5 research outputs found

    Subjective Cognitive Complaints in Participants of the Healthy Brain Ageing Study (HeBA)

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    Subjective cognitive complaints (SCC) have the potential for earlier detection of Alzheimer鈥檚 disease and Parkinson鈥檚 disease. Currently, the results of the completed online survey in the frame of the HeBA study reveal that 23% of the Luxembourgish participants have SCC with the SCC group having a higher prevalence rate of depression

    SmartR: An open-source platform for interactive visual analytics for translational research data.

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    In translational research, efficient knowledge exchange between the different fields of expertise is crucial. An open platform that is capable of storing a multitude of data types such as clinical, pre-clinical, or OMICS data combined with strong visual analytical capabilities will significantly accelerate the scientific progress by making data more accessible and hypothesis generation easier. The open data warehouse tranSMART is capable of storing a variety of data types and has a growing user community including both academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies. tranSMART, however, currently lacks interactive and dynamic visual analytics and does not permit any post-processing interaction or exploration. For this reason, we developed SmartR , a plugin for tranSMART, that equips the platform not only with several dynamic visual analytical workflows, but also provides its own framework for the addition of new custom workflows. Modern web technologies such as D3.js or AngularJS were used to build a set of standard visualizations that were heavily improved with dynamic elements. Contact: [email protected]. Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Availability: : The source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License and is freely available on GitHub: https://github.com/transmart/SmartR

    DAISY: A Data Information System for accountability under the General Data Protection Regulation

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    The new European legislation on data protection, namely, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), has introduced comprehensive requirements for the documentation about the processing of personal data as well as informing the data subjects of its use. GDPR鈥檚 accountability principle requires institutions, projects, and data hubs to document their data processings and demonstrate compliance with the GDPR. In response to this requirement, we see the emergence of commercial data-mapping tools, and institutions creating GDPR data register with such tools. One shortcoming of this approach is the genericity of tools, and their process-based model not capturing the project-based, collaborative nature of data processing in biomedical research.We have developed a software tool to allow research institutions to comply with the GDPR accountability requirement and map the sometimes very complex data flows in biomedical research. By analysing the transparency and record-keeping obligations of each GDPR principle, we observe that our tool effectively meets the accountability requirement.The GDPR is bringing data protection to center stage in research data management, necessitating dedicated tools, personnel, and processes. Our tool, DAISY, is tailored specifically for biomedical research and can help institutions in tackling the documentation challenge brought about by the GDPR. DAISY is made available as a free and open source tool on Github. DAISY is actively being used at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine and the ELIXIR-Luxembourg data hub

    Presenting and Sharing Clinical Data using the eTRIKS Standards Master Tree for tranSMART

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    Motivation Standardization and semantic alignment have been considered one of the major challenges for data integration in clinical research. The inclusion of the CDISC SDTM clinical data standard into the tranSMART i2b2 via a guiding master ontology tree positively impacts and supports the efficacy of data sharing, visualization and exploration across datasets. Results We present here a schema for the organization of SDTM variables into the tranSMART i2b2 tree along with a script and test dataset to exemplify the mapping strategy. The eTRIKS master tree concept is demonstrated by making use of fictitious data generated for four patients, including 16 SDTM clinical domains. We describe how the usage of correct visit names and data labels can help to integrate multiple readouts per patient and avoid ETL crashes when running a tranSMART loading routine. Availability The eTRIKS Master Tree package and test datasets are publicly available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1009098 and a functional demo installation at https://public.etriks.org/transmart/datasetExplorer/ under eTRIKS - Master Tree branch, where the discussed examples can be visualized