501 research outputs found

    Analisis Strategi Mempertahankan Kearifan Lokal Ramah Lingkungan dalam USAhatani Padi Sawah Varietas Lokal di Desa Kemuning Muda Kecamatan Bunga Raya Kabupaten Siak

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    This research was conducted in rural districts Bungaraya young kemuning district siak. This study was conducted to identify local wisdom that ever existed and still exists today, and analyzes the local wisdom that is environmentally friendly and any strategy in defending indigenous rice crops. The purpose of this study is to identify the local wisdom that once existed in the agricultural environment, analyzing the application of local wisdom that is still going on paddy fields in the district hibiscus, analyze the strategy of maintaining an environmentally friendly local wisdom in the use and management of rice paddy fields. The method used is in qualitative research methods used to examine the condition of natural objects. This sampling technique using snowball sampling techniques in sequence to obtain the saturation point of a question. depth interviews with respondents and record it in the form of voice recorder that uses a questionnaire that has been made before. Local knowledge is a form of knowledge, beliefs, rules. customs, and habits performed by a community that supports, norms and cultural values that have been there earlier and was sent down by ancestors to be passed on to children and kemenkannya in running everyday life. in this study there is a local wisdom that still on the run, even though the procedure, the customs and rules is not running as before

    Analisis Pemasaran Karet (Havea Brasiliensis) di Kelurahan Pangkalan Bunut Kecamatan Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the rubber marketing channels and institutions involved in the marketing process, (2) analyze the cost, margin, profit on each bokar marketing agency, part received by farmers and marketing efficiency bokar, (3) determine the relationship between farmers' patron-client with rubber traders in Sub Base Bunut. This study uses survey and sampling method is purposive sampling farmers with the following requirements: age 20-25 years old rubber trees, varieties of local varieties and land area of 1 ha. Sampling methods Snaw Ball merchants. Total sample farmers and traders of 30 people by 4 people. The results obtained by the channel 1 from farmers to traders or 43.33% then traders to large merchant wholesalers continued to plant. Channel 2 from farmers to wholesalers and then to the factory. Total margin marketing channel 1 is Rp 3.500.00 / kg, marketing profit of Rp. 10.812,34 / kg, the share of the farmer is 74.075% and 19.91% efficiency which is marketing. Marketing channel 2 margin of Rp. 3.000.00 / kg, marketing profit of Rp. 11.823,72 / kg, the share of the farmers are 77.78% and 12.42% efficiency which is marketing. The relationship between farmers and traders the dominant concerns of family connections, so that farmers have a high dependence on traders

    Analisis Kearifan Lokal Tanaman Karet di Kecamatan Gunung Toar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    This research aimed to identify local wisdom is ever existed rubber plant (from past done but did not do it present), which is still carried out and the rubber farmers who were past and the present do, and which were not past done but present do of rubber farmers. This research uses survey and SnowBall Sampling method in finding the proper respondent to obtain the 15 respondents consisting of 1) Farmers Rubber, 2) Ninik Mamak, 3) Religious Leaders, 4) Apparatus Village, 5) members of farmer groups, 6) Patron(Induk Semang). Methods interviews were conducted to obtain information about local wisdom rubber plants. Descriptive and qualitative analysis in preparing this research. Criteria that respondents who sought rubber farmers who have long experience and the cultivation of local wisdom to know the rubber plant. The results showed that local wisdom of rubber plant by the farmers in cultivation in 1) Land Clearing that are amounted 21 local wisdom, 2) Nurseries amounted 5 local wisdom 3) Planting amounted 9 local wisdom, 4) The period before production amounted 2 local wisdom, 5) Maintenance amounted 18 local wisdom and 6) Rejuvenation amounted 4 local wisdom, 6) Rubber tapping amounted 15 local wisdom, 7) Processed Materials Rubber amounted 4 local wisdom, 8) Marketing amounted 4 local wisdom. The total local wisdom of rubber plant that 82 local wisdom. Application of local wisdom rubber plant is dominated by the activity pattern of human behavior, actions / activities that reflect the daily life of the local community and religion

    Motivasi Peternak Plasma Ayam Broiler dalam Bermitradi Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar (Studi Kasus PT. Pelita Trikencana Bersinar)

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    The purpose of this research is knowing motivation of broiler breeders in partnering and problems in partnership with PT. Pelita Trikencana Bersinar in Kampar Kiri Tengah District, Kampar Regency. Type of research is a descriptive study using quantitative data and qualitative. Data collection was done through interviews with the help of questionnaires. The data analysis used is descriptive statistics analysis tool factors. Descriptive analysis results indicate a partnership is a partnership that is run plasma core system, with the system and partner acceptance procedures are clearly specified in the letter of agreement. In addition, the contract price of feed, DOC, and live shicken price agreed in the contract signed by each production period. The result of factor analysis showed 7 variables qualify resulting in 2 motivation formations. Motivation formation named the main motivation and motivational support. Motivation that encourages breeders in partnership is the main motivation consists of variable control (X2), working conditions (X5), achievement (X6), employment (X8), and material needs (X9). The main motivation have real influence is the motivation broiler breeders in prtnering. While supporting motivation consists of variable interpersonal relationships (X3), and compensation (X4). Motivational support has a role that is lower than the primary motivation. The results of descriptive analysis shows that the dominant problems occur is unilateral cooperation contract, the contract price is the determined unilaterlly sapronak and production, lack of clear quality standars sapronak sent the core, late harvest, the absence of an arbitration body, and the absence of institutional support

    Identifikasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Hutan Larangan Adat Rumbio, Kabupaten Kampar terhadap Perlindungan Hutan

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    The aim of the research are 1) to identify local wisdom Rumbio forest communities to the forest protection and forest management, 2) to determine Rumbio communitites strategies on the management of sustainable forest at protected ban forest. This research was conducted at Rumbio village, Kampar regency, Riau Province. The local communities of forest Rumbio subject is to certain characteristics. Major characteristics subject is local communities Rumbio, Kampar. This research was carried out using method survey. Data were taken by using Snowball sampling technique which is nine informant as samples. Data were analyzed using Descriptive Analysis. Result showed that 1) a. local wisdom has been applied in the communities at ban forest and there are some regulation that should follow by communities such as like not to cut trees at ban forest or held and activity that may harm the forest it self, b. local wisdom for asking communities to plant the trees and build houses at appropriate places, 2) Forest protection strategies in ban Rumbio forest are: a) build security posts, established of the Rural Forestry Extension Centers (RFEC), greening, monitoring and sanctions for people who break the rules, b) kind of effort to keep ban forest and sustain the forest is choosing at the forest and communities garden, c) form of socialization customs regulations Rumbio is notification to young children as the next generation of indigenous communities through involvement in the traditional procession, announcements in indigenous associations
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