6,541 research outputs found

    Generalized Equivalence Principle in Extended New General Relativity

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    In extended new general relativity, which is formulated as a reduction of Poincareˊˉ\bar{Poincar\'e} gauge theory of gravity whose gauge group is the covering group of the Poincar\'e group, we study the problem of whether the total energy-momentum, total angular momentum and total charge are equal to the corresponding quantities of the gravitational source. We examine this for charged axi-symmetric solutions of gravitational field equations. Our main concern is the restriction on the asymptotic form of the gravitational field variables imposed by the requirement that physical quantities of the total system are equivalent to the corresponding quantities of the charged rotating source body. This requirement can be regarded as an equivalence principle in a generalized sense.Comment: 35 page

    Jarzynski equality for the Jepsen gas

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    We illustrate the Jarzynski equality on the exactly solvable model of a one-dimensional ideal gas in uniform expansion or compression. The analytical results for the probability density P(W)P(W) of the work WW performed by the gas are compared with the results of molecular dynamics simulations for a two-dimensional dilute gas of hard spheres.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Europhys. Let

    The Rolling Tachyon Boundary Conformal Field Theory on an Orbifold

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    We consider the non-trivial boundary conformal field theory with exactly marginal boundary deformation. In recent years this deformation has been studied in the context of rolling tachyons and S-branes in string theory. Here we study the problem directly from an open string point of view, at one loop. We formulate the theory of the Z_2 reflection orbifold. To do so, we extend fermionization techniques originally introduced by Polchinski and Thorlacius. We also explain how to perform the open string computations at arbitrary (rational) radius, by consistently constructing the corresponding shift orbifold, and show in what sense these are related to known boundary states. In a companion paper, we use these results in a cosmological context involving decaying branes.Comment: 23 page

    Asymmetric Non-Abelian Orbifolds and Model Building

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    The rules for the free fermionic string model construction are extended to include general non-abelian orbifold constructions that go beyond the real fermionic approach. This generalization is also applied to the asymmetric orbifold rules recently introduced. These non-abelian orbifold rules are quite easy to use. Examples are given to illustrate their applications.Comment: 30 pages, Revtex 3.

    The boundary states and correlation functions of the tricritical Ising model from the Coulomb-gas formalism

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    We consider the minimal conformal model describing the tricritical Ising model on the disk and on the upper half plane. Using the coulomb-gas formalism we determine its consistents boundary states as well as its 1-point and 2-point correlation functions.Comment: 20 pages, no figure. Version 2:A paragraph for the calculation of the 2-point correlators was added. Some typos and garammatical errors were corrected.Version 3: Equations 24 are modified. Version 4 : new introduction and minor correction

    New nonlinear dielectric materials: Linear electrorheological fluids under the influence of electrostriction

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    The usual approach to the development of new nonlinear dielectric materials focuses on the search for materials in which the components possess an inherently large nonlinear dielectric response. In contrast, based on thermodynamics, we have presented a first-principles approach to obtain the electrostriction-induced effective third-order nonlinear susceptibility for the electrorheological (ER) fluids in which the components have inherent linear, rather than nonlinear, responses. In detail, this kind of nonlinear susceptibility is in general of about the same order of magnitude as the compressibility of the linear ER fluid at constant pressure. Moreover, our approach has been demonstrated in excellent agreement with a different statistical method. Thus, such linear ER fluids can serve as a new nonlinear dielectric material.Comment: 11 page

    Preheating after N-flation

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    We study preheating in N-flation, assuming the Mar\v{c}enko-Pastur mass distribution, equal energy initial conditions at the beginning of inflation and equal axion-matter couplings, where matter is taken to be a single, massless bosonic field. By numerical analysis we find that preheating via parametric resonance is suppressed, indicating that the old theory of perturbative preheating is applicable. While the tensor-to-scalar ratio, the non-Gaussianity parameters and the scalar spectral index computed for N-flation are similar to those in single field inflation (at least within an observationally viable parameter region), our results suggest that the physics of preheating can differ significantly from the single field case.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, references added, fixed typo

    Free boson formulation of boundary states in W_3 minimal models and the critical Potts model

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    We develop a Coulomb gas formalism for boundary conformal field theory having a WW symmetry and illustrate its operation using the three state Potts model. We find that there are free-field representations for six WW conserving boundary states, which yield the fixed and mixed physical boundary conditions, and two WW violating boundary states which yield the free and new boundary conditions. Other WW violating boundary states can be constructed but they decouple from the rest of the theory. Thus we have a complete free-field realization of the known boundary states of the three state Potts model. We then use the formalism to calculate boundary correlation functions in various cases. We find that the conformal blocks arising when the two point function of ϕ2,3\phi_{2,3} is calculated in the presence of free and new boundary conditions are indeed the last two solutions of the sixth order differential equation generated by the singular vector.Comment: 25 page

    Efficiency at maximum power of low dissipation Carnot engines

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    We study the efficiency at maximum power, η\eta^*, of engines performing finite-time Carnot cycles between a hot and a cold reservoir at temperatures ThT_h and TcT_c, respectively. For engines reaching Carnot efficiency ηC=1Tc/Th\eta_C=1-T_c/T_h in the reversible limit (long cycle time, zero dissipation), we find in the limit of low dissipation that η\eta^* is bounded from above by ηC/(2ηC)\eta_C/(2-\eta_C) and from below by ηC/2\eta_C/2. These bounds are reached when the ratio of the dissipation during the cold and hot isothermal phases tend respectively to zero or infinity. For symmetric dissipation (ratio one) the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency ηCA=1Tc/Th\eta_{CA}=1-\sqrt{T_c/T_h} is recovered.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl