4 research outputs found

    The identification of potential factors involved in the transcriptional regulation of the phloem-specific gene ALTERED PHLOEM DEVELOPMENT (APL) and the analysis of its role during embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Die GefĂ€ĂŸbĂŒndel von Pflanzen, bestehend aus Xylem und Phloem, formen ein zusammenhĂ€ngendes System, welches die gesamte Pflanze durchzieht und essentiell fĂŒr deren Entwicklung und Wachstum ist. Es ist verantwortlich fĂŒr den Langstreckentransport und verleiht mechanische StabilitĂ€t. Xylem ist zustĂ€ndig fĂŒr den Transport von Wasser und NĂ€hrstoffen, Phloem transportiert Kohlehydrate, Proteine, RNA und andere SignalmolekĂŒle. Die Differenzierung in diese hoch spezialisierten Zelltypen ist streng reguliert, sowie zeitlich und rĂ€umlich koordiniert. Trotz zahlreicher Studien ist der MYB-Ă€hnliche Transkriptionsfaktor ALTERED PHLOEM DEVLOPMENT (APL) nach wie vor der einzig bekannte Faktor, der fĂŒr die Spezifikation von Phloem essentiell ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war durch die Identifizierung von Faktoren, die der APL Funktion vorgeschaltet sind, neue, fĂŒr die Phloementwicklung spezifische Regulatoren zu identifizieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden APL Promoter Fragmente in Hinsicht auf ihre FĂ€higkeit getestet, einerseits Reportergene zu aktivieren, sowie den bereits beschriebenen PhĂ€notyp der keimling-letalen apl-1 Mutante zu komplementieren. Dadurch konnten Promoterregionen identifiziert werden, die essentielle und gefĂ€ĂŸspezifische regulatorische Elemente enthalten. Diese Information wurde fĂŒr die DurchfĂŒhrung eines Yeast One-Hybrid Screens genutzt, mit dem Ziel, Faktoren mit direktem transkriptionellen Einfluss auf APL zu identifizieren. Unter den erhaltenen Kandidaten konnten Mitglieder der Familie der BASIC PENTACYSTEINE (BPC) Transkriptionsfaktoren als erste potentiell direkte Regulatoren von APL identifiziert werden. Weiters wurde ein bisher unbeschriebenes mutantes APL Allel, apl-2, analysiert, um die Funktion von APL selbst nĂ€her zu charakterisieren. Überraschenderweise waren apl-2/+ Pflanzen embryoletal und entwickelten sich bereits im Oktantstadium abnormal. Im Hinblick auf die beschriebenen Defekte der apl-1 Mutante im Zusammenhang mit den asymmetrischen Teilungen wĂ€hrend der Phloemdifferenzierung, kann man ĂŒber eine generelle Rolle von APL in der Orientierung von Zellteilungsebenen spekulieren. In Übereinstimmung mit der beschriebenen Verbindung zwischen der Orientierung von Zellteilungsebenen und der PIN/Auxin – Maschinerie, beobachtete ich eine Mislokalisation von PIN1 in apl-2 Embryos vom globulĂ€ren Stadium an. Zusammenfassend identifizierte ich Faktoren, die möglicherweise an der transkriptionellen Regulation von APL beteiligt sind und neue Perspektiven in unserem VerstĂ€ndnis eröffnen, wie PhloemidentitĂ€t festgelegt wird. Ein weiteres Ergebnis ist die Indentifizierung einer möglichen Rolle von APL wĂ€hrend der frĂŒhen Embryogenese, welche unabhĂ€ngig von der Spezifikation des Phloemgewebes ist.The vascular bundles, consisting of xylem and phloem, form an interconnected network throughout the whole plant body which is essential for development and growth by mediating long-distance transport and providing mechanical stability. The xylem is responsible for the transport of water and nutrients, while the phloem transports sugars, proteins, RNA, and other signalling molecules. Differentiation into these highly specialized cell types needs to be tightly coordinated in a spatial and temporal manner. Despite several studies, the MYB-like transcription factor ALTERED PHLOEM DEVELOPMENT (APL), is still the only one known required for phloem specification. Here, I aimed for the identification of novel phloem regulators by looking for factors upstream of APL. Testing APL promoter fragments for their ability to regulate reporter gene activity and to complement the previously described seedling-lethal apl-1 mutant, promoter regions harboring essential and vascular-specific regulatory elements were identified. Taking advantage of this information, a yeast one-hybrid screen was performed to identify direct regulators of APL transcription. Among the candidates obtained, members of the BASIC PENTACYSTEINE (BPC) transcription factor family were identified as the first candidates for having a direct regulatory effect on APL. In addition, the analysis of a novel APL mutant allele, apl-2, was used to characterize the function of APL itself in more detail. Surprisingly, apl-2/+ plants were embryo-lethal, displaying aberrant cell division planes as early as in the octant stage. Considering the defects described for the apl-1 mutant in connection with the asymmetric cell divisions during phloem differentiation, one might speculate about a general role of APL in orienting cell division planes. Being in line with a described link between cell plane orientation and the PIN/auxin machinery, I observed mislocalization of PIN1 in apl-2 embryos from globular stage on. Taken together, candidates for APL upstream regulators were identified opening novel avenues to understand the establishment of phloem identity in plants. In addition, I hypothesize that APL might have a function during early embryogenesis which is distinct to phloem-specification

    Monoclonal antibodies specific for disease-associated point-mutants: lamin A/C R453W and R482W.

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    Disease-linked missense mutations can alter a protein's function with fatal consequences for the affected individual. How a single amino acid substitution in a protein affects its properties, is difficult to study in the context of the cellular proteome, because mutant proteins can often not be traced in cells due to the lack of mutation-specific detection tools. Antibodies, however, with their exquisite epitope specificity permit the detection of single amino acid substitutions but are not available for the vast majority of disease-causing mutant proteins. One of the most frequently missense-mutated human genes is the LMNA gene coding for A-type lamins. Mutations in LMNA cause phenotypically heterogenous, mostly autosomal-dominant inherited diseases, termed laminopathies. The molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic heterogeneity of laminopathies, however, are not well understood. Hence, the goal of this study was the development of monoclonal antibodies specific for disease-linked point-mutant A-type lamins.Using two different approaches of antigen presentation, namely KLH-coupled peptides and the display of a complete protein domain fused to the Hepatitis B virus capsid protein, we developed monoclonal antibodies against two disease-associated lamin A/C mutants. Both antibodies display exquisite specificity for the respective mutant proteins. We show that with the help of these novel antibodies it is now possible for the first time to study specifically the properties of the mutant proteins in primary patient cells in the background of wild-type protein.We report here the development of two point-mutant specific antibodies against A-type lamins. While synthetic peptides may be the prime choice of antigen, our results show that a given target sequence may have to be presented in alternative ways to ensure the induction of a mutant-specific immune response. Point-mutant specific antibodies will represent valuable tools for basic and clinical research on a number of hereditary as well as acquired diseases caused by dominant missense mutations