783 research outputs found

    Television’s Media Archaeology. Present State and Possible Directions

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    Television before TV

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    Television before TV rethinks the history of interwar television by exploring the medium’s numerous demonstrations organized at national fairs and international exhibitions in the late 1920s and 1930s. Building upon extensive archival research in Britain, Germany, and the United States, Anne-Katrin Weber analyses the sites where the new medium met its first audiences. She argues that public displays were central to television’s social construction; for the historian, the exhibitions therefore constitute crucial events to understand not only the medium’s pre-war emergence, but also its subsequent domestication in the post-war years. Designed as a transnational study, her book highlights the multiple circulations of artefacts and ideas across borders of democratic and totalitarian regimes alike. Richly illustrated with 100 photographs, Weber finally emphasizes that even without regular programmes, interwar television was widely seen

    Multiple Timescale Feature Combination towards Robust Speech Recognition

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    While a lot of progress has been made during the last years in the field of Automatic Speech recognition (ASR), one of the main remaining problems is that of robustness. Typically, state-of-the-art ASR systems work very efficiently in well-defined environments, e.g. for clean speech or known noise conditions. However, their performance degrades drastically under different conditions. Many approaches have been developed to circumvent this problem, ranging from noise cancellation to system adaptation techniques. This paper investigates the influence of using additional information from relatively long timescales to noise robustness. The multiple timescale feature combination approach is introduced. Experiments show that, while maintaining recognition performance for clean speech, robustness could be improved in noisy conditions

    Le dispositif du drone

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    Joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives in German psychiatric practice

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    This study explores the attitude of German psychiatrists in leading positions towards joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives. This topic was examined by contacting 473 medical directors of German psychiatric hospitals and departments. They were asked to complete a questionnaire developed by us. That form contained questions about the incidence and acceptance of joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives and previous experiences with them. 108 medical directors of psychiatric hospitals and departments responded (response rate: 22.8%). Their answers demonstrate that in their hospitals these documents are rarely used. Among the respondents, joint crisis plans are more accepted than psychiatric advance directives. There is a certain uncertainty when dealing with these instruments. Our main conclusion is that German psychiatry needs an intensified discussion on the use of instruments for patients to constitute procedures for future critical psychiatric events. For this purpose it will be helpful to collect more empirical data. Furthermore, the proposal of joint crisis plans in psychiatric hospitals and departments should be discussed as well as the possibility of consulting an expert during the preparation of a psychiatric advance directive

    Joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives in German psychiatric practice

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    This study explores the attitude of German psychiatrists in leading positions towards joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives. This topic was examined by contacting 473 medical directors of German psychiatric hospitals and departments. They were asked to complete a questionnaire developed by us. That form contained questions about the incidence and acceptance of joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives and previous experiences with them. 108 medical directors of psychiatric hospitals and departments responded (response rate: 22.8%). Their answers demonstrate that in their hospitals these documents are rarely used. Among the respondents, joint crisis plans are more accepted than psychiatric advance directives. There is a certain uncertainty when dealing with these instruments. Our main conclusion is that German psychiatry needs an intensified discussion on the use of instruments for patients to constitute procedures for future critical psychiatric events. For this purpose it will be helpful to collect more empirical data. Furthermore, the proposal of joint crisis plans in psychiatric hospitals and departments should be discussed as well as the possibility of consulting an expert during the preparation of a psychiatric advance directive

    Von Bonsaihund, Runzelmaulwurf und Monchichi-Bärchen : eine Studie zu Ad-hoc-Nominalkomposita des Deutschen in der Translation anhand deutscher, französischer und italienischer Ausgangs- und Zieltexte

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    Deutsche Ad-hoc-Nominalkomposita stellen für die Übersetzung eine besondere Herausforderung dar: Als ausgangssprachliche Strukturen bieten sie die Schwierigkeit der Rezeption im Sinne der korrekten Interpretation und adäquaten Wiedergabe. Bei der Anfertigung einer Übersetzung ins Deutsche stellt sich hingegen das Problem der Produktion, d. h. der Translator muss zunächst das Kompositum als eine Übersetzungsmöglichkeit erwägen und anschließend seine Verwendung kritisch abwägen. Der vorliegende Band befasst sich sprachvergleichend-translatologisch mit Ad-hoc-Nominalkomposita des Deutschen als Ausgangs- und Zielpunkt der Übersetzung und geht dabei auch der Frage nach, ob oder inwieweit diese Strukturen als „kreativ“ einzuschätzen sind. Zwar kann die Studie nur ein kleiner Beitrag zu dem komplexen Gebiet der (kreativen) Wortbildung in der Translation sein, als solcher aber vielleicht den Anstoß zu weiteren Untersuchungen liefern. Anne Weber ist Diplom-Übersetzerin für Französisch, Englisch und Italienisch. Sie war bis 2015 am Lehrstuhl für Romanische Übersetzungswissenschaft der Universität des Saarlandes beschäftigt. Neben der Wortbildung gehören zu ihren Forschungsinteressen auch die Bereiche Werbesprachforschung sowie Fachsprachenforschung