173 research outputs found

    Saving Lives Under Fire: The Extraordinary Efforts of ICU Health Professionals in the Ukrainian War

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    Amid the Ukrainian War, the heroes of the intensive care unit (ICU) - doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and many others - valiantly confront unprecedented challenges, showcasing resilience and dedication in the face of adversity. Despite limited resources and electricity backup issues, these health professionals worked tirelessly to provide life-saving care to critically ill patients, including those with gunshot wounds, shrapnel injuries, burns, and traumatic brain injuries. The article highlights the need to denounce attacks on medical personnel during conflicts, and strategies for supporting ICU health professionals in war zones are suggested, including hazard pay, comprehensive insurance coverage, safety training and equipment, support networks and mental health services, and ongoing education and professional development. The heroic efforts of ICU health professionals during times of war highlight the crucial role they play in healthcare systems worldwide

    Conceptual approach to cooperative learning: its Effect on the Learning of Conceptual Approach among the Pre-service Biology Teachers

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    This study aims to establish the effectiveness of a Conceptual Approach in enhancing the learning of Conceptual Approach to cooperative learning among 27 4 th semester pre-service Biology teachers in science teacher education. Accordingly, the Conceptual Approach employed in this study entails the incorporation of its five essential elements, namely positive independence, individual accountability, group processing, social skills, and face-to-face interaction into the context of problem solving within a cooperative learning setting. The research design employed was that of a triangulation mixed-methods design which provides a fuller and deeper understanding of the phenomenon at hand. The quantitative method used was that of one-group pretest-posttest design whereby a pretest was administered before the intervention while the posttest was administered after the three-hour intervention. Meanwhile, the qualitative method involved the generation of lesson ideas incorporating the Conceptual Approach so as to illuminate what has been learnt by the pre-service Biology teachers. The findings indicate that the analysis of the pretest and posttest data using paired samples t-test yielded a t of-17.90 which was statistically significant (p < .001). The analysis of the qualitative data consisting of lesson ideas generated indicates that the pre-service Biology teachers had an adequate grasp in that they were able to incorporate, albeit at differing frequencies, the five essential elements of Conceptual Approach within the 5E Instructional Model. The results are discussed in terms of how the key findings relate to other studies and also in terms of the pedagogical approach germane for teacher education. Implications for future research are also delineated

    Arising reading patterns in understanding literary texts

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    This paper reviews reading attempts made by students at the lower secondary -- level in oral reading and retelling to understand literary texts. The study involved a qualitative research method in collecting data, which relates to the students’ reading patterns in understanding literary texts and the impact of students’ reading patterns on literary texts comprehension. The sample in this study comprised six average ability Form One (i.e. seventh grade) students from a secondary school. Data collection techniques included content analysis of students’ oral reading and retelling. Students’ oral reading and retelling were centred in the literature textbook currently used in lower secondary school. Data collected were subsequently analysed by using frequency counts in the form of percentages. The findings from oral readings show that students formed their own mental framework to guide them through in text comprehension, and the results of retellings analysis suggest that the literary texts were readable and were within the students’ comprehension level. However, none was able to infer beyond the text and to relate the text to one’s own life. This did not influence students’ text comprehension. The study indicates that different forms of patterns arose during oral reading among students in ways how they connected the ideas on the page to comprehend the literary texts. This aided teachers in their choices of classroom instructions that best fit the students’ reading ability

    The use of portfolio as an assessment tool in the Malaysian L2 classroom

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    This article focuses on the use of portfolio as an assessment tool for learning in two Malaysian secondary ESL classrooms. Participants included nine experienced lower and upper secondary school classroom ESL teachers who had utilised portfolio as an assessment tool in their classrooms. A qualitative research design was employed within the interpretive research paradigm as to provide an in-depth description of ESL teachers’ understanding of the use of portfolio as an assessment tool in the classroom. The interview data were used for triangulating data obtained from the classroom observations. Data collected through both techniques were transcribed and analyzed manually. The nine ESL teachers reported that student’s self-reflection and self-assessment helped them to improve their instruction in the classroom. Moreover, the ESL teachers found students showed progress in learning via supplementary exercises which were assessed and then graded. The teachers disclosed that the core features of a portfolio assessment include purpose, content and structure which were considered crucial to bring about effective results of student learning. The qualitative findings contribute to a better understanding of the use of portfolio as an assessment tool and have some implications for teaching and assessment

    Primary Ovarian Pregnancy - A Rare Case Report

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    We report the rare case of a 27-year-old female who presented to the emergency department with severe pain in the lower abdomen. She gave a history of a spontaneus pregnancy of 5 weeks gestation with a history of irregular spotting on and off. The total leukocyte count was 25,000/cmm and β-human chorionic gonadotropin level was 984.7 IU/mL. Ultrasound showed an adnexal mass with hemoperitoneum. An ovarian wedge resection was done. She made good postoperative recovery and was discharged on the third postoperative day. Histology confirmed a ruptured ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Ovarian ectopic pregnancy is a rare condition and is associated with the use of assisted reproductive techniques. This case is unusual as it was a spontaneous pregnancy with no history of use of any assisted reproductive techniques

    Portfolio as an assessment tool and its implementation in Malaysian ESL classrooms: a study in two secondary schools

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    This research presents the findings of a study relating to portfolio as an assessment tool and its implementation by English as Second Language (ESL) teachers in two secondary schools. Participants included nine lower and upper secondary school classroom ESL teachers. The research design was qualitative in nature as there was a need to immerse in the classroom to witness and observe the portfolio assessment process carried out by the ESL teachers. The interviewing technique was used for triangulating data obtained during classroom observations. Data collected through both techniques were transcribed and analyzed manually. The nine ESL teachers involved felt that the current assessment methods were insufficient for measuring student learning as students focused on memorization and studied merely for examination rather than the acquisition of knowledge. Significantly, the teachers divulged that when students are engaged in portfolio assessment, they become less examination oriented and are able to take charge of their learning. The teachers reported that although the implementation of portfolio as an assessment tool involved major investment in time, they proved to be valuable and conducive tools for individualizing the learning process and in documenting student progress and achievement over time. Findings from this study recommend that portfolios drive instruction by assisting teachers to identify student needs by matching instruction to needs and assessment to instruction. The results have clear implications for assessment, and the teaching and learning of second language learning

    Fermentation Of Multigrain Dough – An Approach To Reduce Glycemic Index For Healthy Bread

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    The use of sourdough as the starter culture for bread making is one of the oldest processes in food fermentation and is very much prevalent in being used for the manufacture of various multigrain breads. The fermentation process of breads from mixed flours is one way, reported to reduce the glycemic index as compared to white bread. In this paper, we have discussed the use of (autochthonous) native culture vs pure culture use, in fermentation to prepare a starter culture sourdough by propagative fermentation. Since such a dough is incorporated in the sourdough bread making process (1:3), by the initial process of intermittent back-slopping (at intervals of 3.5 and 7 days) to propagate sourdough with a starter culture, as a part of the process, we observed the reduction in glycaemic index of the sourdough itself to as low as GI=40, at 3rd day of fermentation when the pure consortium and at 5th day of fermentation GI=43, when the native consortium was used. The sourdough process is thus an essential tool, aimed to make healthy breads, as it is incorporated as an ingredient in the process, to make sourdough bread

    Understanding the Islam Hadhari and ethnic relations: a non-Muslim perspective

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    This piece of writing highlights an analysis of the ethnic relations in Malaysia based on the Islam Hadhari concept which is mainly aimed at fostering the spirit of goodwill and peace in Malaysia society. The idea of Islam Hadhari has so far been believed to play an important role in the development of human capital as it emphasizes individual development, especially in the aspect of religion (spiritual). This idea is meant to increase the competitiveness and endurance level of an individual to a more progressive in terms of mind and behavior, especially in the face of globalization wave today. However, the implementation of Islam Hadhari still vague and needs some more efforts in order to strengthen the spiritual ties among ethnic communities in the Malaysian society. Three questions are proposed in this case, those are: are non-Muslims willing to accept Islam Hadhari openly in their lives? How are the response and support of non-Malay community toward this Islam Hadhari concept? What important steps need to be done by certain agencies as an effort to empower Islam Hadhari especially the interest and participation of non-Muslims? These three questions should be taken into consideration because they concern with problems which emphasize the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims ethnics in Malaysia. Thus, the discussion will be based on the social reality that is through experience and observation in daily life of Malaysia society in general and non-Islam society in particular

    Investigating suicidal trend and its economic determinants: evidence from India

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    This paper examines the trend and economic determinants of the suicidal deaths in India. Time-series data over the period 1967-2006 is used from various sources. The paper analyzes the suicidal trend and exploratory relationships between suicide rate and some of the demographic and other economic variates. Further, we use ARDL model to find out the association between suicide and some economic variables. We find that inflation, per capita real GDP and industrial growth encourages the incidences of suicides whereas increased per capita household income helps in reducing suicidal deaths in India