18 research outputs found

    The Struggle in South Africa

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    Democratization in Africa

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    This is the archive of a speech given by President Kaunda of Zambia, APC's 1st President in Residence, on March 4, 2003

    Black backed jackal (canis mesomelas) predation on impala (aepyceros melampus) at Mokolodi Nature Reserve Botswana

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    Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this documentDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Zoology and Entomologyunrestricte

    How does neopatrimonialism affect the African state? The case of tax collection in Zambia

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    Following the neopatrimonialism paradigm, it can be hypothesised that in African states informal politics of the rulers infringe on the collection of taxes and in turn reduce state revenue. This article tests this proposition for the case of Zambia. Neopatrimonial continuity in the country is evidenced by three factors : the concentration of political power, the award of personal favours, and the misuse of state resources. Despite this continuity, the revenue performance increased considerably with the creation of the semi-autonomous Zambia Revenue Authority. Donor pressure has been the most important intervening variable accounting for this improvement. Yet, strengthening the collection of central state revenue has been consistent with a neopatrimonial rationale, and may even have fed neopatrimonialism overall, by providing increased resources for particularistic expenditure

    Zakonsko nasljeđivanje i utjecaji kolonijalizma – slučaj Kenije u usporedbi s australskim i engleskim nasljednim pravima

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    Intestacy law is derived from the traditional values, but it can be also under the influences of societies across the world. As a field of private law, the law of intestate succession can, in the long run, resist the non-voluntary, i.e., imposed reception of such rules of and forced by a coloniser. Compared to the flexible regulations, e.g., of the law of obligations, which are therefore more capable of legal transplant, intestate succession is based on deeply enrooted customs of a nation. Thus, these rules can rigidly persist under the pressure of colonisation. Kenya and Australia, two countries with significant differences in their cultural and legal traditions, were, in a diverse way, colonised by England. The article analyses the intestacy laws in these three countries, with the emphasis on Kenya. It especially discusses the reasons for pushing for strong intestacy laws to protect the widow in Kenyan Laws compared with the Australian and English Laws.Pravila zakonskog (intestatnog) nasljeđivanja proizlaze iz tradicionalnih vrijednosti određenog društva, ali se mogu naći i pod utjecajem stranih prava. Općenito, kao dio privatnog prava, pravila zakonskog nasljeđivanja su pritom onaj dio koji dugoročno može u većoj mjeri odoljeti vanjskim nametanjima, odnosno prisilnoj recepciji pravila nametnutih od strane kolonizatora. Naime, u usporedbi s dispozitivnom prirodom pravila obveznog prava, koja su podložnija stranim utjecajima i prihvaćanju pravnih transplantata, pravila zakonskog nasljeđivanja duboko su ukorijenjena u narodnu tradiciju te se mogu snažnije i u neizmijenjenu obliku održati i pod pritiscima kolonizatora. U radu se obrađuju dva primjera uređenja zakonskog nasljeđivanja, u Keniji i Australiji, objema državama koloniziranima od strane Velike Britanije, između kojih postoje velike razlike glede kulturnih i pravnih tradicija. Također, kao referentni sustav, prikazuje se zakonsko nasljedno pravo i u Engleskoj. Poseban se naglasak u radu stavlja na rješenja prisutna u kenijskom pravu, pri čemu autor ističe razloge za potrebu zaštite udovice pri zakonskom nasljeđivanju, te se ona uspoređuju s australskim i engleskim pravom

    The impact of interactive marketing on the marketing performance of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSEs) in the Nyanza region of Kenya

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    This study aimed to determine the impact of interactive marketing on the marketing performance of MSEs in Kenya's Nyanza region. The research was founded on the positivist paradigm. The study employed a cross-sectional survey methodology. Targeting 2,503 MSEs and sampling 356 respondents using the Yamane formula and simple random stratified sampling The self-administered, semi-structured questionnaire used to collect the primary data was analyzed using regression analysis. Cronbach's alpha and the Shapiro-Wilk test were used to examine the reliability and normality of the data, respectively. Interactive marketing was found to have a significant impact on marketing performance (t = 19.933, p = 0.0000.05). Therefore, the study recommends extensive implementation of interactive marketing to improve the marketing performance of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSEs), which would ultimately contribute to increased profits and stability

    The impact of interactive marketing on the marketing performance of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSEs) in the Nyanza region of Kenya

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    This study aimed to determine the impact of interactive marketing on the marketing performance of MSEs in Kenya's Nyanza region. The research was founded on the positivist paradigm. The study employed a cross-sectional survey methodology. Targeting 2,503 MSEs and sampling 356 respondents using the Yamane formula and simple random stratified sampling The self-administered, semi-structured questionnaire used to collect the primary data was analyzed using regression analysis. Cronbach's alpha and the Shapiro-Wilk test were used to examine the reliability and normality of the data, respectively. Interactive marketing was found to have a significant impact on marketing performance (t = 19.933, p = 0.0000.05). Therefore, the study recommends extensive implementation of interactive marketing to improve the marketing performance of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSEs), which would ultimately contribute to increased profits and stability

    2nd Annual Eric E. Williams Memorial Lecture Series, Orphans of Africa: the Ignored Casualties of AIDS

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    2nd Annual Eric Williams Memorial Lecture Series Speaker: Kenneth Kaunda, Former President of Zambiahttps://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/aads_lectureseries/1016/thumbnail.jp