175 research outputs found

    User and provider perceptions of service quality : an exploratiory study of a professional service : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Master of Business Studies at Massey University

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    This study looks at service quality and its evaluation from users' and providers' perspectives. Applied research is conducted in a hospital diagnostic service, largely because of the high level of interest in issues of quality, and the technical and professional nature within the service. The focus of the study is on examining the development of conceptual frameworks of service quality and carrying out research on service quality in an operational setting. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used in this exploratory study. A survey of expectations and perceptions of service quality features is carried out on 74 customers and 7 providers of the service. Written and verbal comments on areas in which service quality may be improved from both groups are collated and coded. A series of survey statements is developed from the literature and from preliminary interviews as indicators of service quality features. Perceptions of customers are examined in relation to both the critical features of the service and perceptions on how the service performed in relation to each feature. The gap analysis is used to compare the views of the provider group with those of the customer group. The findings demonstrate that there are several areas where views are similar between providers and customers. In addition, areas are identified where differences exist between the importance ratings for service quality features and the evaluation of performance of the service in relation to these features. Factors which may influence the extent to which these differences exist are presented. It is suggested that a major reason for these differences is a lack of understanding of the evaluation of service quality and the importance of this evaluation on the strategic positioning of the service. It is concluded that although attention to clinical aspects of quality is important, a heightened awareness of the importance of service quality is needed by health service providers. Action taken by service providers to identify critical quality features and evaluate performance in relation to these features, can create opportunities for increased levels of customer satisfaction and the consequent likelihood of successful adaptation to changing environmental demands

    Estimating magnetic fields of homes near transmission lines in the California Power Line Study.

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    The California Power Line Study is a case-control study investigating the relation between residences near transmission lines and risk of childhood leukemia. It includes 5788 childhood leukemia cases and 5788 matched primary controls born between 1986 and 2007. We describe the methodology for estimating magnetic fields at study residences as well as for characterizing sources of uncertainty in these estimates. Birth residences of study subjects were geocoded and their distances to transmission lines were ascertained. 302 residences were deemed sufficiently close to transmission lines to have non-zero magnetic fields attributable to the lines. These residences were visited and detailed data, describing the physical configuration and dimensions of the lines contributing to the magnetic field at the residence, were collected. Phasing, loading, and directional load flow data for years of birth and diagnosis for each subject as well as for the day of site visit were obtained from utilities when available; when yearly average load for a particular year was not available, extrapolated values based on expert knowledge and prediction models were obtained. These data were used to estimate the magnetic fields at the center, closest and farthest point of each residence. We found good correlation between calculated fields and spot measurements of fields taken on site during visits. Our modeling strategies yielded similar calculated field estimates, and they were in high agreement with utility extrapolations. Phasing was known for over 90% of the lines. Important sources of uncertainty included a lack of information on the precise location of residences located within apartment buildings or other complexes. Our findings suggest that we were able to achieve high specificity in exposure assessment, which is essential for examining the association between distance to or magnetic fields from power lines and childhood leukemia risk

    Childhood leukemia: electric and magnetic fields as possible risk factors.

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    Numerous epidemiologic studies have reported associations between measures of power-line electric or magnetic fields (EMFs) and childhood leukemia. The basis for such associations remains unexplained. In children, acute lymphoblastic leukemia represents approximately three-quarters of all U.S. leukemia types. Some risk factors for childhood leukemia have been established, and others are suspected. Pathogenesis, as investigated in animal models, is consistent with the multistep model of acute leukemia development. Studies of carcinogenicity in animals, however, are overwhelmingly negative and do not support the hypothesis that EMF exposure is a significant risk factor for hematopoietic neoplasia. We may fail to observe effects from EMFs because, from a mechanistic perspective, the effects of EMFs on biology are very weak. Cells and organs function despite many sources of chemical "noise" (e.g., stochastic, temperature, concentration, mechanical, and electrical noise), which exceed the induced EMF "signal" by a large factor. However, the inability to detect EMF effects in bioassay systems may be caused by the choice made for "EMF exposure." "Contact currents" or "contact voltages" have been proposed as a novel exposure metric, because their magnitude is related to measured power-line magnetic fields. A contact current occurs when a person touches two conductive surfaces at different voltages. Modeled analyses support contact currents as a plausible metric because of correlations with residential magnetic fields and opportunity for exposure. The possible role of contact currents as an explanatory variable in the reported associations between EMFs and childhood leukemia will need to be clarified by further measurements, biophysical analyses, bioassay studies, and epidemiology

    Magnetic field exposure and long-term survival among children with leukaemia

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    We examined the association between magnetic field (MF) exposure and survival among children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) treated at 51 Pediatric Oncology Group centres between 1996 and 2001. Of 1672 potentially eligible children under treatment, 482 (29%) participated and personal 24-h MF measurements were obtained from 412 participants. A total of 386 children with ALL and 361 with B-precursor ALL were included in the analysis of event-free survival (time from diagnosis to first treatment failure, relapse, secondary malignancy, or death) and overall survival. After adjustment for risk group and socioeconomic status, the event-free survival hazard ratio (HR) for children with measurements ⩾0.3 μT was 1.9 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.8, 4.9), compared to <0.1 μT. For survival, elevated HRs were found for children exposed to ⩾0.3 μT (multivariate HR=4.5, 95% CI 1.5–13.8) but based on only four deaths among 19 children. While risk was increased among children with exposures above 0.3 μT, the small numbers limited inferences for this finding

    A precautionary public health protection strategy for the possible risk of childhood leukaemia from exposure to power frequency magnetic fields

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epidemiological evidence showing a consistent association between the risk of childhood leukaemia and exposure to power frequency magnetic fields has been accumulating. This debate considers the additional precautionary intervention needed to manage this risk, when it exceeds the protection afforded by the exposure guidelines as recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Bradford-Hill Criteria are guidelines for evaluating the scientific evidence that low frequency magnetic fields cause childhood leukaemia. The criteria are used for assessing the strength of scientific evidence and here have been applied to considering the strength of evidence that exposures to extremely low frequency magnetic fields may increase the risk of childhood leukaemia. The applicability of precaution is considered using the risk management framework outlined in a European Commission (EC) communication on the Precautionary Principle. That communication advises that measures should be proportionate, non-discriminatory, consistent with similar measures already taken, based on an examination of the benefits and costs of action and inaction, and subject to review in the light of new scientific findings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The main evidence for a risk is an epidemiological association observed in several studies and meta-analyses; however, the number of highly exposed children is small and the association could be due to a combination of selection bias, confounding and chance. Corroborating experimental evidence is limited insofar as there is no clear indication of harm at the field levels implicated; however, the aetiology of childhood leukaemia is poorly understood. Taking a precautionary approach suggests that low-cost intervention to reduce exposure is appropriate. This assumes that if the risk is real, its impact is likely to be small. It also recognises the consequential cost of any major intervention. The recommendation is controversial in that other interpretations of the data are possible, and low-cost intervention may not fully alleviate the risk.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The debate shows how the EC risk management framework can be used to apply the Precautionary Principle to small and uncertain public health risks. However, despite the need for evidence-based policy making, many of the decisions remain value driven and therefore subjective.</p