25 research outputs found

    State policy for the presentation of Greek National Heritage : the case of the Cultural World Heritage Sites

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    The thesis focuses on the way heritage is presented by two Greek state organisations, the Greek Ministry of Culture and the Greek National Tourism Organisation. It aims to explore the way practices are initiated for the presentation of the World Heritage Sites that Greece has nominated to the World Heritage List of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Archival analysis, interviews with people in the initiation and implementation processes and printed promotional material aimed at national level comprised the method of enquiry including primary and secondary sources and following a case study design. This mixture of sources was adopted in an attempt to identify and critically examine the association of World Heritage Sites with cultural, economic, educational, social and political values. Considering the socio-historical context within which the presentation of the World Heritage Sites is implemented, it was found that a specific image of Greece is promoted nationally and internationally. There is an attempt by the Greek state to redefine Greekness in the West with nominations of Byzantine Heritage Sites to the List that goes beyond the stereotypical view of Greece as a country of classical heritage. This is initiated at a time when the position of Greece in the West has been questioned. The findings revealed the role attributed to the international community, acting as the significant other, that provides a way for the presentation of specific World Heritage properties. Although it was found that there is not an intensified presentation of World Heritage Sites at national level by the two organisations, the way it is decided to present sites aims at giving a point of reference for people to imagine themselves culturally but also politically. Our focus, then, is based on the social organisation of Greek identity as was found from the promotion of the Greek World Heritage Sites initiated by two state bureaucratic organisations. The critical examination of the communication activities of the two organisations, indicated their role in the presentation of notions of nationality that are connected to heritage. The state takes the role of the nation, promoting through a nationalist ideology `constituent elements of Greekness'. In fact, the two organisations actually base their decisions on the power of the tangible sites and initiate their communication activities accordingly. Conflicts towards the presentation of the World Heritage Sites exist between the Ministry of Culture and Greek National Tourism Organisation which are associated with the allocation of power that heritage entails, yet both organisations have a role to play in the presentation of Greekness. The significance attached to specific cultural heritage, associated with the past, centres around sites of classical antiquity and the Byzantine epoch, which, although different traditions, are heritages which the state of Greece presents as unitary through the presentation of World Heritage Sites and which come to define the bipolar identity of Greece at national and international level. This, though, has implications for the process of social organisation of identity in the multicultural world that we live in

    Following and Belonging to an Online Travel Community in Social Media, its Shared Characteristics and Gender Differences

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    AbstractThis paper examines the characteristics of social media consisting a sense of belonging and following an online community in the context of tourism. A representative stratified sample of 301 respondents of foreign arrivals of tourists in the Athens airport, Greece in 2014 collected in June and July 2014 was employed. The sense of belonging was measured when following an online travel community. Results illustrated a statistically significant difference between men and women regarding how important it is for them to belong to an online travel community. In addition, research illustrated and described the shared characteristics of an online travel community. Essential features such as language specification requirements, the association of ideas, the exchange of comments and experiences among members are examined for the first time to date in this context in order to identify the framework of this relation. The paper describes the abovementioned characteristics in regard to belonging to an online travel community. The implications of the findings for companies, authorities and Destination Marketing Organizations concerning the shaping of their marketing and communication strategies and the opportunities that are created are further presented

    E-branding of rural tourism in Carinthia, Austria

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    The aim of this paper is to create an e-branding model which could also be applied for place branding in small central rural regions of Central Europe based on the innovative methodology of rural tour marketing. It was based and went beyond the European program of transnational cooperation, INTERREG IIIB CADSES. The region of Carinthia, Austria was set as a case study for the application of interrelating scientific theories of marketing, place branding and place identity in relation to and in connection with national identity. The paper succeeds in making a practical and theoretical contribution on the process of the creation of branding, which consists of a holistic approach of the management of every business operating in the region. Virtual reality was promoted since it may provide a direct and international impact via the creation of a virtual community appealing to a broad number of potential visitors. This latter, is the contribution of this paper since it proposes a model of creating e-branding, first applied to the virtual community; as the virtual space /time precedes the real one and is used to implement and succeed in the design of the rural marketing of the European research programme in this region

    A Conceptual Communication Model for Nation Branding in the Greek Framework. Implications for Strategic Advertising Policy

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    AbstractCountries in the globalised world opt to promote their distinct characteristics and retain their position aiming for the presentation of a unique identity based on tangible but also intangible elements. These characteristics can be associated with national identity, which incorporates place identity. This latter, may influence the strategic communication policies directed to people in order to create a place image, strengthen sentimental bonds among those who share common characteristics and create in that way, a sense of place. This is where the role of networks takes place, which need to operate and cooperate at the international, national and local level but also among the private and the public sector. The implementation of new technologies and advertising campaigns carefully planned and targeted to groups with specific psycho-social and demographic characteristics can lead to destination branding and this is a process continuously sought from the people involved in such communication procedure, residents, internal and external stakeholders, cooperations between the public and private sector but also visitors as well. It is suggested that states, irrespective of how long their history stands, need to continuously seek attention especially for their identity branding while socio-economic and geo-political issues need to be taken into consideration. A conceptual communication model is presented for place branding based on agreed constituent elements of the place among those people involved in strategic policies and taking into consideration tourists’ place associations and emotional attachment in order to successfully relate the image with the place identity

    Działalność reklamowa w mediach społecznościowych a tworzenie społeczności należącej do ery cyfrowej

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    The promotion of brands, services and products using forms of digital advertizing is nowadays employed strategically by organizations in order to reach customers. This kind of advertizing uses digital media for the distribution of marketing and communication messages in attempt to promote interactivity and raise effectiveness. In that way, both servicing and engaging customers are the aim. This paper argues that social media may create a virtual community which spreads the ‘sense of belonging’ to such a community for potential customers in order to feel part of it even if they have never met. Social media have a significant role to play on the creation of the experience—brand experience on the Internet and the engagement of the consumers to this process with the provision of an ‘e-experience’ and their participation which can be of outmost importance. Managers in charge of social media management may be part of the consumer discussions in a manner that is consistent with the organization’s mission; the creation of blogs and networks that bring customers together may enforce the creation of e-communities which can be accomplished using specific symbols and a language that is familiar to this online group. The integration of social media into the marketing programme of an organization or a company as tools consists of an innovative procedure for the co-creation of experience with the consumer.Promocja marek, usług oraz produktów przy użyciu form reklamy cyfrowej jest obecnie strategicznie stosowana przez organizacje, aby dotrzeć do klientów. Ten rodzaj reklamy wykorzystuje media cyfrowe do dystrybucji przekazów marketingowych i komunikacyjnych, aby promować interakcyjność i podnieść efektywność. W ten sposób celem staje się zarówno obsługiwanie, jak i angażowanie klientów. Niniejsza praca dowodzi, że media społecznościowe mogą tworzyć wirtualną społeczność, która rozpowszechnia "poczucie przynależności" do takiej społeczności wśród potencjalnych klientów, aby czuli się jej częścią, nawet jeśli nigdy się nie spotkali. Media społecznościowe mają do odegrania istotną rolę w kreowaniu doświadczenia – doświadczenia marki w internecie – oraz angażowaniu w ten proces konsumentów, umożliwiając "e-doświadczenie" i ich uczestnictwo, które może mieć pierwszorzędne znaczenie. Menadżerowie odpowiedzialni za zarządzanie mediami społecznościowymi mogą zabierać głos w dyskusjach konsumenckich w sposób zgodny z misją organizacji; tworząc blogi i sieci integrujące klientów, mogą oni wymusić tworzenie e-społeczności, które można urzeczywistnić przy użyciu określonych symboli oraz języka znanego danej grupie internetowej. Integracja mediów społecznościowych w programie marketingowym organizacji lub spółki jako narzędzia składa się z innowacyjnej procedury współtworzenia doświadczenia z konsumentem

    Kształcenie w zakresie rachunkowości, technologii i przedsiębiorczości – aktualne trendy i perspektywy

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    The present study explores current accounting and business research focusing on the accounting technology that leads the accounting profession in new directions. Also it discusses whether and how accounting education can support the development of employability skills of graduates and the creation of competent entrepreneurs through old and new technological advancements and applications. Research insight reveals that future entrepreneurs either in business or in accountancy should be aware of a numer of additional elements such as human factors and emotions, communication strategy, safety issues, business structure, budget requirements, and other issues that may impact their decision making in a digitally transformed world. The paper aims to highlight current trends and future outlook of digital tools, processes and applications which are at the disposal of accounting and other practitioners and may allow for an interactive communication process between the interested parts.W artykule przedstawiono badania dotyczące problemów związanych z rachunkowością i biznesem, skupiono się przy tym na wykorzystywanych w rachunkowości technologiach, które wytyczają nowe kierunki jej rozwoju. Zaprezentowano, czy i jak edukacja w zakresie rachunkowości może wspierać rozwój umiejętności zatrudnienia u absolwentów oraz kształtowanie kompetentnych przedsiębiorców poprzez stare i nowe osiągnięcia technologiczne i aplikacje. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że przyszli przedsiębiorcy prowadzący działalność gospodarczą lub księgową powinni być świadomi wielu dodatkowych elementów, takich jak czynniki ludzkie i emocje, strategia komunikacji, kwestie bezpieczeństwa, struktura biznesowa, wymagania budżetowe i inne kwestie, które mogą mieć wpływ na ich decyzje w cyfrowo przekształconym świecie. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja obecnych trendów oraz perspektyw wykorzystania cyfrowych narzędzi, procesów i aplikacji, które mogą służyć pracownikom rachunkowości i praktykom gospodarczym, umożliwiając interaktywną komunikację pomiędzy wszystkimi stronami procesu gospodarczego

    Digital Entrepreneurship via Sustainable Online Communication of Dentistry Profession, Oradea, Romania: A Longitudinal Analysis

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    Dentistry is an entrepreneurially oriented public interest profession that must maintain a balance between professional specificity and business sustainability. Communicating with patients is vital in a competitive system, and the dentist needs to use handy resources such as websites and social media. The aim of this research is (a) to examine whether websites and social networks are a digital entrepreneurship tool used in the dentistry profession in Oradea, a city in full economic development in Romania, to promote the profession nationally and internationally, (b) to compare the changes made using digital tools in the period between 2018–2021 for all licensed dentists in the mentioned city (between 430–450 people, depending on the stage of analysis) using the content analysis method and (c) to identify how the lockdown period imposed by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced not only the sustainability of the medical services provided to the population but also the communication practices of the dental offices. The results of examining the dentist’s online presence reveal that there is an interest among practitioners to grow their business sustainably through a digital presence that is increasingly relevant to them and their clients, but the potential remains under-exploited

    Digital Entrepreneurship via Sustainable Online Communication of Dentistry Profession, Oradea, Romania: A Longitudinal Analysis

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    Dentistry is an entrepreneurially oriented public interest profession that must maintain a balance between professional specificity and business sustainability. Communicating with patients is vital in a competitive system, and the dentist needs to use handy resources such as websites and social media. The aim of this research is (a) to examine whether websites and social networks are a digital entrepreneurship tool used in the dentistry profession in Oradea, a city in full economic development in Romania, to promote the profession nationally and internationally, (b) to compare the changes made using digital tools in the period between 2018–2021 for all licensed dentists in the mentioned city (between 430–450 people, depending on the stage of analysis) using the content analysis method and (c) to identify how the lockdown period imposed by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced not only the sustainability of the medical services provided to the population but also the communication practices of the dental offices. The results of examining the dentist’s online presence reveal that there is an interest among practitioners to grow their business sustainably through a digital presence that is increasingly relevant to them and their clients, but the potential remains under-exploited

    Rola mediów społecznościowych jako narzędzia innowacyjnych działań firmy w zakresie komunikacji

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    Social media and social networks conquer with surprisingly increasing rhythms more and more users and that is why they are implemented by many companies. The aim of this paper is to provide explanations of the term ‘social media’, their most widely accepted presentation, their use from the perspective of advertising and their effectiveness, with special emphasis on Facebook. An important goal of this paper is the presentation of innovative ideas important to the advertising market in an attempt to more fully attract potential customers with the use of new technologies. The article aims to present the way social media networks may be employed from companies and the advertising vehicles employed on Facebook which may enhance the company’s innovative communication and advertising activities. This paper is a reflexion of the implications of the generalized use of information technology and social networks for business through advertising and it examines the type of opportunities the social networks of companies present for it. It introduces the concept of the ‘imagined community’, which is associated with the sense of belonging to a group, a concept that may be related to the innovative communication activities of a company. In that way, the paper offers a theoretical contribution to the way social media may offer the opportunity for companies to effectively target their consumers and allow for them to be part of an ‘imagined community’, a concept that may well be used for the environment social media offer, transcending physical boundaries.Media społecznościowe oraz sieci społeczne zdobywają coraz więcej użytkowników w zadziwiająco szybkim tempie, dlatego też są one wykorzystywane przez wiele firm. Celem niniejszej pracy jest wyjaśnienie terminu „media społecznościowe”, ich najszerzej akceptowana prezentacja, ich wykorzystanie z punktu widzenia reklamy i ich efektywności, ze szczególnym naciskiem położonym na Facebook. Istotna jest również prezentacja innowacyjnych pomysłów ważnych dla rynku reklamowego, próbującego w szerzej przyciągnąć potencjalnych klientów przy użyciu nowych technologii. Ma ona na celu przedstawienie sposobu, w jaki sieci mediów społecznościowych mogą zostać wykorzystane przez firmy, a także prezentację nośników reklamowych wykorzystanych na Facebooku, mogących zwiększyć innowacyjne sposoby komunikacji wykorzystywane przez firmy oraz działania reklamowe. Praca ta jest refleksją nad implikacjami związanymi z uogólnionym wykorzystaniem sieci społecznościowych i technologii informacyjnej w biznesie poprzez reklamę i bada typ możliwości, które stwarzają dla niego sieci społecznościowe firm. Przedstawia koncepcję „wspólnoty wyobrażonej”, kojarzonej z poczuciem przynależności do grupy – koncepcję, która może być związana z innowacyjnymi działaniami firmy w zakresie komunikacji. W ten sposób praca oferuje wkład teoretyczny do sposobu, w jaki media społecznościowe mogą zaproponować firmom możliwość efektywnego kierowania oferty do konsumentów, a także pozwolić być częścią „wspólnoty wyobrażonej”. Zamysł ten z powodzeniem może być także wykorzystany w ofercie środowiska mediów społecznościowych, wykraczając poza granice fizyczne