184 research outputs found

    Higher Order Terms of Improved Mean Field Approximation for IIB Matrix Model and Emergence of Four-dimensional Space-time

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    The spontaneous breakdown of SO(10) symmetry of the IIB matrix model has been studied by using the improved mean field approximation (IMFA). In this report, the eighth-order contribution to the improved perturbative series is obtained, which involves evaluation of 20410 planar two-particle irreducible vacuum diagrams. We consider SO(d)-preserving configurations as ansatz (d=4,7). The development of plateau, the solution of self-consistency condition, is seen in both ansatz. The large ratio of the space-time extent of d-dimensional part against the remaining (10-d)-dimensional part is obtained for SO(4) ansatz evaluated at the representative points of the plateau. It would be interpreted as the emergence of four-dimensional space-time in the IIB matrix model.Comment: 13 page

    Evaluation of the SF-3000 haematology analyser

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    Child-rearing Support with Collaboration between Municipalities and Hiroshima Universities: A Parent and Child Classroom to Support the Development of Language

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    本稿は、広島大学「地(知)の拠点大学による地方創生推進事業(大学COC 事業)」障がい者支援領域における、未就園児を対象とした子育て支援活動「のびのびくらぶ」の実施報告である。本活動は自治体と連携し、1歳半健康診査で「要経過観察」と判断された幼児とその保護者を対象としている。平成28年度は、計16回の活動を実施した。参加親子は各期5組、計10組20名であった。活動の企画・運営には本学学生ボランティア17名が参加した。参加した保護者10名のうち8名が「ことばの発達」に不安を抱いていると事前調査で回答していた。そのため、活動に絵本の読みあいを取り入れ、学生と参加児で自由に読みあうことを試みた。自治体との連携は、各期開始前後の打ち合わせ、毎回の活動後の振り返りおよび学生へのフィードバック、自治体主催の親子クラブへの学生参加、年度終わりの総括会議などを行った。This paper is a report of FY 2016 implementation of child rearing support activities for prekindergarden children in Hiroshima University“ Program for Promoting Regional Revitalization by Universities as Centers of Community : COC”. This activity cooperates with municipalities and covers infants and their guardians who have been judged to be “required follow-up observation” in medical examination for 1 year and a half. This activity is in collaboration with local governments, and infants and their parents who are judged to be “required follow-up” in health examination for 1 and half years are participating. In FY 2016, a total of 16 activities were conducted. Participating parents and children were 5 pairs in each period, totaling 10 pairs of 20 people. 17 student volunteers from our university participated in the planning and operation of activities. In the preliminary survey, eight of the 10 parents who participated answered that they were concerned about “children’s development”. For that reason, we took reading of the activity picture book and tried reading freely with students and children participating. Collaboration with municipalities was conducted before and after each activity, each activity was handed over to the students, and feedback was given to the students. Students also participated in parent-child clubs sponsored by municipalities and held general meetings at the end of the year

    Things to Change College Students’ Consciousness by Stories from Family Members of People with Intellectual Disabilities: From the Questionnaire Analysis in Classes Targeting Students at Faculty of Education

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    本稿では,本学教育学部1年次生を対象とした教養ゼミ(講義型)において,障害のある子どもの保護者による当事者参加型授業を実施し,その効果について検討した。障害(者)に対する理解を測る質問紙を用いた分析の結果では,[保護者の思い]を聞くことで,障害(者)理解への新たな視点を得られたことが明らかになった。受講学生に対して「今あるいはこれから自分にできると思う取り組み」について質問し,質的分析を行った。結果から,[障害者とのかかわり方][障害(者)についての認識][持続的探求]が抽出された。障害のある子どもの保護者による教育学部1年次生への授業は,将来,教育に携わろうとする学生にとっては,障害(者)の理解に加え,自分が今後取り組むべきことがより教育と結びついた形で明確になったと推察された。In this study, a lecture with active participation of parents of children with disabilities was held in a lecture-type educational seminar for the freshmen of the department of education and its effectiveness was examined. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire designed to measure the degree of understanding of disabilities and people with disabilities revealed that students had acquired a new perspective for understanding disabilities and people with disabilities by listening to the parents’ thoughts and feelings. The students who attended the class were asked about what they thought they could do at present or in the future, and the results were qualitatively analyzed. “How to interact with people with disabilities,” “recognition of disabilities and people with disabilities,” and “sustainable exploration” were extracted from the results. It was speculated that the class with active participation of parents with children with disabilities helped the students planning to be engaged in education in the future to clarify what they should do in the future in relation to education as well as understand disabilities and people with disabilities

    Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis associated with cancer of unknown origin complicated with thrombus in the left auricular appendage: case report

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    A 63-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a complaint of right lateroabdominal pain. He was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer, and then developed multiple brain embolic infarctions 7 days after admission. Transesophageal echocardiography showed that mobile, echo-dense masses were attached to the anterior and posterior mitral valve leaflet. Furthermore, there was a thrombus in the left auricular appendage despite sinus rhythm. These findings led to a diagnosis of suspected infectious endocarditis with subsequent multiple brain infarctions. The patient's general condition worsened and he died 13 days after admission. An autopsy was performed, and, while poorly differentiated cancer was observed in multiple organs, no primary tumor could be identified. Histological analysis showed that the masses of the mitral valve consisted mainly of fibrin without bacteria or oncocytes. This patient was therefore diagnosed with nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis associated with cancer of unknown origin complicated with thrombus in the left auricular appendage

    Study of learning environment development of the way to become the foundation of inclusive education system : From teaching practice in a special classroom by teachers in regular class

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    本校では特別支援学級と複式学級の教科による交流及び共同学習の導入や,学級交流や縦割り学習,運動会等の校内行事での交流などに取り組んできている。本研究は,これまでの成果を基に,通常の学級に在籍する児童の多様性や障害の理解を促す実践を交流及び共同学習や教科学習の中で行い,その効果を検証することを目的とした。特別支援学級の担任ではない教員が,特別支援学級の指導案を作成することを通して,日頃の交流だけではとらえられない特別支援児童の実態に気づき,支援の在り方について検討する。また実際に授業を行うことで特別支援領域に関する見方・考え方を活用し,それぞれの学級の児童支援に生かし,共有できるようにした。授業を行う教員の研究教科が算数科であることから算数科で授業を行うこととし,都合5時間の特別支援学級教員による算数科の授業を観察,児童の実態把握を行い,聞き取りも含め授業構想を行っていった。実際の授業から,子どもたちの中に価値に関する概念が育成されているかどうかの違いがあることに気付く。価値概念の育成や獲得方法を明らかにしていくことによって小学校の教科の指導をより充実させていくことができると考えた。Do the practice of promoting an understanding of the children of diversity and disorder enrolled in regular classes in the exchange and collaborative learning and subject learning, was aimed to verify the effect. Special support is not a homeroom class faculty, through to create a lesson plan of the special support class, noticed the actual situation of the special support children that cannot be captured only daily exchanges, as well as consider the way of support, the teaching plan actually take advantage of the special support area on the perspective, the concept by making the class alive, it was decided to continue making the child support of each class. It was thought to be able to go to enrich more the guidance of the subjects of elementary school by going to reveal the development and acquisition method of one person a child of the value of the concept