4 research outputs found

    授業改善のための Connected Data System の構築に向けた基礎研究

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    大学が収集した学生たちのデータ(ビッグデータと呼ぶ)を活用するためには、様々な手続きと多くの時間が必要となる。さらに、データを授業に生かすとなれば、その取捨選択や組み替えも行わなければならない。これでは授業改善にデータを生かそうという教員の出鼻をくじいてしまう。そこで、授業中に収集できるようなデータ(スモールデータと呼ぶ)をうまくつなぎ合わせれば、授業改善が円滑に進むのではないかと考え、研究に着手した。ここでは、次の4つの段階で研究を進め、その結果の分析と考察を行った。A.入学動機や大学への想い、更には将来の夢といった学生が簡単に答えられる質問を授業中に行い、それを記録する。B.質問の反応を授業展開で活用して授業へ参加しやすくするとともに、彼らの行動を観察する。C.授業評価を実施して授業の成立を確かめるとともに、質問項目と関連させて彼らの受講状況を分析する。D.B,Cから、受講クラスの受講の特性を見極め、授業改善に向けた視点を探る。2年間の実践ではあるが、学生の授業評価による一定の評価を得るとともに、受講クラス毎の特性を抽出することができ、授業改善に向けた視点が明らかになった。このように授業中に収集可能で、学生理解に役立つ小さなデータを組み合わせたシステム(connected data system)を作り上げれば、非常に短時間での授業の改善が可能になる。Student feedback in the form of teacher and course evaluations are collected at the end of every term and stored on the university data banks. While this system seems convenient, it is also problematic particularly if teachers want to improve on specific aspects of their classroom instruction, but are easily discouraged due to the large amounts of data that need to be selected and analyzed. Therefore, we suggest an alternative approach of collecting student data during class time. This research explores the kind of data instructors should collect from students during class time and how to use this data to better understand their attitude and behavior towards a particular class. This research consists of 4 stages: 1) Executing an easy-to-use student survey focusing on: the student\u27s purpose for entering the university, their feelings about the university and their vision for the future. 2) Using the answers from the survey during class time to encourage student participation. 3) Executing the student\u27s evaluation of a class and analyzing any relevance between the answers on the survey and the evaluations. 4) Using the data from 2) and 3) to improve classroom teaching. The data collection during the appointed class times occurred over a 2-year period and the results showed a strong correlation between increased positivity in student attitude and behavior, and improvements in the teaching techniques that were implemented. In closing, we propose establishing a system of collecting and connecting small amounts of data from classrooms in order to facilitate improvements in the quality and delivery of our instruction

    Cross-Sectional and Time Series Analyses of Lecture Evaluations by Students : A Case Study of a First-Year Teaching Science in Elementary Schools <Article>

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    As we approach “universal” access to higher education, the declining academic preparation of entering students has become a greater concern. And that has occurred just as globalization is demanding ever higher development of human resource required in the international society. Universities are adopting multiple approaches in educational content to address these demands including the visualization of academic achievement, the shift to strict assessment of grades, and the improvement of teaching methods. The practices of lecture evaluations by students, as the focal issue in this paper, is considered one of these approaches.   Currently, lecture evaluations by students have been instituted at almost all Japanese universities. However, collected evaluation results have not been effectively used for improving lectures. The aim of this paper is to examine factors that impact the degree of student satisfaction by using three types of lecture evaluations - prior evaluation, evaluation at each lecture, overall evaluation for the same lecture classes which had been held between 2006 to 2011. As a consequence, the effectiveness of lecture evaluations by students at each lectures is clarified.   First, formative evaluation is effective. That results show that lecture evaluations each class is more effective than prior evaluation in enhancing the degree of lecture satisfaction.   Second, lecture evaluation performed each class is viewed as burdensome. In the case of utilizing the evaluation information obtained for a limited number of lectures, it is realistic to conduct overall and prior evaluation or interim evaluation once as formative evaluation.   Even so, recognition of lecture evaluations is important for improving lectures. The results of cross-sectional analysis demonstrate that the degree of lecture satisfaction is related to teacher’s attitude to ward student involvement in lectures. Students tend to prefer participatory to conventional style of lectures. Teacher need to make an effort to improve teaching skills and create opportunities to build them.   What is important is to establish the support systems within a campus to share with teachers the objective evidence which can lead to the improvement of their lectures