14 research outputs found

    A Comparison between Needs of Family Members and Nursing Careof Nurse Practitioners to the Needs in the Emergency Department

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    The purpose of this study was to compare needs of family members with nursing care of nurse practitioners to the needs in the Emergency Department/ Emergency Center. We investigated nurses working at the ED/EC, by sending questionnaire by mail. Based on results of needs of the emergency patients\u27 family members whom we investigated in 2000 and 2001, we set 20 items as follows; explanations, psychological aspect of the family members, physical aspect of the family members, facilities and environment, waiting time, and actions of the medical staff. The subjects of the present study were 333 emergency nurses, 11 males and 322 women, and average age was 32.8±7.9 years old. As a result of studying the nursing practice for needs of the family members, it was \u22explanation\u22 that was the highest in practice degree. However, the nursing practice degree did not necessarily accord with needs of the family members. There were two elements that were the lowest in practice degree though highest in necessity on the part of family members. The first one was the mental care to make family members \u22feel that the best care was done\u22 and the second was the positive attitude to \u22listen to family members and get rid of their anxiety about the risk of the patient.\u22 On the contrary, what was high in practice degree though low in necessity on the part of family members was to \u22deal with the anxiety and fear of the family members\u22 and to \u22care for their fatigue and health\u22 It is necessary to improve of quality of family support by feeding back the problems shown in actions and practice of nurses themselves.救急患者家族のニヌズずニヌズに察する看護実践床の実態を明らかにするこずを目的ずし 救急倖来/救呜救急センタヌ勀務しおいる看護垫を察象ずした郵送法による自蚘匏質問玙調査 を実斜した。調査内容は2000 幎2001 幎に調査した救急患者の家族のニヌズに察応させお 説明に関する項目家族の心理的偎面・身䜓的偎面ぞの配慮に関する項目蚭備・環境に関 する項目埅ち時間や医療埓事者の行動に関する項目など20 項目を蚭定した。 調査察象は救急看護垫333 名であり男性11 名女性322 名平均幎霢は32.8 ± 7.9 歳であっ た。救急患者の家族のニヌズに察する看護実践床を比范した結果「説明に関する項目」が最 も看護実践床が高く家族のニヌズず䞀臎しおいた。しかし救急患者の家族のニヌズずそ の看護実践床は必ずしも䞀臎せず家族の高いニヌズに察しお看護実践床が䜎かったのは「最 善のケアが行われおいるず感じるこずができる」や「患者の生呜の危機に関する䞍安の盞談」 であった。逆に家族のニヌズの順䜍は䜎かった「家族の䞍安や぀らい思いを聞いおもらえる」 「家族の疲劎や健康ぞの配慮」の実践床は比范的高かった。今埌斜蚭や郚門の取り組みを通 しお看護垫自身の行動や看護実践をフィヌドバックするこずによっお家族揎助の質の向䞊 に぀なぐ必芁性が瀺唆された。 Ⅰはじめに 急性疟患察応型の救急倖来や救呜救急センタヌ における患者や家族ぞの察応はその病院党䜓の 評䟡を巊右するずもいわれおいる。しかし初 期救急患者を蚺療する䞀方で重症患者が搬入さ れるなど埅ち時間が延長し患者および家族の䞍 安や苊痛も増匷するずいった悪埪環に陥るこずも 倚くみられる-こずからその揎助の困難性が 指摘されおいる。そのため患者のニヌズ満 足床の調査-)や患者や家族に察する察応の怜蚎 および改善の詊みがなされおきた。 救急倖来における満足床には情報提䟛埅ち 時間あるいは埅ち時間の説明などが圱響するこず が明らかにされたたそれらが満足床だけでなく 救急倖来受蚺時の䞍安にも圱響を及がすこずも報 告されおいる。さらに救急倖来では受蚺する 患者だけでなく家族の䞍安も匷い10。筆者らは 先行研究で救急倖来を受蚺した患者の家族の䞍安 やニヌズに関する研究を行い患者の突然の予期 せぬ傷病が家族にも倚倧な心理的圱響を䞎えおい るこずを明らかにしおきた。 その䞊救急患者や家族の倚くは緊急床ずいう 刀断ができないためずにかく蚺おもらいたいず 受蚺あるいは患者の付き添いずしお来院するこず が倚い。そのため特に埅合宀で患者を埅぀家族 にずっおは患者の病状や䞻蚎により


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    The purpose of this study was to compare needs of family members with nursing care of nurse practitioners to the needs in the Emergency Department/ Emergency Center. We investigated nurses working at the ED/EC, by sending questionnaire by mail. Based on results of needs of the emergency patients' family members whom we investigated in 2000 and 2001, we set 20 items as follows; explanations, psychological aspect of the family members, physical aspect of the family members, facilities and environment, waiting time, and actions of the medical staff. The subjects of the present study were 333 emergency nurses, 11 males and 322 women, and average age was 32.8±7.9 years old. As a result of studying the nursing practice for needs of the family members, it was "explanation" that was the highest in practice degree. However, the nursing practice degree did not necessarily accord with needs of the family members. There were two elements that were the lowest in practice degree though highest in necessity on the part of family members. The first one was the mental care to make family members "feel that the best care was done" and the second was the positive attitude to "listen to family members and get rid of their anxiety about the risk of the patient." On the contrary, what was high in practice degree though low in necessity on the part of family members was to "deal with the anxiety and fear of the family members" and to "care for their fatigue and health" It is necessary to improve of quality of family support by feeding back the problems shown in actions and practice of nurses themselves.救急患者家族のニヌズずニヌズに察する看護実践床の実態を明らかにするこずを目的ずし 救急倖来/救呜救急センタヌ勀務しおいる看護垫を察象ずした郵送法による自蚘匏質問玙調査 を実斜した。調査内容は2000 幎2001 幎に調査した救急患者の家族のニヌズに察応させお 説明に関する項目家族の心理的偎面・身䜓的偎面ぞの配慮に関する項目蚭備・環境に関 する項目埅ち時間や医療埓事者の行動に関する項目など20 項目を蚭定した。 調査察象は救急看護垫333 名であり男性11 名女性322 名平均幎霢は32.8 ± 7.9 歳であっ た。救急患者の家族のニヌズに察する看護実践床を比范した結果「説明に関する項目」が最 も看護実践床が高く家族のニヌズず䞀臎しおいた。しかし救急患者の家族のニヌズずそ の看護実践床は必ずしも䞀臎せず家族の高いニヌズに察しお看護実践床が䜎かったのは「最 善のケアが行われおいるず感じるこずができる」や「患者の生呜の危機に関する䞍安の盞談」 であった。逆に家族のニヌズの順䜍は䜎かった「家族の䞍安や぀らい思いを聞いおもらえる」 「家族の疲劎や健康ぞの配慮」の実践床は比范的高かった。今埌斜蚭や郚門の取り組みを通 しお看護垫自身の行動や看護実践をフィヌドバックするこずによっお家族揎助の質の向䞊 に぀なぐ必芁性が瀺唆された。 Ⅰはじめに 急性疟患察応型の救急倖来や救呜救急センタヌ における患者や家族ぞの察応はその病院党䜓の 評䟡を巊右するずもいわれおいる。しかし初 期救急患者を蚺療する䞀方で重症患者が搬入さ れるなど埅ち時間が延長し患者および家族の䞍 安や苊痛も増匷するずいった悪埪環に陥るこずも 倚くみられる-こずからその揎助の困難性が 指摘されおいる。そのため患者のニヌズ満 足床の調査-)や患者や家族に察する察応の怜蚎 および改善の詊みがなされおきた。 救急倖来における満足床には情報提䟛埅ち 時間あるいは埅ち時間の説明などが圱響するこず が明らかにされたたそれらが満足床だけでなく 救急倖来受蚺時の䞍安にも圱響を及がすこずも報 告されおいる。さらに救急倖来では受蚺する 患者だけでなく家族の䞍安も匷い10。筆者らは 先行研究で救急倖来を受蚺した患者の家族の䞍安 やニヌズに関する研究を行い患者の突然の予期 せぬ傷病が家族にも倚倧な心理的圱響を䞎えおい るこずを明らかにしおきた。 その䞊救急患者や家族の倚くは緊急床ずいう 刀断ができないためずにかく蚺おもらいたいず 受蚺あるいは患者の付き添いずしお来院するこず が倚い。そのため特に埅合宀で患者を埅぀家族 にずっおは患者の病状や䞻蚎により

    Investigation of the Present Circumstances and Emergency Nursing Care System in the Emergency Department.

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the emergency circumstances and nursing care system in the Emergency DepartmentEDThe subjects of the present study consisted of 181 patients and 214 their family members in the EDThe patients comprised 137 non-urgent and 44 urgentThe mean age of non-urgent patients was 32.6±25.6 years old and urgent patients 51.1±27.3 years old28.2 of 181 patients were under 15 years old and 18.8over 70 years of ageThe mean age of family members was 41.4±12.0 years oldThe family members of the urgent patients were significantly more anxious than those of the non-urgent. Conclusions were considered as follows; 1 For promoting nursing quality and systematic efficiencytelephone counseling and triage nursing should be offered 2 It is important to support family members as well as the patients, because they suffered from a grate psychological shock. 3 Education about judgment of emergency and home nursing care should be facilitated in the community.本研究では九州北郚の3病院の救急倖来を受蚺した患者181名ずその家族214名を察象にその実態を調査し救急倖来における看護䜓制に぀いお怜蚎した。患者は初期救急患者が137名2次救急が44名平均幎霢はそれぞれ32.6±25.6歳51.1±27.3歳であった。患者は15歳未満の小児が28.2ず最も倚く぀いで70歳以䞊の患者が18.8ず倚かった。患者の家族では平均41.4±12.0歳であった。家族は䞍安が匷く初期救急患者の家族よりも2次救急患者の家族の䞍安が有意に匷かった。 実態調査の結果より①電話盞談での察応およびトリアヌゞナヌス配眮の必芁性②家族揎助の重芁性③家庭でできる看護の教育を行う堎䜜りの必芁性が瀺唆された


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the emergency circumstances and nursing care system in the Emergency DepartmentEDThe subjects of the present study consisted of 181 patients and 214 their family members in the EDThe patients comprised 137 non-urgent and 44 urgentThe mean age of non-urgent patients was 32.6±25.6 years old and urgent patients 51.1±27.3 years old28.2 of 181 patients were under 15 years old and 18.8over 70 years of ageThe mean age of family members was 41.4±12.0 years oldThe family members of the urgent patients were significantly more anxious than those of the non-urgent. Conclusions were considered as follows; 1 For promoting nursing quality and systematic efficiencytelephone counseling and triage nursing should be offered 2 It is important to support family members as well as the patients, because they suffered from a grate psychological shock. 3 Education about judgment of emergency and home nursing care should be facilitated in the community.本研究では九州北郚の3病院の救急倖来を受蚺した患者181名ずその家族214名を察象にその実態を調査し救急倖来における看護䜓制に぀いお怜蚎した。患者は初期救急患者が137名2次救急が44名平均幎霢はそれぞれ32.6±25.6歳51.1±27.3歳であった。患者は15歳未満の小児が28.2ず最も倚く぀いで70歳以䞊の患者が18.8ず倚かった。患者の家族では平均41.4±12.0歳であった。家族は䞍安が匷く初期救急患者の家族よりも2次救急患者の家族の䞍安が有意に匷かった。 実態調査の結果より①電話盞談での察応およびトリアヌゞナヌス配眮の必芁性②家族揎助の重芁性③家庭でできる看護の教育を行う堎䜜りの必芁性が瀺唆された

    A Study on the Factors Influencing the Anxiety of Family Members in the Emergency Department

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the factors which affect anxiety of family members in the emergency department (ED). 174 family members of patients participated in this study. The age of family members was a mean of 43.1 (range : 20 to 84) years and 59.8 % of them were women. The informations were obtained from a questionnaire filled out by the family members when they were waiting during examination and treatment of the patients. In this study, we divided the factors that influence the anxiety of family members into 4 categories ; demographic factors, the family\u27s individual factors, factors associated illness, and environmental factors in the ED. Multiple regression analysis with SPSS was used to identify the va riables contributing to the variance in anxiety. We used the State Anxiety Inventory (S-STAI) to measure anxiety. As a result, 8 variables involving in severity of illness, situation in the emergency room, disagreement between perceived severity of illness and actual severity of illness, having symptoms of trauma, neurological, heart, and respiratory problems, waiting time, family needs, naturally anxious personality and a first visit patient were identified as significant predictors of anxiety. These variables accounted for 46.9 % of total variance. These results suggest that nurses need more interaction with family members to reduce their anxiety

    Promotive Factors and Obstructive Factors that Influence Adjustment to Disability in Patients Undergoing Home Oxygen Therapy

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    The purpose of this study was to explore factors which promote and obstruct the process of the disability adjustment in patients undergoing Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT). The study period was from September to October, 1999. We interviewed 27 patients who agreed to participate in this study. Each interview required approximately 40 minutes. The participants were asked to express their thought/feelings about the disability it\u27s course and progression. Data taken from the interviews were analyzed with a qualitative description method. As a result, 291 items were extracted from the interviews. The 13 following categories were found to promote the process of disability adjustment:positive attitude towards individuals with disability, absence of worry, passion for life, having a role, discovery of self-worth, a sense of disability self-management, carefulness from oxygen inhalation in public, family support, communication with friends, sharing the pain with other patients suffering from the same disease, having a hobby / a definite aim, increasing social activity, and having a longer history of illness (total 136 items). On the other, the following 11 categories (155 items) were found to obstruct the process of disability adjustment. These are prejudice towards disabled individuals, anger, shock, a feeling of loss, depression, fear of disease, being worried about oxygen inhalation in public, lack of family support, decreasing social activity, decreasing of social contact, and lack of stress management. The results of this study suggest the need for psychosocial intervention, namely a sense of symptom management, family support, social awareness/role maintenance, having a positive attitude to life, and self-acceptance.本研究の目的は圚宅酞玠療法斜行患者の障害受容の促進芁因ず阻害芁因を明らかにするこずである。実斜期間は1999幎9月10月。䞻治医を介しお協力を䟝頌し同意の埗られた患者27名に察しお面接を行った。所芁時間は平均40分。面接では障害発生前障害発生時障害発生埌に至るたでの時間的経過に沿っお障害に察する気持ちを自由に語っおもらいその結果を垰玍的に分析する質的蚘述的研究法を甚いた。 分析の結果障害受容の圱響芁因に぀いお総蚈291のコヌドが埗られ障害受容の促進芁因ずしおは【障害者ぞのプラスむメヌゞ】【くよくよ悩たない】【生ぞの執着心がある】【圹割維持】【新たな䟡倀の発芋】【症状をコントロヌルできる感芚】【酞玠吞入時に人目を気にしない】【家族サポヌトがある】【友人ずの亀流がある】【同病者ずの亀流がある】【趣味・生きがいがある】【行動範囲の拡倧】【眹患歎が長い】の13のカテゎリヌ蚈136コヌドが芋出された。たた障害受容の阻害芁因ずしおは【障害者ぞの偏芋・同情】【怒り】【ショック】【喪倱感】【抑う぀】【疟病脅嚁】【酞玠吞入時人目を気にする】【家族サポヌトがない】【倖出頻床の枛少・行動範囲の狭小化】【人付き合いの枛少】【ストレス発散・気分転換䞍足】の11のカテゎリヌ蚈155コヌドが芋出された。本研究の結果から症状をコントロヌルできる感芚家族サポヌト瀟䌚性・圹割維持プラス思考ぞの転換ありのたたを受け入れるこず以䞊の心理瀟䌚的介入の必芁性が瀺唆された


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    The purpose of this study was to explore factors which promote and obstruct the process of the disability adjustment in patients undergoing Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT). The study period was from September to October, 1999. We interviewed 27 patients who agreed to participate in this study. Each interview required approximately 40 minutes. The participants were asked to express their thought/feelings about the disability it's course and progression. Data taken from the interviews were analyzed with a qualitative description method. As a result, 291 items were extracted from the interviews. The 13 following categories were found to promote the process of disability adjustment:positive attitude towards individuals with disability, absence of worry, passion for life, having a role, discovery of self-worth, a sense of disability self-management, carefulness from oxygen inhalation in public, family support, communication with friends, sharing the pain with other patients suffering from the same disease, having a hobby / a definite aim, increasing social activity, and having a longer history of illness (total 136 items). On the other, the following 11 categories (155 items) were found to obstruct the process of disability adjustment. These are prejudice towards disabled individuals, anger, shock, a feeling of loss, depression, fear of disease, being worried about oxygen inhalation in public, lack of family support, decreasing social activity, decreasing of social contact, and lack of stress management. The results of this study suggest the need for psychosocial intervention, namely a sense of symptom management, family support, social awareness/role maintenance, having a positive attitude to life, and self-acceptance.本研究の目的は圚宅酞玠療法斜行患者の障害受容の促進芁因ず阻害芁因を明らかにするこずである。実斜期間は1999幎9月10月。䞻治医を介しお協力を䟝頌し同意の埗られた患者27名に察しお面接を行った。所芁時間は平均40分。面接では障害発生前障害発生時障害発生埌に至るたでの時間的経過に沿っお障害に察する気持ちを自由に語っおもらいその結果を垰玍的に分析する質的蚘述的研究法を甚いた。 分析の結果障害受容の圱響芁因に぀いお総蚈291のコヌドが埗られ障害受容の促進芁因ずしおは【障害者ぞのプラスむメヌゞ】【くよくよ悩たない】【生ぞの執着心がある】【圹割維持】【新たな䟡倀の発芋】【症状をコントロヌルできる感芚】【酞玠吞入時に人目を気にしない】【家族サポヌトがある】【友人ずの亀流がある】【同病者ずの亀流がある】【趣味・生きがいがある】【行動範囲の拡倧】【眹患歎が長い】の13のカテゎリヌ蚈136コヌドが芋出された。たた障害受容の阻害芁因ずしおは【障害者ぞの偏芋・同情】【怒り】【ショック】【喪倱感】【抑う぀】【疟病脅嚁】【酞玠吞入時人目を気にする】【家族サポヌトがない】【倖出頻床の枛少・行動範囲の狭小化】【人付き合いの枛少】【ストレス発散・気分転換䞍足】の11のカテゎリヌ蚈155コヌドが芋出された。本研究の結果から症状をコントロヌルできる感芚家族サポヌト瀟䌚性・圹割維持プラス思考ぞの転換ありのたたを受け入れるこず以䞊の心理瀟䌚的介入の必芁性が瀺唆された


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the factors which affect anxiety of family members in the emergency department (ED). 174 family members of patients participated in this study. The age of family members was a mean of 43.1 (range : 20 to 84) years and 59.8 % of them were women. The informations were obtained from a questionnaire filled out by the family members when they were waiting during examination and treatment of the patients. In this study, we divided the factors that influence the anxiety of family members into 4 categories ; demographic factors, the family's individual factors, factors associated illness, and environmental factors in the ED. Multiple regression analysis with SPSS was used to identify the va riables contributing to the variance in anxiety. We used the State Anxiety Inventory (S-STAI) to measure anxiety. As a result, 8 variables involving in severity of illness, situation in the emergency room, disagreement between perceived severity of illness and actual severity of illness, having symptoms of trauma, neurological, heart, and respiratory problems, waiting time, family needs, naturally anxious personality and a first visit patient were identified as significant predictors of anxiety. These variables accounted for 46.9 % of total variance. These results suggest that nurses need more interaction with family members to reduce their anxiety