621 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemasaran Karet (Havea Brasiliensis) di Kelurahan Pangkalan Bunut Kecamatan Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the rubber marketing channels and institutions involved in the marketing process, (2) analyze the cost, margin, profit on each bokar marketing agency, part received by farmers and marketing efficiency bokar, (3) determine the relationship between farmers' patron-client with rubber traders in Sub Base Bunut. This study uses survey and sampling method is purposive sampling farmers with the following requirements: age 20-25 years old rubber trees, varieties of local varieties and land area of 1 ha. Sampling methods Snaw Ball merchants. Total sample farmers and traders of 30 people by 4 people. The results obtained by the channel 1 from farmers to traders or 43.33% then traders to large merchant wholesalers continued to plant. Channel 2 from farmers to wholesalers and then to the factory. Total margin marketing channel 1 is Rp 3.500.00 / kg, marketing profit of Rp. 10.812,34 / kg, the share of the farmer is 74.075% and 19.91% efficiency which is marketing. Marketing channel 2 margin of Rp. 3.000.00 / kg, marketing profit of Rp. 11.823,72 / kg, the share of the farmers are 77.78% and 12.42% efficiency which is marketing. The relationship between farmers and traders the dominant concerns of family connections, so that farmers have a high dependence on traders

    Modal Sosial dan Keberdayaan Kelompoktani Padi di Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research aims:1) to identify social capital rice farmersgroup in Rimba Melintang subdistric. 2) toidentify the empowerment level of rice farmersgroup in Rimba Melintang subdistric. 3) toidentify the correlation of social capital and the empowerment level of rice farmers group in Rimba Melintang subdistric. This research uses a survey method that consist of 63 farmers as respondents who were selected purposively. To identifythe social capital and empowerment in this research using a descriptive qualitative method. To identify the correlation of social capital and empowerment in this research using graph percentage method. The result showed that: 1) implementation of social capital for beginner class farmers group was low due to not all of elements of social capital were executed. For advanced and intermediate classes of farmers group, the implementation of social capital was high due to the all elements of social capital have been executed. 2) The empowerment for beginner class farmers group was low, while the empowerment for advanced and intermediate classes of farmers group was high. 3) The percentage of social capital for beginner class was 39.47% followed by empowerment 41.67%. The percentage of social capital for advanced class was 81.58% followed by empowerment 83.33%, while the percentage of social capital for intermediate class was 86.84% followed by empowerment 100%

    Peran Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Pengembangan Kelompoktani di Desa Kemuning Muda Kecamatan Bungaraya Kabupaten Siak

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    Agricultural extension as part of the national life (especially farmers) and promote welfare in general is one key to success in order to strengthen farmer groups. Many farmers' groups have been developed, but there are many who questioned its existence. the purpose of this study was (1) Determine the role of agricultural extension in the village Kemuning muda. (2) Determine the development of farmers 'groups in the village Kemuning Muda, and (3) To identify any problems encountered by farmers in agricultural extension role in the development of farmers' groups in rural districts KemuningMuda Bungaraya Siak district. the method used in this research is survey method with a sampling technique that with Purposive Samplingmethod. the number of samples in this study were 6 farmer groups, respectively 5 samples taken farmer groups so that the total is 30 samples. data analysis using a Likert scale. the results showed that, the role of agricultural extension in the development of farmers' groups in rural districts KemuningMuda Bungaraya Siak district is quite good. handling problems faced by farmers in agricultural extension role in the development of farmer groups are less helpful extension of market access for agricultural products and the insufficient number of members who abide by the regulations

    Persepsi Petani terhadap Pentingnya Peran Penyuluhan Perkebunan Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell Arg) di Kecamatan Gunung Toar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    The research aims to (1)figure out the implementation system of rubber plantation extension, (2) farmers' perception toward the importance of the role of extension in rubber plantation. Purposive Sampling method was the sampling technique that was used in this research which in accordance to the number of farmers that are actively involved in farmer group that consist of 45 farmers and 5 extension workers, Scale of Likert Summated Rating (LSR) was used as the tool of data analysis. The result showed the extension implementation activities in Gunung Toar Subdistrict Kuantan Singingi Regency have been going quite well if it is observed from the elements of extension that affecting it, that consists of agricultural extension workers; extension target; extension method; extension media; extenison material; extension period; extension site. Farmers' perception toward the importance of the role of extension in rubber plantation in Gunung Toar Subdistrict Kuantan Singingi Regency was chategorized as “quite important” with the score of 2.80, it can be seen from the variable; (a) Education, information/innovation dissemination whichwere chategorized as “quite important” with the score of 3.17 and 2.68; (b) Facilitiation, Monitoring and evaluaton were chategorized as “less important” with the score of 2.53 and 2.00; (c) Consultation, Supervision/developmentwere included as “quite important” with the score of 3.15 and 3.29

    Analisis Kinerja Sosial dan Kinerja Keuangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (Lkm) USAha Ekonomi Desa-simpan Pinjam (Ued-sp) Candi Makmur Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the performance of the social and financial performance over the period 2009-2013 were conducted in rural microfinance institutions (UED-SP) Candi Makmur. Social performance analysis using MIX Market performance indicators, and financial performance analysis method using 17 ratio with Pearls. Social performance analysis show has achieved its mission and social purpose indicated by the indicator development revolving loan volume of 56.37 percent, the development of the highest revolving loan is trade 58.36 percent and the number of poor borrowers 260 people with poor loan growth 116.3 percent. Activity and increased internal system is shown by the staff productivity indicator for the number of borrowers, loan volume and ratio of staff incentives. Increased output and outcome in dicators shown by the borrower based on gender, the ratio of borrowers by business sector and the ratio of the number of poor borrowers. Financial performance analysis shows the ratio of 17 pearls were analyzed, 7 ratio is under ideal conditions the ratio of current assets, loans from the outside, the capital of institutions, non-productive assets, operating costs, asset growth and the growth of outstanding loans. which is not ideal for the ratio is the ratio of the risk reserve fund for loans negligence 1-12 months and over 12 months, outstanding loans, savings shares, non perfoaming loan, income from loans, net income, current assets do not generate, growth stock savings and growth institutional capital

    Analisis Straregi Mempertahankan Kearifan Lokal Tanaman Gambir di Desa Manggilangkecamatan Pangkalan Koto Baru Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

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    This research aimedtoidentifylocal wisdomis ever existed gambierplant(from past done butdid notdoit present), which isstillcarried outand thegambierfarmerswhowere past and the present do, and whichwere notpast donebutpresent do of gambier farmers. This research usessurveyandSnowball Samplingmethodin findingthe properrespondentto obtain the14respondents consistingof1) FarmersGambier, 2) NinikMamak, 3) Religious Leaders, 4) ApparatusVillage. Methodsinterviews were conductedtoobtaininformationaboutlocal wisdomgambierplants. Descriptive and qualitative analysisin preparingthis research. Criteriathatrespondentswhosoughtgambierfarmerswhohavelongexperienceand thecultivation oflocal wisdomto knowthe gambierplant.while for answer the purpose to three that is strategy for maintain the local wisdom analyzed by using SWOT analysis. The results showedthatlocal wisdom of gambierplant in the village Manggilang districts Pangkalan Koto Baru totaling 45 local wisdom from past done or present do of gambier farmers. 1). Local wisdom from past done butdid notdoit present totaling 5 local wisdom. 2). Local wisdom from past done and now present do totaling 40 local wisdom. 3). Strategy for maintain the local wisdom is attractiveness to traveler the need for role of government and use tools traditional relatively cheap and easy to get by farmers

    Analysis Strategy for Maintaining the Local Wisdom in Trying Malay Hinterland Rubber Farmer in the Batang Cenaku District Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau Province

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    The purpose of this study are to identify local wisdom rubber plant has ever had (previously done but did not do it again now), formerly done by now they do the rubber farmers and which were not performed but is now made of rubber farmers. The method was used survey and Snowball Sampling in finding the respondent the right to obtain 15 respondents consisting of 1) Farmers Rubber, 2) Traditional Leaders, 3) Religious Leaders, 4) village officials, 5) Members farmer groups, 6) Collectors. Methods interviews were conducted to obtain information about local wisdom rubber plants. The criteria will be seeking respondents rubber farmers who have cultivated long experience and know the local wisdom rubber plants. The results showed that local wisdom rubber plant by the farmers in cultivation in 1) clearing of land that is numbered 15 indigenous 2) Nurseries are 4 local wisdom 3) Planting a total of 5 local wisdom 4) Maintenance numbered 11 local wisdom and 5) Rubber tapping totaling 12 indigenous 6) Rejuvenation totaled 4 indigenous 7) Processed Material totaled 3 lokal wisdom 8) Marketing amounted to 3 lokal wisdom. Total indigenous rubber plant at 58 local wisdom. Strategies in maintaining local knowledge of rubber cultivation in the Districts Batang Cenaku gained 9 strategy, which gained 3 SO strategy, ST there are 2 strategies, WO 2 and WT strategy 2 strategy. Keywords: Local Wisdom, Rubber Plant, Rubber Farmers, Formerly, Now PENDAHULUAN Pembangunan pertanian merupakan bagian dari pembangunan nasional yang memegang peran penting dari keseluruhan perekonomian nasional, hal ini dikarenakan sektor pertanian mampu memberikan pemasukan untuk negara berupa devisa (diekspor). Dewasa ini pembangunan sektor pertanian lebih dititikberatkan pada subsektor perkebunan, karena subsektor perkebunan memiliki potensi yang bagus untuk dikembangkan. Karet merupakan salah sat
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