1,568 research outputs found

    Toward Full LHC Coverage of Natural Supersymmetry

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    We argue that combining just a handful of searches for new physics at Run I of the LHC is sufficient to exclude most supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model in which the gluino is kinematically accessible and the spectrum is natural. Such models typically give rise to significant MET, top quarks and/or high object multiplicity, and we show that having even one of these signatures generally results in stringent limits. We also identify, among models that lack these signatures, the few gaps in coverage remaining, and propose search strategies to close these gaps. Our results are general and independent of the details of the spectrum, assumptions about minimality, R-parity, etc. Our analysis strategy should remain applicable when the LHC moves to higher energy. Central to our argument are ATLAS and CMS searches for many jets and low MET, a proposed lepton + many jets search, an ATLAS search for 6-7 high-pT jets, and a reexamination of the control and signal regions of the CMS black hole search.Comment: 53 pages, 16 figures, journal versio

    Size-independence of statistics for boundary collisions of random walks and its implications for spin-polarized gases

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    A bounded random walk exhibits strong correlations between collisions with a boundary. For an one-dimensional walk, we obtain the full statistical distribution of the number of such collisions in a time t. In the large t limit, the fluctuations in the number of collisions are found to be size-independent (independent of the distance between boundaries). This occurs for any inter-boundary distance, including less and greater than the mean-free-path, and means that this boundary effect does not decay with increasing system-size. As an application, we consider spin-polarized gases, such as 3-Helium, in the three-dimensional diffusive regime. The above results mean that the depolarizing effect of rare magnetic-impurities in the container walls is orders of magnitude larger than a Smoluchowski assumption (to neglect correlations) would imply. This could explain why depolarization is so sensitive to the container's treatment with magnetic fields prior to its use.Comment: 5 page manuscript with extra details in appendices (additional 3 pages

    Hadronic Calorimeter Shower Size: Challenges and Opportunities for Jet Substructure in the Superboosted Regime

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    Hadrons have finite interaction size with dense material, a basic feature common to known forms of hadronic calorimeters (HCAL). We argue that substructure variables cannot use HCAL information to access the microscopic nature of jets much narrower than the hadronic shower size, which we call superboosted massive jets. It implies that roughly 15% of their transverse energy profile remains inaccessible due to the presence of long-lived neutral hadrons. This part of the jet substructure is also subject to order-one fluctuations. We demonstrate that the effects of the fluctuations are not reduced when a global correction to jet variables is applied. The above leads to fundamental limitations in the ability to extract intrinsic information from jets in the superboosted regime. The neutral fraction of a jet is correlated with its flavor. This leads to an interesting and possibly useful difference between superboosted W/Z/h/t jets and their corresponding backgrounds. The QCD jets that form the background to the signal superboosted jets might also be qualitatively different in their substructure as their mass might lie at or below the Sudakov mass peak. Finally, we introduce a set of zero-cone longitudinal jet substructure variables and show that while they carry information that might be useful in certain situations, they are not in general sensitive to the jet substructure.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor improvements of presentation; published versio

    Efficiency and spectrum of internal gamma-ray burst shocks

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    We present an analysis of the Internal Shock Model of GRBs, where gamma-rays are produced by internal shocks within a relativistic wind. We show that observed GRB characteristics impose stringent constraints on wind and source parameters. We find that a significant fraction, of order 20 %, of the wind kinetic energy can be converted to radiation, provided the distribution of Lorentz factors within the wind has a large variance and provided the minimum Lorentz factor is higher than 10^(2.5)L_(52)^(2/9), where L=10^(52)L_(52)erg/s is the wind luminosity. For a high, >10 %, efficiency wind, spectral energy breaks in the 0.1 to 1 MeV range are obtained for sources with dynamical time R/c < 1 ms, suggesting a possible explanation for the observed clustering of spectral break energies in this range. The lower limit to wind Lorenz factor and the upper limit, around (R/10^7 cm)^(-5/6) MeV to observed break energies are set by Thomson optical depth due to electron positron pairs produced by synchrotron photons. Natural consequences of the model are absence of bursts with peak emission energy significantly exceeding 1 MeV, and existence of low luminosity bursts with low, 1 keV to 10 keV, break energies.Comment: 10 pages, 5 ps-figures. Expanded discussion of magnetic field and electron energy fraction. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Paramagnetic anisotropic magnetoresistance in thin films of SrRuO3

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    SrRuO3 is an itinerant ferromagnet and in its thin film form when grown on miscut SrTiO3 it has Tc of ~ 150 K and strong uniaxial anisotropy. We measured both the Hall effect and the magnetoresistance (MR) of the films as a function of the angle between the applied field and the normal to the films at temperatures above Tc. We extracted the extraordinary Hall effect that is proportional to the perpendicular component of the magnetization and thus the MR for each angle of the applied field could be correlated with the magnitude and orientation of the induced magnetization. We successfully fit the MR data with a second order magnetization expansion, which indicates large anisotropic MR in the paramagnetic state. The extremum values of resistivity are not obtained for currents parallel or perpendicular to the magnetization, probably due to the crystal symmetry.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure
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