67 research outputs found

    MATLAB and K-Wave Based Outdoor Ray Propagation Predictor Tool SNELLIX for Surface Wave Modelling

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    This paper discusses the overview of ground wave propagation and addresses a particular class of propagation scenarios in the presence of surface terrain and atmospheric refractivity. Traditional methods used to predict the ground-wave field strength at low frequency and are not applicable for terrains with serious irregularities because of the analytical approximations. A virtual propagation MATLAB based predictor tool SNELLIX is developed for propagation of EM waves over non-flat terrain through homogeneous and an inhomogeneous atmosphere. Keywords: Wave propagation, ray tracing, tri linear refractivity, ducting, anomalous propagation, PWE, HFSW

    An Analytical Study of the Trust Concerns of Online Buyers in India

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    Trust is an important requisite for any online transaction to take place. This paper presents an overview of various trust factors which exist in Indian e-Commerce market place and the customers’ inclination towards these factors. The study attempts to provide a tool to the e-vendors to understand what the customers expect from a website in order to make that initial purchase and hence, improve upon their online stores to attract more customers. In addition to this, the study aims at enhancing the knowledge base of the online customers by providing them a finer insight with a view to indulge in online shopping more advantageously. The study is based on the data collected through questionnaires and is conducted mainly on the experts in Indian e-Commerce market who have in depth knowledge about executing online transactions successfully. The study uses pair-wise comparisons to assess the significance of each of the trust factor within its class. Expert Choice software is used to perform sensitivity analysis on these factors. Keywords: e-Commerce Trust, Indian Customers’ Trust, Online Trust, Trust Factor

    Factors Influencing Trust in Online Shopping: An Indian Consumer’s Perspective

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    With deeper proliferation of Internet, the traditional ways to do business have changed significantly. Organizations across the globe have started practicing ecommerce as a primary way to conduct business. Thousands of Internet users and shoppers from all over the world, particularly in growing economies like India and China, are joining the ranks of digitally connected. With the unprecedented growth of e-commerce, the significance of trust (it being the most important factor for any exchange to take place) cannot be ignored. Consumers are bothered about the product quality, credit card frauds, availability of returns, product delivery, security and privacy of their information etc. Though significant research has been done on the trust factors pertaining to e-commerce in developed countries like US and UK, researchers and practitioners are yet to fully comprehend the trust factors influencing Indian Ecommerce space. Indians share a different culture, different psychology, different characteristics and obviously a very different online shopping behavior. Consequently, the factors attributing to the trust by an Indian consumer will be very different as compared to the trust factors exhibited by the consumers of a developed economy. This paper describes the factors influencing the trust and subsequently the willingness of the Indian consumer to buy online. This research is based on the study conducted on Indian consumers through surveys and interviews. Keywords: Ecommerce Trust; Trust; Trust Factors; Indian Customer’s Trust; Indian Consumer’s Trust; Online Trus

    Future growth development Strategies

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    The research report is based on a superette and developing business strategies for future growth for it. Before working in key areas, I did collect little information about the market through organizational context (PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis as well as internal analysis). Next step is to develop a future business plan, competitive advantages, and analysis of competitors condition in the market for superette development. This research based on primary data which collected by a mixed method. All information collected with the help of mixed method because it includes both methods qualitative and quantitative research. Moreover, the mixed method includes interviews of employees as well as manager and customer surveys. The customer survey conduct for getting detailed information about business growth, demand in the market. The research explains the key areas of the business that is helpful for future growth as well as the importance of strategic planning. The whole report contains various valuable concepts like reviews or opinion of manager, employees, and customers as well as recommendations for future growth and strategies development

    ATP-Reactive Sites in the Bacteriophage λ Packaging Protein Terminase Lie in the N-Termini of Its Subunits, gpA and gpNu1

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    AbstractATP-reactive sites in terminase and its subunits have been successfully identified using three different affinity analogs of ATP (2- and 8-azidoATP and FITC). GpA, the larger subunit of terminase, was shown to have a higher affinity for these analogs than gpNu1, the smaller subunit. The suitability of these reagents as affinity analogs of ATP was demonstrated by ATP protection experiments andin vitroassays done with the modified proteins. These analogs were thus shown to modify the ATP-reactive sites. The results obtained from these experiments also indicate the importance of subunit–subunit interactions in the holoenzyme. Terminase, gpA, and gpNu1 were modified with these analogs and the ATP-reactive sites were identified by isolating the modified peptide by reverse-phase chromatography. The sequence analysis of the modified peptides indicates a region including amino acids 18–35 in the N-terminus of gpNu1 and a region including amino acids 59–85 in the N-terminus of gpA as being the ATP-reactive sites

    Theoretical Investigation of the structures and stability of gas phase neutral and cationic TixOy clusters.

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    Theoretical investigation of the structure and stability of neutral and cationic TixOy cluster series (where y =2x-1, 2x, 2x+1) have been performed. The lowest lying structures for the neutral clusters are usually found in the singlet state. Generally, in bulk and in the case of the neutral TixOy clusters, the 2x cluster series is relatively more abundant than the 2x-1 and the 2x+1 cluster series. But in the case of cationic TixOy clusters, the 2x-1 series is more abundant. To understand the origin of the stability of the TixO2x-1+ clusters, we use density functional theory within the NRLMOL set of codes. Different analyzing factors such as ionization potential, TiO2 removal energy, oxygen removal energy, binding energy per atom and HOMO-LUMO gap have been used to examine the relative stability of TixO2x-1+ clusters. After analyzing the above criteria, we find that the ionization potential and HOMO-LUMO gap are more reliable, as the low ionization potential of the 2x-1 series generally implies low HOMO-LUMO gap and suggests that the 2x-1 cluster series more likely prefer to remain as cations. To further confirm this, we examine the density of states of Ti3O5 and Ti3O6 which show a larger HOMO- HOMO-1 gap in case of Ti3O5, indicating that the cluster would like to lose an electron for enhancing electronic stability

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 1,3,4-Oxadiazolyl benzenesulphonyl benzimidazole derivatives

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    Oxadiazoles are a class of heterocyclic aromatic chemical compound of azole family. Oxadiazole is five membered heterocycle having two carbons, two nitrogen, one oxygen and two double bonds. Oxadiazole exists in four isomeric forms depending upon the position of nitrogen atom in the ring. Benzimidazole is a heterocyclic aromatic compound. This bicyclic compound consists of fusion of benzene and imidazole. Benzimidazole may also be considered as cyclic analogues of imidines due to tautomerism effect. In the present study involves synthesis of1,3,4-oxadiazolyl benzenesulphonylbenzimidazole derivatives. All the synthesized compounds were screened against HepG-2 cell line to determine the growth inhibitory effect of compounds.All the synthesized compounds possessed good to moderate anti-cancer activity as compare to standard drug Adriamycin. Two of the synthesized compounds i.e. 8a and 8f were found to possess maximum anti-cancer activity.The structures of the synthesized compounds were established by IR and 1HNMR

    Dental Management of Ectodermal dysplasia: A case report

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    A variety of syndromes/disorders (genetic/acquired) are encountered in our day-to-day life. Among them, ectodermal dysplasia is a rare syndrome which is transmitted as x-linked recessive/dominant disorder and is known to majorly affect males as compared to females. Clinically, it is observed that there is presence of partial or complete anodontia with conical teeth along with maxillary retrusion, prominent supraorbital ridges or frontal bossing, fine and blond, scanty hair (resembling lanuogo), deformed or absent nails, facial physiognomy (fairy-like face) and reduced sweating. Early diagnosis remains the key for the management of ectodermal dysplasia. Since patient suffers from unpleasant appearance (due to partial or complete anodontia); hence, dental management includes replacement of teeth by either fixed/removable partial or complete dentures /implant- supported dentures. We present a case of ectodermal dysplasia with features of oligodontia, severely deficient alveolar processes and maxillary retrusion which was managed with tooth-supported complete overdentures

    414 InternatIonal Journal of electronIcs & communIcatIon technology

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    Abstract Neural networks are a new method of programming computers. They are exceptionally good at performing pattern recognition and other tasks that are very difficult to program using conventional techniques. Programs that employ neural nets are also capable of learning on their own and adapting to changing conditions. Neural nets may be the future of computing .A good way to understand them is with a puzzle that neural nets can be used to solve. Suppose that you are given 500 characters of code that you know to be C, C++, Java, or Python. Now, construct a program that identifies the code's language. One solution is to construct a neural net that learns to identify these languages. According to a simplified account, the human brain consists of about ten billion neurons --and a neuron is, on average, connected to several thousand other neurons. By way of these connections, neurons both send and receive varying quantities of energy. One very important feature of neurons is that they don't react immediately to the reception of energy. Instead, they sum their received energies, and they send their own quantities of energy to other neurons only when this sum has reached a certain critical threshold. The brain learns by adjusting the number and strength of these connections. The brain's network of neurons forms a massively parallel information processing system. This contrasts with conventional computers, in which a single processor executes a single series of instructions

    Synthesis, Spectral Studies and Antimicrobial Activity of imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole derivatives

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    Thiadiazole is a heterocyclic compound containg both two nitrogen atom and one sulfur atom as a part of the aromatic five-membered ring. The imidazo [2,1-b]-1,3,4-thiadiazole ring system is the core skeleton of well known immunomodulator levamisole. The synthesis and antimicrobial activity of nine 6-Phenyl-2- substituted imidazo [2,1-b]-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives were reported against Gram +ve bacteria Bacillius subtilis (MTCC 121), Staphyloccus aureus (MTCC 87), Gram –ve bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MTCC 424), Escherichia coli (MTCC 40), and fungal strains Candida albicans (MTCC 183), Fusarium solani (MTCC 2935), Fusarium oxyporium (MTCC 2840). Ciprofloxacin and Fluconazole were used as standard drug for antibacterial and antifungal activity respectively. The synthesized compound (6) and (5b) had moderate antibacterial activity especially with Gram negative Escherichia coli (MTCC 40) where (5a) and (5f) had good antibacterial activity. The structures of the synthesized compounds were established by IR, NMR and Mass spectral studies
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