47 research outputs found

    Asian-variant intravascular lymphoma in the African race

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    Intravascular Large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) is an exceptionally rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) distinguished by the preferential growth of neoplastic cells within blood vessel lumen. Challenging to detect and deemed disseminated at diagnosis, this condition is characterized by a highly aggressive, inconspicuous course with a high mortality rate. We describe the case of a 48 year-old African-American female presenting with a two month history of low-grade fevers and malaise. Laboratory data was notable for anemia, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver function tests, and hematuria. An extensive work-up for infectious, rheumatologic and malignant causes was negative. Her symptoms progressed and within two weeks, she was admitted for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Her course was complicated by diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage and ultimately, care was withdrawn. Autopsy identified widespread CD-20 positive intravascular large B-cell lymphoma with significant hepatosplenic involvement, characteristic of the Asian variant IVLBCL. This case uniquely highlights development of the Asian variant IVLBVL in a previously undescribed race. Identified by its intraluminal vascular growth pattern, IVLBCL generally spares lymphatic channels. Diagnosis and differentiation of this condition from other hematological malignancies via skin, visceral and bone marrow biopsy is imperative as anthracycline-containing chemotherapies may significantly improve clinical outcomes. This article outlines the common presentation, natural course, and treatment options of IVLBCL, along with the histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and chromosomal aberrations common to this condition

    SiC-Based Bidirectional Multilevel High-Voltage Gain Switched-Capacitor Resonant Converter with Improved Efficiency

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    This paper presents the research results of the bidirectional multilevel resonant switched capacitor converter (MRSCC). The converter can achieve a high voltage ratio in multilevel topology, which limits the voltage stress on switches and is able to operate with high power efficiency. The converter can be applied as an interconnector between DC voltage systems used for various applications. This paper presents a method that significantly improves the efficiency of the MSRCC through topology modification. Furthermore, the feasibility of the converter was demonstrated with the use of SiC and Si MOSFET switches, together with suitable passive components. It was demonstrated that the proposed modification of the topology makes the converter very efficient in SiC-based ones and can significantly improve the efficiency of Si MOSFET converters. The series of test results of the SiC-based converter is a novel aspect presented in this paper and shows promising achievements of efficiency. The results were obtained from the laboratory setup of 5 kW and 0.5/2 kV MRSCC. To demonstrate the bidirectional operation of the converter, a back-to-back setup (0.5/2/0.5 kV) was used. It also demonstrates that such a high-voltage gain converter can be accurately tested with the use of laboratory equipment with a typical voltage range

    DC-DC boost-flyback converter functioning as input stage for one phase low power grid-connected inverter

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    The paper treats about main problems of one phase DC-AC microinverters that allow single solar cell to be joined with the grid. One of the issues is to achieve high voltage gain with high efficiency in DC circuit, which is necessary for proper operation of inverter. The operating principles, results of practical implementation and investigations on boost-flyback converter, which meets mentioned demands, are presented. (high step-up DC-DC boost-flyback converter for single phase grid microinverter

    Partycypacja polityczna partii radykalnych w lokalnej demokracji

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    When criticizing the principles of liberal democracy, radical parties, both leftand right, take advantage of this particular type of democracy by participating in local and nationwide elections. They take part in each subsequent election under their flag or by putting up candidates on the lists of other electoral committees. The major aim of the parties when participating in elections is to promote their political appeal and reaching the biggest number of local communities possible. Under the mechanisms of local democracy, including local government elections, radical parties can join in the decision-making system by investing relatively little resources.Poprzez krytyczne odniesienie si臋 do demokracji liberalnej partie radykalnej lewicy i prawicy zyskuj膮 przewag臋 w tym konkretnym typie demokracji na drodze uczestnictwa w wyborach samorz膮dowych, parlamentarnych i prezydenckich. Partie te bior膮 udzia艂 w ka偶dych kolejnych wyborach pod swoj膮 bander膮 lub poprzez umieszczanie kandydat贸w na listach innych komitet贸w wyborczych. G艂贸wnym celem tych partii podczas udzia艂u w wyborach jest promocja ich w艂asnych pogl膮d贸w politycznych oraz dotarcie do najwi臋kszej mo偶liwej liczby lokalnych spo艂eczno艣ci. W ramach funkcjonowania mechanizm贸w lokalnej demokracji, w tym wyborach samorz膮dowych, partie radykalne mog膮 zyska膰 udzia艂 w procesach decyzyjnych, inwestuj膮c relatywnie niewiele zasob贸w

    Social Security. Selected Aspects, 181 s.

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    In the modern world, security is some one of the basic human needs. In addition to the multiple threats that can be considered traditional, i.e. military or political ones, new, unconventional risks to the public appear. Unconventional threats are so dangerous for the society that they are not fully identified and there are no developed ways of dealing with them. These threats can be called social hazards that defy the existential basis of human existence. The answer to the more and more frequent occurrences of such phenomena are social security instruments and tasks assigned to it, for which both the state, institutions shaped by civil society and the citizen are responsible

    Analysis of Volatile Compounds and Sugar Content in Three Polish Regional Ciders with Pear Addition

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    Aroma plays important part in cider acceptability to the consumer. In this study, techniques such as headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME), which has been coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, have been used to assess what changes in the volatilome occur during fermentation of three apple cultivars (Cortland, Gala, Idared) with and without addition of pear (Konferencja) juice addition. Analysis of volatiles has shown that temperature of fermentation, apple variety and pear juice addition have significant influences on the volatile compositions of the acquired ciders. Ciders prepared in laboratory conditions fermented at 15 °C were characterized by a greater share of esters, such as ethyl hexanoate, ethyl decanoate and ethyl dodecanoate, in volatile profile (66.24–79.58%) than ciders fermented at 20 °C (58.81–77.22%). Ciders fermented at a higher temperature were characterized by a greater share of alcohols, such as phenylethyl alcohol and hexan-1-ol (18.34–36.7%) than ciders fermented at a lower temperature (16.07–25.35%). In the ciders prepared from pear (20% w/w) and apple (80% w/w) juice, the presence of esters, such as ethyl (2E, 4Z)-deca-2,4-dienoate, characterized by a pear aroma, could be noted