5 research outputs found


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    Artikkel analüüsib viimastel aastatel maailmas käivitunud infotehno loogilisi arenguhüppeid, mis on toonud olulisi muutusi valvesüsteemide alale. Militaarobjektide valvesüsteeme on käsitletud nii sensorseadmete, süsteemi arhitektuuri kui ka üha rohkem tehisintellekti kasutava andmetöötluse vaates. Käsit luse süstematiseerimiseks on esile toodud neli põhilist alamsüsteemi ning teema sidu miseks maailma arengusuundadega on analüüsitud kaheksa olulise infotehnoloogilise uurimisteema kasvukõveraid. Detailsemalt käsitletud sensorseadmed on järgmised: 1) valvekaamerad nähtava valguse, lähiinfrapuna ja soojuskiirguse diapasoonidele; 2) sensoritega varustatud targad piirdetarad; 3) süsteemid mehitamata õhusõidukite avastamiseks ja jälgi miseks. Kaamerate puhul on analüüsitud kujutise sensorite arengutendentse ja DORI (detekteerimine, jälgimine, eristamine, identifitseerimine) tuvastusstandardit. Artiklis käsitletakse olulisemaid termineid ning arengusuundi, pidades silmas materjali võimalikku kasutamist tehniliste erialade väljaõppes Kaitseväe Akadeemias ja mujal

    HÜPERSPEKTRAALSENSOORIKA RAKENDAMINE MILITAAROBJEKTIDE SIGNATUURIDE TUVASTAMISEKS JA VARJAMISEKS: Application of Hyperspectral Sensor Technology for the Detection and Concealment of Military Objects

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    Spectral distribution of the reflected light over wavelength values is a unique signature that can be used to distinguish different objects. Hyperspectral (HS) technology represents a new modern supersensor technology that can provide the detailed spectral content of the visible, ultraviolet or infrared light for every pixel in the image field. Multispectral cameras, precursors to the HS camera, appeared in the beginning of the 1980s and were able to register the image field only for a restricted number of wavelength values. The expensive HS cameras, capable of registering hundreds of wavelength values, were put into military application at the end of the 20th century but, at that time, their price remained too high for civil applications. In scientific literature, the appearance of publications on HS technology may be associated with the year 2001. The explosive exponential growth of HS research publications started around 2010–2011 when the cost of this efficient technology had dropped to a sufficiently low level to facilitate its wider take-up. This article gives an overview of the new capabilities offered by HS techno logy, able to transcend the capabilities of the human eye, which is limited to an only 3-color biological sensor system supporting a relatively narrow colour distinction wavelength window of 450–650 nm. Thus, for example, the strong “red step” between 700 and 750 nm that is an essential feature of all forests and backgrounds, and critical for all military concealment and detection tasks/operations, cannot be observed by the human eye without additional infrared vision devices. The experiments conducted with two HS cameras for the 400–1700 nm range emphasize the overall conclusion that in the modern information age, the concealment of objects has become more difficult and therefore we must begin the development of corresponding defence technologies to counter those threats. In particular, the measurements show that, although the colours of the Estonian Defence Forces correspond to the requirements of NATO standards (4360, 2836, 4698 + NATO AEP 59–65) in the infrared range, vehicles are clearly visible with hyperspectral cameras. The most serious attention should be paid to wavelengths between 600 and 700 nm, where the colour tones of the vehicles and also that of the soldiers’ clothing differ significantly from natural background colours due to the lack of chlorophyll and other biochemical compounds. In summary, the Estonian Defence Forces need a better concealment methodology that protects both military objects and people from hyperspectral monitoring systems. It is still a good idea to use natural ingredients to imitate natural backgrounds. However, for the development of effective concealment methods, modern HS technology is definitely required


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    In real life we sometimes stumble on a problem of assessing situational awareness (SA) of holistic system of systems that is composed of many interoperating heterogeneous organisations – e.g. country’s comprehensive (all-embracing) defence system that comprises military organisations, law enforcement organisations (including rescue agencies), critical infrastructure organisations, and others. For managing and controlling the behaviour of any system of systems we need near real-time decision-making ability that stems from the measurements taken via models of constituent systems. This paper suggests using near real-time measurements taken from capability-based models for estimating SA in constituent system. It is true that capability-based models provide only partial and approximate information about the situation awareness of system of systems. At the same time, capability- based models, due to their near real-time and (verifiable) trustworthy data improves the decision-making quality, as compared with potential decisions stemming from the conventionally provided statistical data. Capability-based models come from the DoDAF (Department of Defence Architecture Framework) methodology and are identified as Capability Viewpoint models (class CV-2) that are built on capability taxonomy. Capability taxonomy is an important simplifying factor, since quite often assessment of status of only some taxonomy elements is sufficient for estimating the health condition of the particular capability