24 research outputs found

    Biochar: a Sustainable alternative in the development of electrochemical printed platforms

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    Biochar is a pyrolytic material with several environmental benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sequestering atmospheric carbon and contrasting global warming. However, nowadays, it has moved to the forefront for its conductivity and electron transfer properties, finding applications in the fabrication of electrochemical platforms. In this field, researchers have focused on low-cost biomass capable of replacing more popular and expensive carbonaceous nanomaterials (i.e., graphene, nanotubes and quantum dots) in the realization of sensitive cost-effectiveness and eco-friendly electrochemical tools. This review discusses recent developments of biochar-modified screen-printed electrodes (SPEs). Special attention has been paid to biochar's manufacturing processes, electron-donating capabilities and sensing applications. Examples of representative works are introduced to explain the distinct roles of biochar in several electro-bioanalytical strategies

    Use of Conventional and Innovative Technologies for the Production of Food Grade Hop Extracts: Focus on Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity

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    This study investigated the use of conventional and innovative extraction methods to produce food-grade hop extracts with high antioxidant capacity and content in bioactive compounds. Conventional extractions (CONV) were performed under dynamic maceration at 25 and 60 °C; innovative extractions were performed using two ultrasound systems, a laboratory bath (US) and a high-power ultrasound bath (HPUS), and a high-pressure industrial process. For CONV, US, and HPUS extractions the effect of the extraction time was also tested. Experimental results showed that extraction method, temperature, and time affect to a different extent the phenolic profile and have a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, antiradical capacity (ABTS), chlorophyll α, and total carotenoids content. Overall, US and CONV 60 °C extractions showed the highest extraction efficiency for almost all the investigated compounds, however, the extraction method and time to be used strongly depends on the target compounds to extract

    An Updated Review of the Genus Humulus: A Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds for Health and Disease Prevention

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    The medicinal potential of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is widely cited in ancient literature and is also allowed in several official pharmacopoeias for the treatment of a variety of ailments, mainly related to anxiety states. This is due to the plethora of phytoconstituents (e.g., bitter acids, polyphenols, prenyl flavonoids) present in the female inflorescences, commonly known as cones or strobili, endowed with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and phytoestrogen activities. Hop has recently attracted the interest of the scientific community due to the presence of xanthohumol, whose strong anti-cancer activity against various types of cancer cells has been well documented, and for the presence of 8-prenyl naringenin, the most potent known phytoestrogen. Studies in the literature have also shown that hop compounds can hinder numerous signalling pathways, including ERK1/2 phosphorylation, regulation of AP-1 activity, PI3K-Akt, and nuclear factor NF-κB, which are the main targets of the antiproliferative action of bitter acids and prenylflavonoids. In light of these considerations, the aim of this review was to provide an up-to-date overview of the main biologically active compounds found in hops, as well as their in vitro and in vivo applications for human health and disease prevention. To this end, a quantitative literature analysis approach was used, using VOSviewer software to extract and process Scopus bibliometric data. In addition, data on the pharmacokinetics of bioactive hop compounds and clinical studies in the literature were analysed. To make the information more complete, studies on the beneficial properties of the other two species belonging to the genus Humulus, H. japonicus and H. yunnanensis, were also reviewed for the first time

    Colour Evaluation, Bioactive Compound Content, Phenolic Acid Profiles and in Vitro Biological Activity of Passerina del Frusinate White Wines: Influence of Pre-Fermentative Skin Contact Times

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    Passerina del Frusinate is an autochthonous wine grape variety, which grows in the Lazio region that is currently being evaluated by local wine producers. In this study, colour properties (CIELab coordinates), bioactive compounds (total polyphenols and flavan-3-ols), HPLC-DAD phenolic acid profiles and in vitro biological activity of monovarietal Passerina del Frusinate white wines and the effect of different maceration times (0, 18 and 24 h) were evaluated based on these parameters. Results highlighted statistically significant differences for almost all analysed parameters due to a strong influence of the pre-fermentative skin contact time. The flavan content of macerated wines was six times higher than that of the control, while total polyphenols were 1.5 times higher. According to their phytochemical content, macerated wines showed the highest antiradical capacity tested by means of DPPH• and ABTS+• assays. Besides, prolonged maceration resulted in a reduction of CIELab coordinates as well as of the content of phenolic substances and antiradical capacity. Among the phenolic acids analysed, the most abundant were vanillic acid and caffeic acid; the latter proved to be the most susceptible to degradation as a result of prolonged maceration. Passerina del Frusinate appears as a phenol-rich white wine with a strong antioxidant potential similar to that of red wines

    Hop Leaves as an Alternative Source of Health-Active Compounds: Effect of Genotype and Drying Conditions

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    In hop cultivation, one-third of the crop is a valuable product (hop cones), and two-thirds is unexploited biomass, consisting mainly of leaves and stems, which, in a circular economy approach, can be recovered and, once stabilized, supplied to industrial sectors, such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and phytotherapy, with high added value. In this regard, this study aimed to investigate the effects of two different drying methods: oven drying (OD) at 45 °C and freeze-drying (FD), on the overall nutraceutical profile (i.e., total phenols, total flavans and total thiols), pigment content (i.e., carotenoids and chlorophylls) and the antioxidant potential of leaves from five different Humulus lupulus varieties grown in central Italy. Moreover, attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy was applied to dried leaf powders to study the influence of both the variety and treatment on their molecular fingerprints. The spectral data were then analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA), which was able to group the samples mainly based on the applied treatment. Considering the overall phytochemical profile, FD appeared to be the most suitable drying method, while OD provided higher carotenoid retention, depending on the genotype considered. Finally, unsupervised chemometric tools (i.e., PCA and hierarchical clustering) revealed that the two main clusters contained subclusters based on the drying treatment applied; these subgroups were related to the susceptibility of the variety to the drying conditions studied

    Exploitation of Kiwi Juice Pomace for the Recovery of Natural Antioxidants through Microwave-Assisted Extraction

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    In a completely green approach to the exploitation of kiwi juice pomace (KP), a microwaved-assisted extraction (MAE) process was performed to extract antioxidant compounds present in KP, evaluating the influence of four independent process variables (temperature (T), extraction time (E), solvent composition (C), and solid-to-solvent ratio (R)) on the response of total phenolic content (TPC). The optimal conditions for the green extraction of total polyphenols from KP were obtained using a three-level fractional factorial design under response surface methodology (RSM) coupled with desirability optimization, and a feed-forward multilayered perceptron artificial neural network (ANN) with a back-propagation algorithm. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and fitted to a second-order polynomial equation using the regression method. Results showed that T was the most influential factor, followed by R and C, whereas the extraction time (E) was not shown to have a significant linear effect on the extraction yield of total polyphenols (TPs). The optimal conditions based on both individual and combinations of all responses were found out (T: 75 °C; E: 15 min; C: 50% ethanol:water; R: 1:15), and under these conditions the obtained extract showed both a high bioactive compound content and a high antioxidant potential, pointing out how this by-product could become an inexpensive source of compounds with high added value. A very good agreement was observed between experimental and calculated extraction yields, thus supporting the use of these models to quantitatively describe the recovery of natural antioxidants from KP. Finally, the ANN model exhibited more accurate prediction and better generalization capabilities than the RSM model (R2: 0.90 and 0.99, for RSM and ANN, respectively)

    Mechanical Hop-Picking Solutions in Italian Cultivated Areas

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    Hops for beer production are a crop of growing interest in Italy, requiring specialized harvesting equipment and infrastructure. Several studies have been conducted on hop cultivation and harvesting around the world, but information on Italian hop production is still very scarce. As it turns out, only a few Italian farms are self-sufficient, employing a mechanical harvesting system, while most of them resort to hand-picking. In this study, hand and mechanical hop-picking were investigated, highlighting the longest time necessary for the manual cut (65 ± 5 min for approximately 2 kg of fresh cones). Furthermore, different mechanical solutions for hop harvesting were evaluated; in particular, one hop-picking machine was tested at different settings (full speed and 75% of chain feed). At full speed, it was possible to collect an average of around 96 kg h−1 of fresh cones, while approximately 13% of cones were left unpicked. A speed reduction of approximately 25% made it possible to reduce the cone loss to 8%, with a cone collection of around 86 kg h−1. Lost and picked cones, however, were strongly related to the number of side-arms growing from the main bines. This experience made it possible to test an old solution for this emerging crop at moderate cost and with good sustainability for the Italian territory

    Phytochemical Profile, Antiradical Capacity and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Potential of Wild Arbutus unedo L. Fruits from Central Italy: A Chemometric Approach

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    Nowadays, there is a growing interest in botanicals for human nutrition and care. Arbutus unedo wild berries are edible and medicinal fruits that contain many healthy bioactive components, which can be considered a valuable resource for the food ingredient market and for nutraceutical and cosmetic sectors. In the present study, the polyphenols and in vitro antiradical and hypoglycemic activities of five wild Italian accessions of A. unedo were investigated, and their chemical profiles were treated by means of unsupervised chemometric techniques like the hierarchical and principal component analysis. Moreover, Fourier-transformed mid-infrared spectroscopy was used to provide a rapid assessment of the phytochemical composition of different accessions. Samples differed mainly in their anthocyanin content and overall nutraceutical potential. Anthocyanins were present mainly as glycosides of cyanidin and delphinidin, with delphinidin-3-O-glucoside being the most abundant one, ranging from 49 ± 1 to 111 ± 3 mg g-1 (for P1 and P2, respectively; p < 0.05). Extracts were screened for their in vitro biological activities by using the 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS•+), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) antiradical tests, while their hypoglycemic activity was investigated by the α-glucosidase inhibition test. In both in vitro antiradical tests, the highest capacity was recorded for P2 (EC50: 1.17 and 0.064 mg mL-1, for DPPH• and ABTS•+, respectively), with values higher than those reported in the literature for A. unedo fruit extracts. P2 also showed the highest inhibition power towards α-glucosidase (about 70%). Moreover, the nonparametric correlation analysis pointed out a very high significant correlation between the percentage of α-glucosidase inhibition and cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside (r: 0.973; p < 0.01). Finally, the application of hierarchical analysis to samples analyzed provided three different clusters based on the average phytochemical content coded as low, medium and high. Moreover, principal component analysis made it possible to establish similarities among the accessions depending on their overall nutraceutical characteristics and on the relative anthocyanin content

    Humulus lupulus Cone Extract Efficacy in Alginate-Based Edible Coatings on the Quality and Nutraceutical Traits of Fresh-Cut Kiwifruit

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    In this work, an innovative coating strategy that is able to prolong the shelf-life of fresh-cut kiwifruit was proposed, and the effectiveness of the procedure was evaluated for a period of ten days under cold storage (4 °C). Alginate (2% m/v) functionalized with green extracts from hop (Humulus lupulus L.) cones (HE; 0.5 and 1%, v/v) was used as a coating material in order to assess the best performing strategy, leading to the most stable product. At the concentrations used to formulate the edible coatings, no contribution related to hop bitterness on the final product was recorded. The results were compared to control samples (without edible coating and coated only with alginate at 2% m/v). The plant extract was characterized by its main chemical traits and by 1H NMR profiling, revealing the presence of antioxidant and antimicrobial bioactive compounds (i.e., alpha and beta hop acids, xanthohumol). Furthermore, the characteristics of the samples during cold storage were evaluated by physico-chemical (i.e., weight loss, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, pH, color attributes) and nutraceutical (i.e., total polyphenol, ascorbic acid content, total carotenoids, chlorophylls) traits. The results showed that the incorporation of hop extracts into the edible coatings tested was able to preserve the quality and nutraceutical traits of fresh-cut kiwifruit during cold storage, thus prolonging their shelf life and marketability