of nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure O2 plasma-assisted annealing on anatase TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) immobilized on glass substrates were annealed with the assistance of nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure O2 plasma. The plasma-assisted annealing greatly enhanced the photodecomposition and photobactericidal activity as compared with electric-furnace annealing. The plasma-assisted annealing reduced the TiO2 NP agglomerate size and increased the optical absorption, the photoinduced electrical conductivity, the amounts of bridging and terminal oxygen groups, and the (112)/(101) plane intensity ratio, causing the lattice oxygen deficiency that formed partially Ti-rich surface portions. The enhanced photobactericidal activity would arise from the bridging and terminal oxygen groups. The enhanced photodecomposition would arise from the increased concentration of photogenerated carriers due to the following three factors. The first is the optical absorption increased by the agglomerate size reduction and the (112) plane growth or appearance, which exert scattering more incident photons. The second is the charge separation of photogenerated carriers facilitated by the bridging and terminal oxygen groups, which originate from oxygen vacancies via oxygen ion impact from the plasma. The third is the charge transfer of plasmon-excited electrons from the partially Ti-rich portions to TiO2. The enhanced photodecomposition would also arise from more reactive oxygen species generated from the bridging and terminal oxygen groups by the photogenerated carriers

    Bactericidal effects of low-temperature atmospheric-pressure air plasma jets with no damage to plant nutrient solutions

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    The bactericidal effects of air plasma jets produced with a twisted wire-cylindrical electrode configuration were clarified in terms of plasma-induced damage to plant nutrient solutions. The bacterial suspensions were directly irradiated with air plasma jets using a low gas flow rate, which was shown to significantly inactivate the bacteria suspended in the solutions without reducing the nutrient concentrations. However, the plasma irradiation time required for inactivation depended on the type of bacteria; Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) were inactivated in 20–30 s, while Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) required 7 min. The inactivation of E. coli and B. subtilis decreased with increasing air gas flow rate, whereas the inactivation of S. aureus was independent of the rate. The inactivation could be attributed to a greater number of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) from the air plasma jet, including O2 molecules in the feeding gas attaching to the bacterial suspension surface, which do not harm the nutrient components. This can be derived from the results; the air-plasma-jet-activated nutrient solutions (RONS introduced in the solutions) and the N2 plasma jets had only a limited inactivation effect on the bacteria suspended in the solutions

    Plasma-assisted annealing of Pt-doped rutile TiO2 nanoparticles for enhanced decomposition and bacterial inactivation under general lighting

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    Enhanced photocatalytic activity of rutile-based TiO2 materials under general lighting is practically desired. O2 plasma-assisted annealing (PAA) effects on Pt-doped rutile TiO2 nanoparticles were clarified along with its visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity enhancement. The PAA-treated samples were mainly analyzed using optical spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The photocatalytic activity was assessed by decomposing methylene blue dye and inactivating Bacillus subtilis under general lighting. The PAA treatment changed the O 1s, Ti 2p, and Pt 4f spectra of XPS from those of the pristine sample. This change indicated that the PAA treatment introduced more oxygen deficiency or oxygen vacancies and more oxygen groups adsorbed on the surface. The introduced oxygen vacancies and adsorbed oxygen groups would change the band structure, which primarily narrowed the bandgap energy or broadened the valence band edge, increased the number of electron-trapping sites from the shallow to midgap levels, and enhanced the upward band-bending at the surface. The PAA-induced change in the band structure enhanced the decomposition and bacterial inactivation because it facilitated the separation and concentration of photoexcited carriers. The findings provide a new perspective on enhancing the photocatalytic activities of rutile-based TiO2 nanoparticles under general lighting

    Effects of air-based nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment on characteristics of polypropylene film surfaces

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    Polypropylene (PP) film surfaces were treated using air-based nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma jets generated with a twisted wires-cylindrical electrode configuration. For comparison, PP samples were also processed with Ar plasma jets. The flux of charged particles imparted to the polymer surface by the air plasma jet greatly increased with decreases in both the gas flow rate and nozzle-to-sample distance, which was not the case for the Ar plasma jet. Reducing the gas flow rate and the nozzle-to-sample distance greatly enhanced the extent to which the surface was rendered hydrophilic by the air plasma within a short treatment time of 1 min. This enhanced effect is believed to originate from a high concentration of oxygen-based functional polar groups (FPGs) containing C−O/C−OH and C=O/C=O−OH bonds grafted onto the surface. The hydrophilic surfaces resulting from this process also exhibited nanopore structures. The large number of oxygen-based FPGs produced by the air plasma can be attributed primarily to oxygen radical ions impinging from the air plasma on the surface. This can further be attributed secondarily to heat-induced oxidation rather than the sticking of oxygen radicals and UV-induced oxidation from the plasma. The nanoporous structure can also be ascribed to oxidation from UV photogenerated holes