1 research outputs found

    Data for simulation, amplicon sequencing, body weights of termites, and protist morphology from Transmission dynamics of symbiotic protist communities in the termite gut: association with host adult eclosion and dispersal

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    This file includes: Table S1 Protist community composition in hypothetical workers and nymphs for the simulation of vertical transmission; Fig. S1 Proportions of Trichonympha agilis and Teranympha mirabilis; Fig. S2 Phylogenetic tree of oxymonad protists and 20 OTUs derived from amplicon sequencing; Fig. S3 Phylogenetic tree of parabasalid protists and OTUs derived from amplicon sequencing; Fig. S4 Protist community of each caste determined by amplicon sequencing; Table S2 Detection rate of oxymonad protists from each caste based on amplicon sequencing; Table S3 Detection rate of parabasalid protists from each caste based on amplicon sequencing; Fig. S5 Gut and body weights of workers, nymphs, and alates; Fig. S6 Specific detection of two oxymonad protist species by fluorescence in situ hybridization in each caste; Fig. S7 Morphological changes in two oxymonad protist species during alate eclosio