146 research outputs found

    Radiative hadronization: Photon emission at hadronization from quark-gluon plasma

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    We investigate photon emission at the hadronization stage from a quark-gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. A recombination-model picture suggests that a quark and an antiquark bind into a meson state in hadronization, which would apparently violate the energy conservation if there is nothing else involved. We consider here a hadronization process where the recombination accompanies a photon emission. This is an analog of the "{\it radiative recombination}" known in plasma physics, such as e+p+H0+γe^- + p^+ \to {\rm H}^0 +\gamma, which occurs when an electromagnetic plasma goes back to a neutral atomic gas. The "radiative hadronization" picture will bring about (i) an enhancement of the photon yield, (ii) significant flow of photons similar to that of hadrons, and (iii) the photon transverse momentum (pTp_T) distribution with a thermal profile whose effective temperature is given by blue-shifted temperature of quarks. Here as a simplest and phenomenological realization of the radiative hadronization, we modify the recombination model to involve a photon emission and evaluate the photon yield with this modified model. Adding this contribution to the direct photon yield along with thermal photon contribution calculated with a hydrodynamic model and a parametrized contribution of prompt photons, we study the pTp_T spectrum and elliptic flow of the photons produced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures (Appendix C with Fig.15 is added


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    Relationship between body composition and BMI in preschool children

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    Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. Obesity is a state in which body fat accumulates to an abnormal degree, and detailed information about body composition is necessary to investigate the problems of obesity in children. In the present study, we measured body composition using equipment based on the multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis method to measure lean body mass and the quantity of fat. We evaluated differences in body composition in young children from 3 to 5 years old, including differences in relation to gender, and correlated them with measured values of BMI. The fat percentages in girls were higher than in boys, and the muscle percentages (muscle mass/weight × 100) were the opposite. These results show that there were differences in relation to gender. Our evaluations were based on regression analysis of fat percentages in relation to BMI and muscle percentages. A high correlation was found between BMI and fat percentage. The relationship between BMI and muscle percentage was the opposite of the relationship between BMI and fat percentage, and there was a high negative relationship between boys and girls. A significant regression tendency was confirmed from the results of the regression analysis of fat and muscle percentages for BMI in preschool children. This suggests that BMI can also be used to evaluate the fatness or thinness of a preschool child. In short, BMI can be used as an index that can be used to evaluate fat and muscle percentages from early childhood. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Italia

    The Changes of Phenotypic and Gene Frequencies of Esterase-D Isozyme in Japanese Quail by Full-sib Mating

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    本研究は,全きょうだい交配によって近交世代を進めた場合の日本ウズラのエステラーゼDアイソザイムの表現型頻度と遺伝子頻度の変化について検討した. 材料は当研究室で無作為交配によって維持した閉鎖集団から作出した近交群と無作為交配群である. これらの交配群から得た成雌雄ウズラの血球エステラーゼDアイソザイムがデンプンゲル電気泳動法により検出された. 得られた結果は要約すると以下の通りである. 1.系統数,家系数は近交群では1世代目38系統38家系で出発したが,近交世代に伴い急激に減少し,5世代目では3系統12家系となった. これに対して,無作為交配群では40家系が維持された. 2.近交群では,FF型の表現型頻度は4世代まで近交世代に伴い徐々に増加する傾向がみられた. FS型の表現型頻度は2世代までは近交に伴い急激な減少がみられたが,その後の世代では増加する傾向が認められた. またSS型の表現型頻度は近交に伴いわずかに増加する傾向がみられたが,3代以降の世代では減少した. これに対して,無作為交配群では世代に伴う変化は認められなかった. 3.近交群では,Es-DFの遺伝子頻度は2世代目0.307から3世代目0.458となり,2世代から3世代目にかけて増加した. 一方Es-Dsの遺伝子頻度は2世代目0.693から3世代目0.542となり,3世代目では減少した. これに対して,無作為交配群ではいずれの遺伝子頻度も世代に伴う著しい変化は認められなかった. 4.近交群では,FF型の観察値は4世代まで期待値と適合した. またFS型とSS型の観察値は2世代までは期待値と適合したが,それ以後の世代では適合しなかった. これに対して,無作為交配群では観察値と期待値は適合した. 5.近交群では,生存系統が絶滅系統に比較してFS型のヘテロ接合体頻度は高く,一方SS型のホモ接合体頻度は低くなる傾向がみられた. 6.以上の結果から,日本ウズラにおいて近交世代を進めた場合エステラーゼDのヘテロ接合体はホモ接合体に比べて有利であること,および近交退化は遺伝子のホモ接合体の増加とポリジーン系のヘテロ性の低下に起因することが示唆された

    Eco-Benign Orange-Hued Pigment Derived from Aluminum-Enriched Biogenous Iron Oxide Sheaths

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    Inorganic pigments have been widely used due to their low cost of production, strong hiding power, and chemical resistance; nevertheless, they have limited hue width and chromaticity. To eliminate these disadvantages, we herein propose the use of an ingenious biotemplate technique to produce Al-enriched biogenic iron oxide (BIOX) materials. Spectrophotometric color analysis showed that high levels of Al inclusion on heat-treated BIOX samples produced heightened yellowish hues and lightness. The Al-enriched BIOX sheaths exhibited a stable tubular structure and excellent thermal stability of color tones after heating at high temperatures and repetitive heat treatments. Ultrastructural analysis and mechanical destruction experiments revealed that the highly chromatic orange-hue of these pigments are ascribed probably to an ingenious cylindrical nanocomposite architecture composed of putative Fe-included low crystalline Al oxide regions and hematite particles embedded therein. The present work therefore demonstrates that the bioengineered material can serve as an epochal orange-hued inorganic pigment with low toxicity and marked thermostability that should meet large industrial demand