14 research outputs found

    p21 promotes oncolytic adenoviral activity in ovarian cancer and is a potential biomarker

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    The oncolytic adenovirus dl922-947 replicates selectively within and lyses cells with a dysregulated Rb pathway, a finding seen in > 90% human cancers. dl922-947 is more potent than wild type adenovirus and the E1B-deletion mutant dl1520 (Onyx-015). We wished to determine which host cell factors influence cytotoxicity. SV40 large T-transformed MRC5-VA cells are 3-logs more sensitive to dl922-947 than isogenic parental MRC5 cells, confirming that an abnormal G1/S checkpoint increases viral efficacy. The sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to dl922-947 varied widely: IC50 values ranged from 51 (SKOV3ip1) to 0.03 pfu/cell (TOV21G). Cells sensitive to dl922-947 had higher S phase populations and supported earlier E1A expression. Cytotoxicity correlated poorly with both infectivity and replication, but well with expression of p21 by microarray and western blot analyses. Matched p21+/+ and -/- Hct116 cells confirmed that p21 influences dl922-947 activity in vitro and in vivo. siRNA-mediated p21 knockdown in sensitive TOV21G cells decreases E1A expression and viral cytotoxicity, whilst expression of p21 in resistant A2780CP cells increases virus activity in vitro and in intraperitoneal xenografts. These results highlight that host cell factors beyond simple infectivity can influence the efficacy of oncolytic adenoviruses. p21 expression may be an important biomarker of response in clinical trials

    Utility of the pooling approach as applied to whole genome association scans with high-density Affymetrix microarrays

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    Background: We report an attempt to extend the previously successful approach of combining SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) microarrays and DNA pooling (SNP-MaP) employing high-density microarrays. Whereas earlier studies employed a range of Affymetrix SNP microarrays comprising from 10 K to 500 K SNPs, this most recent investigation used the 6.0 chip which displays 906,600 SNP probes and 946,000 probes for the interrogation of CNVs (copy number variations). The genotyping assay using the Affymetrix SNP 6.0 array is highly demanding on sample quality due to the small feature size, low redundancy, and lack of mismatch probes. Findings: In the first study published so far using this microarray on pooled DNA, we found that pooled cheek swab DNA could not accurately predict real allele frequencies of the samples that comprised the pools. In contrast, the allele frequency estimates using blood DNA pools were reasonable, although inferior compared to those obtained with previously employed Affymetrix microarrays. However, it might be possible to improve performance by developing improved analysis methods. Conclusions: Despite the decreasing costs of genome-wide individual genotyping, the pooling approach may have applications in very large-scale case-control association studies. In such cases, our study suggests that high-quality DNA preparations and lower density platforms should be preferred

    Molecular cloning and characterization of the mouse Na+ sulfate cotransporter gene (Slc13a4): structure and expression

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    Sulfate is an essential ion required for numerous functions in mammalian physiology. Due to its hydrophilic nature, cells require sulfate transporters on their plasma membranes to allow entry of sulfate into cells. In this study, we identified a new mouse Na+-sulfate cotransporter (mNaS2), characterized its tissue distribution and determined its cDNA and gene (Slc13a4) structures. mNaS2 mRNA was expressed in placenta, brain, lung, eye, heart, testis, thymus and liver. The mouse NaS2 cDNA spans 3384 nucleotides and its open frame encodes a protein of 624 amino acids. Slc13a4 maps to mouse chromosome 6131 and contains 16 exons, spanning over 40 kb in length. Its 5'-flanking region contains CART- and GC-box motifs and a number of putative transcription factor binding sites, including GATA-1, MTF-1, STAT6 and HNF4 consensus sequences. This is the first study to define the tissue distribution of mNaS2 and resolve its cDNA and gene structures, which will allow us to investigate mNaS2 gene expression in vivo and determine its role in mammalian physiology

    Androgen targeted therapy induces ZEB1 expression and is associated with suppression of androgen signalling and therapy resistance

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    Reactivation of the embryonic developmental pathway, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is associated with prostate cancer (PCa) metastasis and therapy resistance. Recent evidence has demonstrated EMT is stimulated following androgen targeted therapy (ATT). In the present study we investigated the role of EMT transcription factor ZEB1 in ATT-driven EMT, PCa metastasis and drug resistance.Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of ZEB1 on tissue microarrays of primary tumors from clinical samples demonstrated ZEB1 expression correlated with increased tumor aggressiveness and Gleason score. Upon stratification of patient data (n=198), high ZEB1 protein expression correlated with a shorter time to biochemical recurrence (BCR). Furthermore, IHC staining of primary tumours from 148 treatment-naïve patients with and without metastasis demonstrated high ZEB1 levels and correlated to a reduced time to metastasis.To delineate the role of ZEB1 as a molecular driver of late-stage PCa, microarray analysis of an in vivo LNCaP progression model demonstrated ZEB1 levels increased following castration. Significantly, high ZEB1 levels were associated with patients who had undergone neoadjuvant hormone therapy with or without docetaxel and high ZEB1 levels were associated with a shorter time to BCR and metastasis. Inhibition of the androgen/androgen receptor (AR) axis in LNCaP cells using antiandrogen treatment or shRNA targeting AR resulted in upregulation of ZEB1 in LNCaP cells suggesting enhanced levels of ZEB1 may drive the early adaptive response of PCa after hormone therapy. Interestingly, in models where ZEB1 expression was elevated this was accompanied with repression of classical androgen-regulated genes suggesting ZEB1 is able to regulate the AR transcriptional pathway.We also investigated the role of ZEB1 in cancer invasion and chemoresistance. An inducible model of ZEB1 overexpression in LNCaP cells produced a robust EMT upon ZEB1 expression and was accompanied by an invasive phenotype in 3D cultures. ZEB1 overexpression also conferred resistance to docetaxel (IC50 of 8.17±2.45nM in ZEB1-expressing cells vs. 3.35±0.23nM in control cells) potentially as a result of a reduced apoptotic cell death response mediated by ZEB1. At suboptimal doses of docetaxel, the percentage of apoptotic cells (annexin-V+/propidium iodide-) decreased 4-fold when ZEB1 was expressed compared with control cells and was accompanied by a reduction in PARP cleavage and cleaved caspase-7 expression.In summary, we provide evidence that ZEB1 expression is increased in response to ATTs and correlates with disease progression, metastasis and therapy resistance. We also show ZEB1 is a transcriptional regulator of AR signalling in PCa, Together this provides the rationale to target ZEB1 for the development of novel therapies for the treatment of CRPC

    Pharmacological Inhibition of β 3

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    Adenoviruses have been clinically tested as anticancer therapies but their utility has been severely limited by rapid, systemic cytokine release and consequent inflammatory toxicity. Here, we describe a new approach to tackling these dangerous side effects. Using human ovarian cancer cell lines as well as malignant epithelial cells harvested from the ascites of women with ovarian cancer, we show that tumor cells do not produce cytokines in the first 24 hours following in vitro infection with the oncolytic adenovirus dl922-947. In contrast, dl922-947 does induce inflammatory cytokines at early time points following intraperitoneal delivery in mice with human ovarian cancer intraperitoneal xenografts. In these animals, cytokines originate predominantly in murine tissues, especially in macrophage-rich organs such as the spleen. We use a nonreplicating adenovirus to confirm that early cytokine production is independent of adenoviral replication. Using β3 integrin knockout mice injected intraperitoneally with dl922-947 and β3 null murine peritoneal macrophages, we confirm a role for macrophage cell surface β3 integrin in this dl922-947–induced inflammation. We present new evidence that co-administration of a cyclic RGD-mimetic–specific inhibitor of β3 integrin significantly attenuates the cytokine release and inflammatory hepatic toxicity induced by dl922-947 in an intraperitoneal murine model of ovarian cancer. Importantly, we find no evidence that β3 inhibition compromises viral infectivity and oncolysis in vitro or anticancer efficacy in vivo. By enabling safe, systemic delivery of replicating adenoviruses, this novel approach could have a major impact on the future development of these effective anticancer agents

    Genomic DNA damage and ATR-Chk1 signaling determine oncolytic adenoviral efficacy in human ovarian cancer cells

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    Oncolytic adenoviruses replicate selectively within and lyse malignant cells. As such, they are being developed as anticancer therapeutics. However, the sensitivity of ovarian cancers to adenovirus cytotoxicity varies greatly, even in cells of similar infectivity. Using both the adenovirus E1A-CR2 deletion mutant dl922-947 and WT adenovirus serotype 5 in a panel of human ovarian cancer cell lines that cover a 3-log range of sensitivity, we observed profound overreplication of genomic DNA only in highly sensitive cell lines. This was associated with the presence of extensive genomic DNA damage. Inhibition of ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related checkpoint kinase 1 (ATR-Chk1), but not ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), promoted genomic DNA damage and overreplication in resistant and partially sensitive cells. This was accompanied by increased adenovirus cytotoxicity both in vitro and in vivo in tumor-bearing mice. We also demonstrated that Cdc25A was upregulated in highly sensitive ovarian cancer cell lines after adenovirus infection and was stabilized after loss of Chk1 activity. Knockdown of Cdc25A inhibited virus-induced DNA damage in highly sensitive cells and blocked the effects of Chk1 inhibition in resistant cells. Finally, inhibition of Chk1 decreased homologous recombination repair of virus-induced genomic DNA double-strand breaks. Thus, virus-induced host cell DNA damage signaling and repair are key determinants of oncolytic adenoviral activity, and promoting unscheduled DNA synthesis and/or impeding homologous recombination repair could potentiate the effects of oncolytic adenoviruses in the treatment of ovarian cancer

    Paclitaxel resistance increases oncolytic adenovirus efficacy via upregulated CAR expression and dysfunctional cell cycle control

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    Resistance to paclitaxel chemotherapy frequently develops in ovarian cancer. Oncolytic adenoviruses are a novel therapy for human malignancies that are being evaluated in early phase trials. However, there are no reliable predictive biomarkers for oncolytic adenovirus activity in ovarian cancer. We investigated the link between paclitaxel resistance and oncolytic adenovirus activity using established ovarian cancer cell line models, xenografts with de novo paclitaxel resistance and tumour samples from two separate trials. The activity of multiple Ad5 vectors, including dl922-947 (E1A CR2-deleted), dl1520 (E1B-55K deleted) and Ad5 WT, was significantly increased in paclitaxel resistant ovarian cancer in vitro and in vivo. This was associated with greater infectivity resulting from increased expression of the primary receptor for Ad5, CAR (coxsackie adenovirus receptor). This, in turn, resulted from increased CAR transcription secondary to histone modification in resistant cells. There was increased CAR expression in intraperitoneal tumours with de novo paclitaxel resistance and in tumours from patients with clinical resistance to paclitaxel. Increased CAR expression did not cause paclitaxel resistance, but did increase inflammatory cytokine expression. Finally, we identified dysregulated cell cycle control as a second mechanism of increased adenovirus efficacy in paclitaxel-resistant ovarian cancer. Ad11 and Ad35, both group B adenoviruses that utilise non-CAR receptors to infect cells, are also significantly more effective in paclitaxel-resistant ovarian cell models. Inhibition of CDK4/6 using PD-0332991 was able both to reverse paclitaxel resistance and reduce adenovirus efficacy. Thus, paclitaxel resistance increases oncolytic adenovirus efficacy via at least two separate mechanisms – if validated further, this information could have future clinical utility to aid patient selection for clinical trials