133 research outputs found

    Diffusion-mediated nuclear spin phase decoherence in cylindrically porous materials

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    AbstractIn NMR or MRI of complex materials, including biological tissues and porous materials, magnetic susceptibility differences within the material result in local magnetic field inhomogeneities, even if the applied magnetic field is homogeneous. Mobile nuclear spins move though the inhomogeneous field, by translational diffusion and other mechanisms, resulting in decoherence of nuclear spin phase more rapidly than transverse relaxation alone. The objective of this paper is to simulate this diffusion-mediated decoherence and demonstrate that it may substantially reduce coherence lifetimes of nuclear spin phase, in an anisotropic fashion. We do so using a model of cylindrical pores within an otherwise homogeneous material, and calculate the resulting magnetic field inhomogeneities. Our simulations show that diffusion-mediated decoherence in a system of parallel cylindrical pores is anisotropic, with coherence lifetime minimised when the array of cylindrical pores is perpendicular to B0. We also show that this anisotropy of coherence lifetime is reduced if the orientations of cylindrical pores are disordered within the system. In addition we characterise the dependence on B0, the magnetic susceptibility of the cylindrical pores relative to the surroundings, the diffusion coefficient and cylinder wall thickness. Our findings may aid in the interpretation of NMR and MRI relaxation data

    Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Anisotropy:Physical Principles and Uses in Microstructure Imaging

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides an excellent means of studying tissue microstructure noninvasively since the microscopic tissue environment is imprinted on the MRI signal even at macroscopic voxel level. Mesoscopic variations in magnetic field, created by microstructure, influence the transverse relaxation time (T(2)) in an orientation-dependent fashion (T(2) is anisotropic). However, predicting the effects of microstructure upon MRI observables is challenging and requires theoretical insight. We provide a formalism for calculating the effects upon T(2) of tissue microstructure, using a model of cylindrical magnetic field perturbers. In a cohort of clinically healthy adults, we show that the angular information in spin-echo T(2) is consistent with this model. We show that T(2) in brain white matter of nondemented volunteers follows a U-shaped trajectory with age, passing its minimum at an age of ∼30 but that this depends on the particular white matter tract. The anisotropy of T(2) also interacts with age and declines with increasing age. Late-myelinating white matter is more susceptible to age-related change than early-myelinating white matter, consistent with the retrogenesis hypothesis. T(2) mapping may therefore be incorporated into microstructural imaging

    Quantitative T1 and T2 MRI signal characteristics in the human brain: different patterns of MR contrasts in normal ageing

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine age-dependent changes in both T(1)-weighted and T(2)-weighted image contrasts and spin-echo T(2) relaxation time in the human brain during healthy ageing. METHODS: A total of 37 participants between the ages of 49 and 87 years old were scanned with a 3 Tesla system, using T(1)-weighted, T(2) weighted and quantitative spin-echo T(2) imaging. Contrast between image intensities and T(2) values was calculated for various regions, including between individual hippocampal subfields. RESULTS: The T(1) contrast-to-noise (CNR) and gray:white signal intensity ratio (GWR) did not change in the hippocampus, but it declined in the cingulate cortex with age. In contrast, T(2) CNR and GWR declined in both brain regions. T(2) relaxation time was almost constant in gray matter and most (but not all) hippocampal subfields, but increased substantially in white matter, pointing to an age effect on water relaxation in white matter. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in T(1) and T(2) MR characteristics influence the appearance of brain images in later life and should be considered in image analyses of aged subjects. It is speculated that alterations at the cell biology level, with concomitant alterations to the local magnetic environment, reduce dephasing and subsequently prolong spin-echo T(2) through reduced diffusion effects in later life. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10334-016-0573-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Early Molecular and Cellular Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Recent pharmaceutical trials have demonstrated that slowing or reversing pathology in Alzheimer's disease is likely to be possible only in the earliest stages of disease, perhaps even before significant symptoms develop. Pathology in Alzheimer's disease accumulates for well over a decade before symptoms are detected giving a large potential window of opportunity for intervention. It is therefore important that imaging techniques detect subtle changes in brain tissue before significant macroscopic brain atrophy. Current diagnostic techniques often do not permit early diagnosis or are too expensive for routine clinical use. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the most versatile, affordable, and powerful imaging modality currently available, being able to deliver detailed analyses of anatomy, tissue volumes, and tissue state. In this mini-review, we consider how MRI might detect patients at risk of future dementia in the early stages of pathological change when symptoms are mild. We consider the contributions made by the various modalities of MRI (structural, diffusion, perfusion, relaxometry) in identifying not just atrophy (a late-stage AD symptom) but more subtle changes reflective of early dementia pathology. The sensitivity of MRI not just to gross anatomy but to the underlying “health” at the cellular (and even molecular) scales, makes it very well suited to this task

    A spatiotemporal theory for MRI T2 relaxation time and apparent diffusion coefficient in the brain during acute ischaemia:Application and validation in a rat acute stroke model

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    The objective of this study is to present a mathematical model which can describe the spatiotemporal progression of cerebral ischaemia and predict magnetic resonance observables including the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of water and transverse relaxation time T(2). This is motivated by the sensitivity of the ADC to the location of cerebral ischaemia and T(2) to its time-course, and that it has thus far proven challenging to relate observations of changes in these MR parameters to stroke timing, which is of considerable importance in making treatment choices in clinics. Our mathematical model, called the cytotoxic oedema/dissociation (CED) model, is based on the transit of water from the extra- to the intra-cellular environment (cytotoxic oedema) and concomitant degradation of supramacromolecular and macromolecular structures (such as microtubules and the cytoskeleton). It explains experimental observations of ADC and T(2), as well as identifying the rate of spread of effects of ischaemia through a tissue as a dominant system parameter. The model brings the direct extraction of the timing of ischaemic stroke from quantitative MRI closer to reality, as well as providing insight on ischaemia pathology by imaging in general. We anticipate that this may improve patient access to thrombolytic treatment as a future application

    Increased unsaturation of lipids in cytoplasmic lipid droplets in DAOY cancer cells in response to cisplatin treatment.

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    Increases in 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) visible lipids are a well-documented sign of treatment response in cancers. Lipids in cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LDs) are the main contributors to the NMR lipid signals. Two human primitive neuroectodermal tumour cell lines with different sensitivities to cisplatin treatment were studied. Increases in NMR visible saturated and unsaturated lipids in cisplatin treated DAOY cells were associated with the accumulation of LDs prior to DNA fragmentation due to apoptosis. An increase in unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) was detected in isolated LDs from DAOY cells, in contrast to a slight decrease in UFAs in lipid extracts from whole cells. Oleic acid and linoleic acid were identified as the accumulating UFAs in LDs by heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectroscopy (HSQC). 1H NMR lipids in non-responding PFSK-1 cells were unchanged by exposure to 10 μM cisplatin. These findings support the potential of NMR detectable UFAs to serve as a non-invasive marker of tumour cell response to treatment